NW Texas Hospital
Finds Gallstones-Recommends Surgery 12-20-2010
During a visit to NW Texas Health Care Systems the hospital did a CAT Scan and
the attending physician explained I have gallstones and will require surgery. Also noted
blood pressure very low 85/58?
St Joseph Memorial Hospital
Tucker J. Bierbaum MD ER Physician
1165 Montgomery Dr,
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
(707) 546-3210
Medical Record # SM02672444
St Joseph Hospital Does MRI
Banner University Medical Center
Todd Matthew Alter and John C Sakles, MD
1501 N Campbell Ave
Tucson, AZ 85724
University AZ ER Visit
Notes Gall Bladder Problem/ 1/11/2013
Dr. Sharon Hung called back and explained I have old blood clots
in lung. CT for PE found old clots and Dr. agrees they probably
were from last month.
Rogue Regional Medical Center
Dr Alica Welder MD
2650 Siskiyou Blvd,
Medford, OR 97504,
(541) 789-7000
Dr Alician Welder Referrs
Gallbladder Problem to Oregon Surgical Specialist
ER Dr. Welder MD does sonar study of gallbladder and concludes it needs to be removed and
makes referral to Oregon Surgical Specialist. OSS sets appointment for June 1, 2016