3 Chris Walters Director Louis J Freeh
Plaintiff Pro Se FBI
4 1417 De Harro Defendant
Modesto, CA 95354 935 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
5 (209-529-8259) Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
6 Chris Walters, )
Plaintiff )
7 )
vs. ) Civil # CVS-892HDM (LRL)
8 ) Honorable Howard McKibbenPresides
) Magistrate Lawrence R.Leavitt
9 Louis J Freeh )
12 Jurisdictional Statement: Title 28 USCS 1331 Federal question
13 and Title 28 USCS 1343 (a)(3) Civil rights and elective
14 franchise.
15 Cause of Action: Director Louis J. Freeh failed to adequately
16 protect the National Crime Information Center from frauds,
17 shams, and inappropriate inquiries by States who used NCIC to
18 violated Chris Walters rights to due process of the law in
19 March and November, 1995 in Troy, Alabama et all....
20 Relief Sought: The negligence of Defendant Freeh question the
21 constitutionality of the National Crime Information Center and
22 violations of due process of law and raises the question of
23 relief Amicus Curiae to expunge the "record" on NCIC.
24 Respectfully Submitted By
26 Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
3 Chris Walters Director Louis J Freeh
Plaintiff Pro Se FBI
4 1417 De Harro Defendant
Modesto, CA 95354 935 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
5 (209-529-8259) Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
6 Chris Walters)
Plaintiff )
7 )
vs. ) Civil #CVS-892HDM (LRL)
8 ) The Honorable Howard McKivven
) Presiding
9 Louis J Freeh)
12 City of Troy Alabama Police Department, March, 1995: Officer:
Mr. Walters according to this NCIC "criminal history" you were
13 arrested in Dallas, Texas in July, 1993 and "convicted" of the
crime of burglary (BNO# 930054616). Mr. Walters: strange I
14 can't ever recall being tried in a Court of law anywhere,
standing before a Judge, Jury, having had to speak to a DA
15 Attorney, or having participated in a trial at law. Mr.
Walters: could you contact Dallas and get a copy of the trial
16 materials I sure would like to see the details?
17 City of Troy Alabama Police Department, November, 1995:
Officer: we contacted Dallas and they could not furnish any
18 materials which supported the claim by the NCIC you were
"convicted". The detective we spoke to explained he threw you
19 out of the jail and stated he did not need some "queer US
Senator after his ass". Officer: Could you explain that?
20 Mr. Walters: You see this publication on the internet
http://www.pp.pdx.edu/FAC/Safety/911.html on emergency
21 services in 15 states which is littered with letters from US
Senators, Congressmen, Governors..... Officer: Yeah? Mr.
23 Walters: The City of Dallas Police Department tried to steal
the materials and claim them for some other party.
As a law enforcement officer you know your life depends on
26 getting fast and accurate information from the NCIC. When you
1 run Chris Walters DOB 10-17-50: SS 261-90-6357 you are going
to hear about a non existent conviction, a collection of half
2 truths, bald faced lies, ..... which is not supported by 1
single prosecution or conviction in any Court of Law with
3 exception of some minor traffic items. The entry by Dallas for
instance would never see the light of day in a court of law,
4 but you are supposed to get involved in a case they won't
Your job wasn't dangerous enough before "convictions" without
6 trial or due process using the NCIC came into play. Paranoia
concerning government already runs rampant without a policy
7 which portends to pass off accusation, liable, slander as fact
and law. To suggest to the nation that the events here are in
8 fact policy and not a mistake would be to make the NCIC about
the most regulated process in the US and hinder your work.
"Professional Courtesy"
10 When was the last time someone walked into your office and
called the FBI, NCIC, State of Texas (Tlets), and City of
11 Dallas Police a bunch of bald faced liars? As a
"professional" in law enforcement you might call these folks
12 up and suggest they docket in this federal court their "felony
convictions" with copies of trial transcripts and exhibits,
13 name of Presiding Judge, District Attorney, name of jurors,
date and location this so called proceedings occurred at,
14 and name of Defense counsel, name of state prison I was
sentenced and my "prison record".
This is an action at law filed Amicus Curiae (friend of court)
16 seeking to have the so called "record" expunged . Where would
your office be if you were told one day you could no longer
17 use the NCIC for your business because it had been declared
unconstitutional or that to because of abusive practices you
18 had to secure a federal court order to get the information
which might benefit your investigative work?
The "Professional Courtesy" offered here asks if your Police
20 Department, District Attorney office, or other concern can
afford price of a mistake and damage which will result if the
21 unfactual statements made on the NCIC continue to be published
Respectfully Submitted By
Chris Walters, Plaintiff Pro Se
24 c/0 1417 DeHarro
Modesto, CA 95354
25 (209-529-8259)
Internet: http://www.pp.pdx.edu/FAC/Safety/911.html
26 *Docketed Sept 25th, 1996