Home Haircuts & Styles
Would you like your hair or families hair cut and styled at home by former NY stylist at a reasonable price at a time of your choosing. To set appointment
leave message for Chris Walters(926-4036 *Serving Central Long Island NY.)
Hairbook a wholly owned subisidiary of NEMD reference book publishing company is involved in fashion publications, production of
reference books, sales of CD, production moving pictures on hair and styling and maintains an internet sites. We operate under color of ORS690.25 (1)
"Domestic Administration"(2) "Professional Photography." (2)Washington Title 18.16.070 Exemptions (3)California Chapter 10
Division 3 7319(c)(d) (4) Texas State Code 8451 Section 39(b)(State District Court Judge James Onion & McKay circia 1978).
License #21019 City of Medford: City of SA,TX License 714 85419; Fl License: #899A0002570, TX #2-261-90-6357-5, OR # 694893-84 *Voc Rehab"