US District

Court Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd., Room G65
San Antonio, Texas 78206
210) 472-6550

Chris Walters,                               Counseling Director Manuel Flores 
Plaintiff Pro Se                             San Antonio College 
910 W Commerce Street                        1300 San Pedro Avenue 
San Antonio, TX 78206                        San Antonio, Texas 78212-4299 (
message 210-224-5838)                       (210-733-2300) 

Chris Walters  		)      
Plaintiff      		)                     
vs.       		)      	Civil Case: SA97CA1327                     
			)    	Recieved By Clerk: Oct 28,1997      
Manuel Flores  		)               
et all....     		)      
Defendants     		)                                 

Now Comes The Plaintiff Chris Walters before the Honorable United States District Court, Western District of Texas in this Action At Law and Complaint to Wit:

1. Jurisdiction: This action is mandated by law as required by Title 28 USC 4 Misprision the felony and permitted under Title 28 USC 1343 (a)(3) as cited by Magistrate John Primo on 12-30-93 in Walters v. Raiford SA93CA1115.

2. Cause of Action: Manuel Flores Counselor at San Antonio College states he has violated disabled student Chris Walters rights to 4th amendment as violation of Title 18 USC 241 Civil rights and Federal Privacy Act and is aiding and abetting violations of TITLE 18 CRIMES by joining assisting third parties named as actors Walters v. Miller, USCD SACV1313; Walters v. McColl USDC.NDF 4 97 CV297MP an amicus curia before the US Senate Committee on Jurisidicary; Walters v. Freeh USDC NV 96CV896HRM....

3. Relief Sought: Pursuant to Title 28 USC 4 Misprision the felony Chris Walters seeks the permission of the Court to proceed on Manuel Flores generous offer to identify his fellow "coconspirators", evidence he explained he is in possession of which he states implicates SAC legal counsel, evidence he and his coconspirators have tampered with a Social Security Claim in Florida; and various federal court actions to which they are not named and authorized parties of interest.

Respectfully Submitted By Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se Registered Voter At:
910 W Commerce
San Antonio, Texas 78206