National Competition For Model Shelter Program
Standardized-On Site Inspection Report

HUD Inspector General

US Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410
(202) 708-1112
On Site Inspection Reports
Have a "Mystery guest" visit the facility on several different night without explaining why you are there and simply be one of the guest and watch how things work. Complete the form when you are finished and give it to the party requesting the audit: Are generally self explanatory questions which require yes or no answer.

Name of Shelter_______________________________




Wayne Huizenga Family Campus

Broward Partnership for the Homeless, Inc.
920 Northwest 7th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311-7229
Client Check In Process
A profesional shelter operator should be able to check in clients within 20 minutes of when they arrive and avoid having embarassing themselves by having clients in bed or in line to get into a bed at 3:30PM

1. Does the community require shelter applicants to clear an NCIC background check for felony wants and warrants if shelter houses women and children:


2. Did you check in after 5:30 PM?


3. Were you asked to produce identification to receive services?


4. Does The Shelter require clients to be sober to receive services?


5. Does The Shelter require you to turn in your, weapons and realize seizure of medications is a federal offense?


6. Did shelter provide place for you to store your gear and provide a receipt and accept legal responsibility for anything which is stolen?


US Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250
USDA Programs
Audits of USDA programs found such many abuses of USDA programs such as identified in Link 1 Link 2 Link 3: Link 4 Link 5. So we ask you what is the quality of the food and could a homeless person preform a hard days work on the meals provided?

1. Is the food fresh and well prepared?


2. Does the meal avoid having too much starch and sugar or lacks in vitamin C


3. Can you perform a hard days work on meals provided?


US Department Health & Human Services

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 512-3000
Public Health &
Hygiene Requirements
The National Survey On Social Services suggested many shelters are unable to pass a simple inspection by the Health Department for public hygiene:

1. Did shelter offer clean clothing or wash old ones?


2. Was the dormitory area free of trash and hazards?


3. Was your bedding clean and free of lice, scabbies, and bed bugs?


4. Was the shower area clean and free from mold in walls or in shower?


Department Of Homeland Security

Washington, DC 20228
Security Requirements
1. Our national audit showed occassional take over of facilities by prison based gangs or Organized criminal interest- Is the shelter free of any obvious signs of being taken over?


2. Is the shelter operated by church or volunteer groups or paid staff as opposed to being operated by homeless persons?


3. Does shelter staff avoid becoming abusive with clients or threatening without provocation?


4 Is The Shelter operated with in it's design and capacity and have a good neighbor policy?


5. Were dangerous animals kept away from where clients are located?


6. Does the shelter have a working agreement with the community for certain minimum acceptable code of behavior for clients, posted as list of requirements, and explain details to clients?


US Postal service
Theft of Mail or Benefits
Our national audit note chronic theft of client mail and benefit checks in some locations:

1. Were you able to receive delivery of US Mail or checks without loss?


Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 512-3000
National Policy Requirements
The US Congress occassionally creates national policies for communities which receive federal funds.

1. Does the community a have comprehensive master plan which requires providers to work together as a team; make referrals; avoid duplication of services and meet other requirements cited in the Federal Continium of Care Plans?


2. Were clients offered screening, referrals, or counseling to other programs which might include employment, Detox, Mental Health etc...


3. Does the shelter have an employment or job contractor on the property who provides long term gainful employment?


4. Will the shelter operator allow you to long enough to seek employment say 3 months once a year and grant extensions for those having work or make a workable case management referral to transitional shelter?


5. Does the shelter make reaonable accomodations for persons with disabilities as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act:


Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 512-3000
Bonus Points/Add 10 Points
Qualification for Transitional Program
If you find that the homeless shelter actually has active and effective transitional program which makes a committment to return clients to society you should add between 10 points to the total score

HUD Inspector General

US Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410
(202) 708-1112
Scoring Report
SCORING: Add 4 points for each yes answer and if excellent in a given category add 5 bonus points. If a problem is extremely serious or life threatening deduct 5 points:

Total Points:_________________________________

Name of Mystery Guest:________________________

