San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries
910 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 7820
Site Supervisor: C.J. Jones:
Client# Name Style Comments
101. Client #101: Lodema G Pageboy MO Excellent
102. Client #102: Anna Bob Excellent
103. Client #103: Priscella Y Wedge-repair Excellent
Grandmother cut
104 Client #105: Janice S Pageboy Excellent
105. Client #105: Valerie L Long trim bangs Excellent
106. Client #106: Rachael D Layer cut-shag Excellent
107. Client #107: Beth H. Wedge Excellent
108. Client #108: Shelia Shave back/side Excellent
109. Client #109: Terri E Trim layers Unrated
110. Client #110: Debbie Pageboy/bangs Good
111. Client #111: Jose A Mens Excellent
112. Client #112: Mark g Mens trim Excellent
113. Client #113: Walter G 3 shaved/family Excellent
114. Client #114: Charles E Men medium Ok
115. Client #115: Jesus R Men trim Excellent
116. Client #116: Linda Trim-long Good
117. Client #117: Rebecca Shag Excellent
118. Client #118: Jerry Men-medium Good
119. Client #119: Cathy Bob makeover Excellent
120. Client #120: Melissa Geometric MO Excellent
121. Client #121: Shelia F Pageboy Excellent
122. Client #122: Jane S Stying Good
123. Client #123: Eloida Pageboy Excellent
124. Client #124: John A Men High-Tight Excellent
125. Client #125: Rhett Men Trim Good
126. Client #126: Tracy W Trim Excellent
Salvation Army
Hope Shelter
San Antonio, TX 7820
Site Supervisor: Social Worker Tina
Volunteer Coordinator Ms Kitchen
Client# Name Style Comments
127. Client #127: Michael H Long Styling Excellent
128. Client #128:Lori G Family 3Medical haircuts for
Lice mother ashed shave Oscar head for lice and girl has
short bowl-wedge Excellent
129. Client #129:Stephan-Paul LBoy &
girl has bobbed haircut Excellent
130. Client #130: Thera/Kena Wedge/Layers Excellent
131. Client #131 JorgeS/FamilyHeadshaves Excellent
132 Client #132 Lisa N Bangs-trim Excellent
133 Client #133 Maria F. Trim-Bangs Good
San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries
910 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 7820
Site Supervisor: C.J. Jones:
Client# Name Style Comments
135/141 Client #135/141 Arn Family 5 children haircuts
2 headshaves-2 hight-tight and 1 girl pageboy Excellent
142. Client #142 Jacob G. High-Tight Excellent
Salvation Army
Hope Shelter
San Antonio, TX 7820
Site Supervisor: Social Worker Tina
Volunteer Coordinator Ms Kitchen
Client# Name Style Comments
143. Client #143: Virginia Afro Excellent
144. Client #144: Mary Ann M Trim Long/bangs Good
145. Client #145: Vicki H. Wedge Excellent
145. Client #146 Melissa C Pageboy/trim Excellent
147. Client #147 Alicia P. Bob Excellent
148. Client #148 Michele D Pageboy MO Excellent
149. Client #149 Angela O Bob-makeover Excellent
150. Client #150 Michelle Trim long/bangs Excellent
Praticum Stastics Haircuts 101+150
Type of Style: # Precentage
1. Long hair(trim): 6 12%
2. Shoulder Length (pageboy): 8 16 %
3. Bob: 5 10%
4. Wedge/Geometric: 5 10%
5. Short/Layered: 3 6%
6. Shags: 2 4%
7. Afro: 2 4%
7. Mens: 7 14%
9. High & Tight: 3 6%
9. HeadShave 9 18%
10. Beard: 0 0%
Total 50 98%
Client Quality Comments @ SAMM
Haircuts 51-100
1. Excellent 41 82%
2. Good 7 14%
3. Ok 1 2%
4. Poor 0 0%
6. No Comment: 1 2%
Total: 50 100%