HHS Office of Civil Rights Region X

Carmen P. Rockwell, Regional Manager Seattle, WA 98121
Voice Phone (206)615-2290
FAX (206)615-2297

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA SAN ANTONIO, TX 78206 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Chris Walters ) Chris Walters Plaintiff ) Plaintiff vs. )#SA-CV-1313 Civil # 4-97-CV-279- MP David Miller ) Gloria McColl Social Security ) Robert Oconnor USDA Civil Inspector General) Rights Coord Respondent Respondent *Amicus Curia Action *Amicus Curia Action

Oregon Attorney General David FrohnmaYER

Oregon Department of Justice
1162 Court Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-4096
(503) 378-4400

US Attorney General Janet Reno

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt

State Capitol
Salem, Oregon

This Amicus Curia brief was prepared on April 21,1998-April 24th, 1998 at Corvallis, Oregon is an apparent third party joinder to Amicus Curia Complaints filed under Americans With Disabilities Act and jurisdictions of United States Department of Health and Human Services, United States Department of Agriculture, and Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice.

Prepared and Respectfully Submitted By
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
C/o Social Security Administration
Office 962
1313 Robinhood Lane
Stockton, CA 95307

Director Victor Merced

Oregon Department of Housing & Community Services
725 Summer Street NE, Suite B
Salem OR 97301-1266
Phone: 503-986-2000
Fax: 503-986-2020

NOW COMES THE State of Oregon Department of Adult and Family Services to appear pursuant to Americans With Disabilities Act and question the suitability of a $20 Million Dollar Fine before the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Agriculture Office of Civil Rights, and such other jurisdictions as might exist and to Wit:

United States Jurisdiction

1. Title 18 USC 4 Misprison the felony Federally Mandated Report>

Community Reaching Out

Aka Sunflower House
Richard Donavan-Executive Director
865 NW Reiman Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-6177
Cause of Action #1
Housing Discrimination Based on Disability

Hi, my name is Earnst the head convict and case worker here at the Sunflower House located at 128 SW 9th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333 (541-758-3000)(Fax 541-758-3481). I received a letter from Oregon Department of Human Resources on April 20th, 1998 Disabilities Services Worker Vicki Peterson and medical records on a disabled person staying here named Chris Walters requesting a medical extension in our transitional program. As a participant in a federal program we denied the request for medical extension was denied because ADA merits no respect and the folks who run the federal government merit no respect

1. Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States Federally Mandated Report

Community Reaching Out

Aka Sunflower House
Richard Donavan-Executive Director
865 NW Reiman Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-6177
Cause of Action #2
Instruction to Leave Oregon/Discrimination on Disability

To further demonstrate disrespect for the United States Government and Oregon State laws I suggested to Chris Walters the disabled person in question he should leave Oregon and consider returning to San Antonio, Texas where his relatives are. Since Chris can’t get a bus ticket I basically told a disabled person under treatment for skin cancer to walk 2000 miles across the deserts to Texas and place himself at further risk. Disabled persons should not live in Oregon.

1. Sec. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law Federally Mandated Report

Medical Work setaside by Shelter

Community Reaching Out
Aka Sunflower House
Richard Donavan-Executive Director
865 NW Reiman Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-6177
Cause of Action #3
Denial of Medical Attention-Discrimination on Disability

Chris Walters received a letter from his Roseburg disabilities worker his benefits were approved and transferred to Albany/Corvallis under OMAP program. His worker Vicki Peterson made an appointment with Dr. Salisbury of Lebanon, Oregon for a disabilities examination which the doctor canceled. AFS Office in Corvallis, Oregon rescheduled the appointment and Dr. Salisbury canceled it again to make sure no disability statements can be gotten.

1. Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States Federally Mandated Report

HHS Office of Civil Rights Region X

Carmen P. Rockwell, Regional Manager Seattle, WA 98121
Voice Phone (206)615-2290
FAX (206)615-2297
Cause of Action #4
Theft of Food Stamps-Discrimination on Disability

When Chris Walters was unable to locate shelter for medical work in Oregon in March, 1998 he wrote a letter to his Roseburg Disability Worker and Oregon Department of Human Resources to close his food stamp case which was mailed about 30th of March, 1998. On or about April 12th, 1998 Oregon state mailed Chris Walters food stamps to him without lawful authorization and against his instruction as Oregon explained to Washington State DSHS Office in Olympia, WA. The missing of stolen food stamps have been reported stolen to postal authorities.

