Good Shepherd Medical Center Longview, TX

Emergency Room Physician Dr. Foster
Good Shepherd Medical Center
700 E Marshal Ave
Longview, Tx
Patient Account # 30103832

Category: Client travel record:Rather easy hitchhike from Meridian to Longview with no problems and brief stop at the city of Ruston with member of Presbyterian Church who buys lunch.
Category; Initial Housing option: Housing: Salvation Army appears clean and may be an option for surgery recovery.
Category: Dr. Prognosis/Referral: Prognosis: Melanoma R Neck: Dr. Foster at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, Texas (5-19-97) emergency room writes in Case 30103832 that I have "melanoma R neck". Special Briefing To Social Worker: Dr. Foster brings in hospital social worker is briefed by doctor and myself on need for temporary housing to recover from surgery and we have an agreement that surgery will not occur and I recover sleeping in the bushes. Social Worker seems to concur with our plans and course of action. Referral for Surgery: Dr. Foster writes referral to Dr. Larry Bird for surgery (758-3376) in Longview.
Category: Salvation Army Tells Dr. Drop Dead? "Jackie" Social Worker at Salvation Army Denies Housing: 5-20-97 Interview with social worker at Salvation Army with note from Doctor for surgery.. Social worker states that the request merits no respect until after the surgery has occured and cannot authorize 1 day extension to get surgery from normal 2 days a month which are used up. Follow up discussion with hospital social worker, suggest he is not going to assist or pursue housing effort and the jest of his statement suggest that if I do not have housing then the county can forget the surgery. . Neat solution.
Category: Written Protest by Client:Written Protest Filed with Dr. Foster and social worker and copy give to local minister Jerry Turner who states he believes the local Salvation Army is operating a homeless travel agency and typically couldn't give a rats ass if the clients live or die. Hospital Social Worker Questionable: Social Worker seemed quite insistent I should go too Highway 80 Rescue Mission which is about 3 miles out of town. I'm seeking medical attention. The mission might serve as a fall back point in future for something not critical.
Category: Intercity Referral for Medical Treatment: Local Minister Refers to Tyler, TX: Dr. Jerry Turner a local Methodist Minister calls the Salvation Army Lodge in Tyler and helps to make arrangements for my treatment at Tyler, TX. The local Salvation Army says come on over and Jerry explains he frequently has to send clients to Tyler because they assist folks where Longview won't.

Good Shepherd Medical Center Longview, TX

Emergency Room Physician Dr. Foster
Good Shepherd Medical Center
700 E Marshal Ave
Longview, Tx
Patient Account # 30103832

ER-F SCN Longview,
10/17/50 46 ADM-

Dr. Foster

We consider it a priviledge to have served you during your illness. However, the examinationand treatment you have recieved have been on an emergency basis only and not intended as an effort to provide complete medical care. If your private MD is a GSMC physician or if you are referred to a GSMC physician, a copy of the record of your care will be sent to their office. It is important that you follow-up and that you report any new or remaining problems at that time, as it is impossible to recognize and treat all elements of an illness or injury in a single visit.

To help you further, we have written some specifid instructions to better help you understand your illness. Please carefully read the instructions marked with a check, which will be attached to these Aftercare Instructions Diagnosis: Melanoma R Neck Additional Instructions: Follow up with Dr. Larry Smith at his office on Wednesday morning at 8AM

X You have been referred to the following physician. Please call and make an appointment at your earliest opportunity Physician: Larry Smith Phone: 758-3376

Signature: L Foster
Your signature indicated that you have recieved the Aftercare Instructions and understand them
Patient signature Chris Walters Witness CF
Date 5/19/97

Good Shepherd Medical Center Longview, TX

Emergency Room Physician Dr. Foster
Good Shepherd Medical Center
700 E Marshal Ave
Longview, Tx
Patient Account # 30103832

Medical Bill
Account 30103832 Date: 5/19/97
Emergency Room ER Service Limited $42.00
ER Professional Fee
Emergency Eval & Manage L@ $60.00
