By Professor Michio Kaku

Professor Michio Kaku

On Discovery Channel
Sunday Jan 28, 2006 8PM
Profesor Michio Kaku Receives
Nobel Prize for Work In String Theory
This link is to Nobel Prize Winner Professor Michio Kaku and his excellent book on Hyperspace and multiple dimensions. The Professor is credited with creation of string theory that all atomic and subatomic particles are composed of strings which exist at the Plank Level.

Wave Packet of Electron
Wave/Particle Packets
De Broglie Phase Wave
In 1928 Prince Louis de Broglie proposed that electrons were both waves and particles as the above pictures suggest and the theory I am proposing is that the waves are composed of "strings"

Professor Carlos R Stroud Jr.
The Institute of Optics
University of Rochester
Wilmot Building
275 Hutchison Rd
Rochester, NY 14627-0186
phone (585) 275-2322
fax (585) 244-4936

Wave Packet of Electron

Professor Carlos R Stroud Jr.
The Institute of Optics
University of Rochester
Wilmot 312
275 Hutchison Rd
Rochester, NY 14627-0186
(585) 275-2598
Fax: (585) 244-4936
Wave Packets Suggest
Matter Composed of Strings?
The theory of wave packets is that electrons are composed of groups of waves or maybe strings which are created by standing wave formations.

Figure 21

Figure 22
Does Wave/Particle Theory Show
String Interaction Of Planck Energy?
Don't existing laws of physics support the concept that exchange of quanta or packets of energy composed of "strings" occur on a regular basis in the nucleus between particles and even between particles and light? Aren't we therefore suggesting certain changes do occur in "strings" in the subatomic physics on a regular basis which do not require Planck energy or 10X19 billion electron volts? If we already admit that particles are composed of string and claim that particles and various types of radiation; energy; and waves are part of the same process couldn't we also admit that light & other waves are also probally composed of "strings"? Can we use this knowledge that energy/matter are related and exchangable to tinker with or manipulate the "string" without having to probe the Planck energy 10x19 BEV at the Planck constant?

Figure 5 Theory of 10 Dimensional

& Strings Vibrations
Does String Theory
Explain Missing Mass Of Universe
Professor Michio Kaku explains in his book "Hyperspace" the theory of strings on page 153: "String theory answers this question because the sting, about 100 billion billion times smaller than a proton is vibrating; each mode of vibration represenats a distinct resonance of particle. The string is so incredibly tiny that, from a distance a resonance of a string and a particle are indistinguishable. Only when we somehow magnify the particle can we see that this is not a point at all, but a mode of vibrating string..... According to string theory, if we could somehow magnify a point particle we would actually see a small vibrating string. In fact, according to this theory, matter is nothing but the harmonies created by this vibrating string. Since there are an infinite number of harmonies that can be composed for the violin, there are an infinite number of forms of matter than can be constructed from our of vibrating strings.... Professor Michio Kaku in his excellent book "Hyperspace" presents superstring theory and concepts of multiple universes in the "N Dimensions" and scientist are missing an 80% of the mass of the universe. If you a Scientist and have to admit that a large part of the universe is missing requires some explanations. Scientist are considering that the "missing matter" or dark matter" might be present in another universe of dimension.

Figure 16-MultiDimensional Vibration

Becomes Invisible?

Figure 17 MultiDimensional Model

Vibrates Out of Vision
Strings Vibrates In 10 Dimensions?
Beyond Visible Range?
Doesen't modern string theory provide that although strings vibrate in 10 or 26 dimensions they can only be viewed in 2 dimensions in this universe? So we have a model above in which the object vibrates out of the visible spectrum into the invisible.

Event Horizon Intersection

Wilson Circles From Nova
Extra Dimensions In String Theory
Intersect With Event Horizon

This Link discusses the possibility that the strings/extra dimensions/and event horizon of our parent blackhole intersect at about the Planck level 10 (Minus 39). This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

Professor John Gribbin in The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything explains on pages 115-118 that Nambus string theory describes strings as 10(minus 13cm). the Kaluza Klein theory however describes every point in space time as a little loop at 10 (minus 32cm) with 11 dimensions. As the figure above suggest the intersection of the 3 triangles representing extra dimensions in our universe converge on the inside at the event horizon which some sources describe as (10-33 CM). This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

Figure 15-Is Light Created By Strings?
Are Light Waves Created By
The Strings in SuperString Theory?
This is a discussion on Physics Forums in 2005 (bottom of page) asked a question if light waves and the strings in Super String Theory are the same?. If we look at a wave of light we might ask if the "wave" is actually the much sought after "string" which is visible vibrating in 2 of it's 10 or 26 dimensions?

Figure 16-Relation Between Strings & Harmonics?