Oregon Attorney General David FrohnmaYER

Oregon Department of Justice
1162 Court Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-4096
(503) 378-4400

US Attorney General Janet Reno

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

The Honorable Garland Burrell Jr

United States District Court

Eastern District of California
501 "I" street,
Sacramento, Ca 95814
916) 930 - 4000

 Chris Walters   )
   vs            )       
 Mike Espy       )
Secretary of
USDA-93-1615 GEB

Exhibit #1 "Tell the Judge He Will
Receive a Severe Fucking"

This action at law includes nonprofit agencies in Oregon denying clients access to various programs including USDA commodities as "punishment for their political activities until the 23rd century".Chris Walters has been denied access to The Salvation Army Lodge at 1901 Front Street in Salem, Oregon until the "3 or 4th generation" and any right to federally funded USDA Commodities, FEMA programs as our staff explained as "punishment for his outside political activities". In 1992 Chris worked as a consultant for CEIC in Portland, Oregon who closed drug trafficking activities occuring on property of Salvation Army. Prior to Col. Morelock being transferred to Bangladesh he made numerous request to have Chris run out of Oregon because the Col. Morelock and his friends could no longer buy their dope in church.

Secretary of USDA Mike Espy and other cabinet level officers governed Inter Agency Council on Homeless in this time period. These records constructed largely from "recollection" concern use of US government programs misused too deny clients work a Question of violation Title 18 USC 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law to deny clients access to work or shelter or
Question of violation Title 18 USC 371 Sec. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant

US District Court Oregon

Former Chief Judge James Redden
1000 SW 3rd Ave
Portland, OR 97204

US Attorney General Janet Reno

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Union Gospel Mission

Director: Mr. Tom W. Zobel
345 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301-3413
(503) 362-3983
Fax: (503) 399-8673

	Chris Walters   )
	Plaintiff       )
	vs              ) CV-92-1632RE
InterAgency Council on  ) Former Chief Judge 
the Homeless            ) James Redden
Defendant               )

Arresting Homeless Seeking Work

Hi there my name is Dan Nisley the head convict here at the Union Gospel Mission in Salem, Oregon(1992). You might shrug me off as just another dumb convict who found an organization to suck on in the name of Jesus. Actually I am one of the most important people in the United States whose actions changed the course of history and was largely responsible for welfare reform of the 1990's. It was December, 1992 and I was engaged in my duties to pratice federal criminal law here in church. I was reading Mr. Walters his rights and advising him he was under"citizens arrest". I explained to the accused that I apprehended him for "postal fraud" for using our employment office to try and sell his $10.00 computer disc to various organizations. I explained to the accused he was being let off with a warning.

Walters v. InterAgency Council on Homeless in United States District Court Oregon 92-1631 RE which was filed questioned the right of "convicts" to pratice law in a church and have homeless persons seeking work arrested. Former Chief Judge James Redden explained that under precedent New Orelans v. Dukes and another ruling I could indeed be prosecuted clients for looking for work using a nonprofit agency. Dan Nisley can't thank the Judge enough for helping me settle a private score with the person in question and ultimately giving up his Judgeship for a mere convict like me.
Union Gospel Mission
345 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301-3413
(503) 362-3983
Fax: (503) 399-8673
Director: Mr. Tom W. Zobel

1. Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States Federally Mandated Report

2. Sec. 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law Federally Mandated Report

3. Sec. 402. Contempt Federally Mandated Report

Basis of Relief and Application
for $20 Million Fine on Oregon State

Given the strong statements of support from the Administration for civil rights the actions of the alleged perpetrators could be considered a slap in the face to Judicial Officers of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, US Department of Justice, USDA, US HHS Civil Rights. Given the aggressive and provocative actions of the parties in action a person might wonder why they didn’t simply visit the United States Attorney Office at Eugene and offer to urinate in his desk? The parties involved plainly state through their actions over a period of years that the the Americans With Disabilities Act and government merit no respect. Non profits in Oregon have gained national fame for misusing federal programs to abuse persons and political activities that do not serve their vested interest.

