Notice of Remand of Questions of Law To The
President Of The United States
Addressed To the Honorable
President of the United States Barack Obama
The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Barack Obama:
I wanted to thank the Social Security Administration for dropping by since 1997 and asking if they could amend key provisions of Title 42 USC Chapter 7 Social Security Act.
Unfortunately as a private citizens and even as Counsel Pro Hac to the UN I am not permitted to receive questions of law which are reserved to the US Congress and other select
officials or otherwise receive the United States national soverngity or eminent domain.
Many of these questions have in the past been submitted to the Committees of the US Congress and are enclosed on the Plaintiff Exhibit C CD-Rom as d://ssi/index.html:
Whereas your Administration has openly proclaimed that all issues of law related to health care and similar reform are reserved to your power and authority as President of the United States I hereby cede and remand all questions and issues of law and policy to your office and your various representatives for whatever such resolution as you might deem appropriate.
A US Deputy Marshal, resident FBI Agent, and SSA Inspector General requested an emergency meeting to inquire as to whether the UN could impose sanctions on the United States. The 1503 Human Rights treaty does operate under international law and has diplomatic status but is primarily an International Amicus Curiae where persons such as myself provide technical assistance to countries who might be having human rights problems such as those found on Plaintiff Exhibit C d:/ss/fgj/index.html
Under existing Court ORDERS in the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals and USDC, New Mexico the Commissioner of Social Security has a clear cut right to request a hearing if he so desires pursuant to the provisions of Title 42 USC 405(g)(H) Judicial Review.
I certainly wish you and the administration all the best in your pursuit of excellence in government.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Chris Walters Counsel Pro Hac
UN High Commission on Human Rights
PO Box 160
Las Cruces, NM 88004
Federal Express Deliveries Certificate of Service
| Ship date Sep 22, 2009 Delivery date Sep 28, 2009 9:54 AM Beltsway, MD
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| Ship date Sep 22, 2009 Delivery date Sep 23, 2009 9:23 AM Destination Albuquerque, NM Signed for by: MVILLANUEVA
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Ship date Sep 23, 2009 Delivery date Sep 24, 2009 9:35 AM Destination Albuquerque, NM
| Ship date Sep 24, 2009 Delivery date Sep 25, 2009 12:17 PM Destination Las Cruces, NM
Additional Service on SSA Inspector
General & SSA Legal Counsel
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| Ship date Ship date Sep 25, 2009 Delivery date Oct 1, 2009 11:15 AM Destination Baltimore, MD Signed for by Little
On this 23rd Day of September, 2009 by Chris Walters Counsel of Record