Press To Enlarge
Could String Vibration Harmonics
Create Light Wave Frequencies?
Would the frequency of a given wave of light be determined by the harmonies of the string vibration for instance 1 string produced green light; 1 string red;....? Could we say that the large variety of frequencies found throughout the electromagnetic spectrum are the result of large number of frequencies different strings vibrate at as we quote: Since there are an infinite number of harmonies that can be composed for the violin, there are an infinite number of forms of matter than can be constructed from our of vibrating strings...?*Professor Michio Kaku-Page 153 Hyperspace"

Figure 23 Traditional Cyclotrons

Research Tool-Update Resonance

Figure 24 Vibrations of Matters

Particle Tool Potential?
Use of Frequency Vibrations
For Studying Particles Physics?
If the universe is composed of "strings" engaged in vibrations would it be possible to study particles by using ultra high vibrations to shake matter apart to study subatomic particles? Could atoms be vibrated apart and by overloading the Yang Mills Field and gluons without the Planck energy or 10X19 billion electron volts? What would be the proper frequencies in radio waves; microwaves;maser waves; or other energy frequency to shake atoms and particles apart Instead of creating cyclotrons to accelerate matter to speed of light; could we create a much smaller machine to vibrate atoms apart? This idea appears to have been generalized In this article in 1996

Figure 25 Vibrations Caused By

High Energy Radio Waves
Masers; or Microwaves?

Klystron At Oscar

RF Cavity Device
Magnetic Vibration Devices
To Vibrate Matter Apart?
Could a high energy device be constructed of several high energy radio transmitters to vibrate particles via high energy radio waves; masers; microwaves; or prehaps even magnets shifting cycle at very high possible frequencies? This interesting link discusses various devices used to speed up particles and this link is a picture of the Klystron at Oscar RF resonator. It should be possible to induce enough vibration in the the atom to cause disintegration and production of subatomic particles or maybe even some of the string materials.

Matter Has Color and Flavor

Chart Courtsey of Particle Adventure
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Press On Image To Enlarge
Theory of Non Binary Mathmetics

Traditional binary mathmetics defines the concept of opposites as positive or negative while the book Hyperspace suggest on page 128 in Quantum Hersey that nature has provided 3 different types of particles

In many instances While we learned in school that positive 1 and negative 1 equal zero in the real world an electron; added to a proton equal a hydrogen atom-not zero. Binary mathmetics explains electrons and protons as opposites but why do where do neutrons fit on mathmetically? 3 dimensional math would seem easier to apply to multideminsional physics and if we might even ask why not a 4th dimensional; 6th dimensional or 10th dimensional math or as Professor Michio Kaku expressed the simpler term-Geometry?

Matter Has Color and Flavor

Figure 6 Matter Has Color and Flavor

Chart Courtsey of Particle Adventure
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Press On Image To Enlarge
Supersymetry & Matter
Has Flavor And Color

You can see from the representation of a nucleon composed of 3 different types or flavors of quarks and gluons, Professor Michio Kaku explains in his book "Hyperspace" on page 126-127 that scientist have to account for "Thirty-six quarks, coming in six flavors and three colors; and their antimatter counterparts to describe the strong interaction; eight Yang-Mills fields to describe gluons; Four Yang Mills fields to describe the weak and electromagnetic forces; six different types of leptons...

Figure 26

Professor Einstein
"Professor Puddinhead apparently was unaware I explained that what the wave in light is not important and then is unaware of my theory that travel faster than light is impossible. The only thing faster than light is Professor Pudding Head on his way to dinner."
Why You Can't Travel-
Faster Than Speed of Light-Unless You Cheat
What does a limit exist as to how fast light can travel in our universe? According to our theory or idea we live inside the event horizon of a black hole and light cannot excape the event horizon. You might be able to travel faster than light at the quantum level by traveling around the event horizon to another point in the singularity.

In the year 1947 some scientist speculated that travel faster than sound would be impossible. In the real world of their era however high velocity rifle bullets regularily traveled faster than sound on a regular basis. The speed of sound limits how fast sound can travel in the air as you can see from this picture of the airplane breakin the sound barrier. If the airplane travels 4 times the speed of sound or more the speed of sound remains the same;however the airplane travels faster than sound on a regular basis. What if the speed of light is not a limit on how fast something can travel but rather a limit on how fast a signal can travel through a medium such hyperspace?
Light Waves Travel
Given Distance

Let's say the string above represents the distance light travels in 1 second which on my computer screen looks like 2 inches.

Figure 26
Straighten Light Waves Out
And Guess What?

1. If I straighten the string or light wave out by pulling real hard-guess what? The string of the distance the light traveled is actually 6 inches long.

2. So if light travels 186,000 miles per second and also vibrates 50 million times and you undo the string how far did the signal actually travel?

3. Have we offered a valid proof that all light and energy travels in excess of 186,000 mps all the time?

Left Photon

Right Photon
Which Photon Is
Traveling a Twice Speed Of Light
Consider the 2 photons of light moving in exactly the opposite direction. Each second that passes the distance between then increases by twice the speed of light which itself violates the traditional constant of C itself. An observer on the photon on the right however believes he is stationary and thinks we are moving away from him at C. The observer on the right however can't see the photon on the left because the speed of light is a limit on how fast the signal can travel. Which observer is right and who is wrong might ask the wrong question by assuming your current energy level; or speed instead of being stationary is actually many times the value of C to an observer in the N Dimension in hyperspace.

Simulation of Electron Composed of Strings

Image Created by Joe Chavez
Is The Universe Composed of Strings
Progressions In Riemann surface

These pictures give a rough idea of what stings might resemble as they form subatomic particles Bernhard Riemann created the complex mathmetical formulas which create Riemann surfaces which is closely related to string theory as these images suggest.

String Theory

Image Created by Joe Chavez

String Theory

Image Created by Joe Chavez

String Theory

Image Created by Joe Chavez

String Theory

Image Created by Joe Chavez

String Theory

Image Created by Joe Chavez
String Theory
Image Created by Joe Chavez

String Theory

String Theory

String Theory