The Plaintiff is on extended leave of medical absence from USDC, WDT and USDC, NDF and has never seen or heard of anyone suggesting an "officer of the court" leave the state.

Prepared and Respectfully Submitted By
Chris Walters Plaintiff Pro Se
C/o Social Security Administration
1313 Robinhood Lane
Stockton, CA 95307


1. Letter of April 16th, 1998 from Vicki Peterson Disabilities Worker at Disabilities Services, Albany, Oregon

2. Note from Oregon AFS Office in Albany, Oregon rescheduling medical appointment with Dr. Salisbury, which was canceled without cause.

3. Notification of Case Transfere: From Roseburg, Oregon DZ4686 stating authorized benefits still valid.

4. Question of ADA Complaint Washington State DSHS Claim 2491348 as explained by worker Thomas Briganti that his job is to deny disabled person medical treatment (wants to wait 45 days to authorize filling minor Medical prescriptions.
Sec. 1708. Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally Report of Loss or Missing Food Stamps made in Longview, WA where Oregon has mailed food stamps into Washington 2 weeks after request made to close case. Filed Form 1510 April 12th, 1998.

6. Oregon states they are unable to located housing for disabled persons Needing extensions for medical treatment as suggested by Oregon Department of Human Resources Disabilities Services in Salem, Oregon on March 25th, 1998.

7. Reciept of original civil rights Complaint with USDA Civil Rights Office in July, 1997 where food stamp worker instructed Chris Walters a disabled person to "slap a police officer" to get something to eat.


HHS Office of Civil Rights Region X

Carmen P. Rockwell, Regional Manager Seattle, WA 98121
Voice Phone (206)615-2290
FAX (206)615-2297

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA SAN ANTONIO, TX 78206 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA Chris Walters ) Chris Walters Plaintiff ) Plaintiff vs. )#SA-CV-1313 Civil # 4-97-CV-279- MP David Miller ) Gloria McColl Social Security ) Robert Oconnor USDA Civil Inspector General) Rights Coord Respondent Respondent *Amicus Curia Action *Amicus Curia Action


NOW COMES the Plaintiff Chris Walters pro se and State of Oregon Department of Human Resources and Division of Disabilities Services in the Complaint filed by Chris Walters in Oregon Case File SDS 905/905A/DZ4684: Ref SSI 261-90-6357 et all...in the venue of USDC Oregon express mutual questions on constitutionality of Title 42 USC 11301 Homeless Act to Wit:


Questions whether homeless shelters are operating a travel agency under Title 42 USC 11301 Homeless Act was docketed in USDC and with United States as an Administrative Law issue appropriate to InterAgency Council on the Homless. Both Chris Walters and represenatives of Oregon Department of Human Resources have noted extreme and extraordinary difficulities in discharging their mutual obligation in having to utilize homeless shelters which are transient in nature. Chris Walters request for transportation assistance into Central Texas is to the SAMM Shelter which is a permanent long term shelter where Chris Walters can await outcome of his SSI case.

Supreme Court of the United States

1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
US Supreme Court Law On
Citizens Right to Interstate Travel

The United States Supreme Court has enacted Constitional Law on the Right of Citizens to Interstate Travel comprised by 100 some odd rulings incuding such precedents as US V Guest (383 U.S. 745 (more) 86 S. Ct. 1170; 16 L. Ed. 2d 239) and Williams V Fears 179 U.S. 270 (1900)

The gist of the Supreme Court Law is that citizens have a well established right to engaged in interstate travel and live where they so wish. Generally it is beyound the power of the federal, state, or city governments to restrict these rights.

Issue of Law

How can Chris Walters or the State of Oregon discharge their mutual obligations where a majority of homeless shelters operated and funded through Title 42 USC 11301. Homeless Act are operating a travel agency and challenging the parties right to due process and equal protection guaranteed by 5 and 14 Amendment?

Respectfully Submitted
Chris Walters, Plaintiff Pro Se