Citations By Library of Congress
Federal Statutes & US Government Depositories
Perry-Castaeda Library Internet Address
Complete resource guide for Hospitals,
Social Services, and Governments in Emergencies.
CHAPS National Directory Systems. For Emergency Management
911 Homepage AT University OF
Texas At Austin
Complete resource guide for
Hospitals, Social Services,
and Governments in Emergencies.
CHAPS National Directory Systems
For Emergency Management & Social Services
Published By: Chris Walters
Perry-Casta?eda Library Internet Address
"Public Domain" Provided as "public service"
under Title 42 USCS 11301, Title 50, and Title 17
911 is a national reference book of the resources in emergency management, social
services and government. 911 covers a 15 state area representing about 100 million
persons. Lets briefly review why this publication exist and how it could be used locally:
1. Governments, organizations, and others attempting to offer assistance after
a major disaster who are not from your state need to have an exact knowledge
who to contact.
2. Potential resources also need to know where your community exist in relation
to existing highway systems, a little basic geography and other facts.
3. If FEMA declares your community a, "federal disaster area" and gives you
permission to seek assistance out of state it is important for your community
to have an existing knowledge of where "out of state" resources exist.
4. Many of the computer files of the reference book could be used to form
evacuation or eggress routes into or out of your community.
As a computerized reference book, 911 is divided into chapters which are represented
by computer files. As of August 18th, 1995, 911 has 79 files which occupy 2,675,680
Computer Bytes and print at about 2,500 pages. The contents of each file is explained
in a file index as to content and page location. Files are arranged geographically
along major interstate highway systems with counties and cities located by mile marker
to correspond to line of travel.
911 makes it easy to locate local government, emergency management contacts, social
services, hospitals,geographic features, intersecting highways, and possible hazards.
Also encoded into the files are correspondence from private concerns, government officials,
national news articles, and other testimonials. 911 and other CHAPS directories also have
2 citations by Library of Congress.
Chris Walters Author of CHAPS
Published At
Perry-Casta?eda Library
University of Texas Austin
21st and Speedway Street
(512) 495-4250