US Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence

Chairman US Senator Bob Graham
211 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-6475

Former US Senator Connie Mack

Fort Myers Regional Office
1342 Colonial Boulevard, Suite 27,
Fort Myers, Florida 33907

The Shelter

Manager Mel Eby
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301

Former Fl. Attorney General

Bob Butterworth
Can You Deny Chris Treatment
For Cancer?

Why Mel Eby Has A Right to Violate The Law-Exhibits #1-31

The Shelter's 18 member Board of Directors is a diverse cross-section of community volunteers which include a former prosecutor from Florida State Attorney General; State Legal Affairs Department and employees of the 2nd State Circuit Court of Appeals. Many of the things and events described in this report would normally land someone in jail.

Your Board of Directors Composed of State Judges & State Attorney General?

The Shelter

The Shelter

Manager Mel Eby
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301
Why Mel Has A Right
To Break The Law
The Shelter's 18 member Board of Directors is a diverse cross-section of community volunteers which include a former prosecutor from Florida State Attorney General; State Legal Affairs Department and employees of the 2nd State Circuit Court of Appeals. Many of the things and events described in this report would normally land someone in jail.

The Shelter

Manager Mel Eby
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301
We Owe The Homeless A Living?
A Doctrinal Issue
Exhibit #2

Fire Marshal

City of Tallahassee Fire Dept.
Limits Occupancy
Helping the homeless help themselves has been a matter of national policy since about 1996 when Congress passed the Welfare Reform Act" of 1996 The biggest single obstacle to operation of federally funded facilities here in Tallahassee is the no limit stay policy which places the population of The Shelter far beyound the ability and size of the resources to provide a safe, clean, and professional service.

Board of Directors

The Shelter
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301
Board of Directors Of The Shelter
Include State Circuit Court Judges
The Shelter's 18 member Board of Directors is a diverse cross-section of community volunteers. The current president is a former prosecutor and is currently working as a statewide and national facilitator and trainer. The Shelter has two other attorney's, two legislative lobbyists, two former county commissioners, and two Florida State University Faculty members. One Board member owns an acclaimed video production company and produced the award winning documentary, "Homeless in an All-America City" in 2001. One formerly long-term homeless man who has maintained independent living for over four (4) years also serves on the Board.

US Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence

Chairman US Senator Bob Graham
211 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-6475
US Senator Bob Graham-Retires
Amid Many Intelligence Failures
Chairman & US Senator Bob Graham retired from Congress amid scandals of 911 Congressional Commission inquiries over intelligence failures and oversight failures following 911. Our data suggest Senator Graham's Committee oversight failure had federal assets heavily invested in computer stalking & hacking and stealing homeless clients welfare benefits to have much chance of catching any actual terrorist organization. The US Senate Committee On Intelligence is believed to have paid little attention to information they received on several probable terrorist organizations in the Pacific Northwest which were using church based organizations as bases of operations.
Board of Directors Of The Shelter
Include State Circuit Court Judges
Deborah Kleinman-Robinson President
Program Consulatant
Department of Children & Families
1317 Winewood Blvd, Bldg 8
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-07
Fax 850-487-0688)
Danny Pietrodangelo Vice President
and Chair Public Relations Committee
William McGill Secretary
5920 Blountstown Hwy?
Tallahassee, FL 32310-9024
Sally Scott Co-Chair Volunteer Committee
Nancy Peterson Co-Chair Volunteer Committee
Tonja Wilt Chair Fundraising Committee
Attorney Jane Shaeffer Director
Jane Hunter Shaeffer
Fla Bar# 95888
2600 Bantry Bay Dr
Tallahassee Florida 32308-2202
Fax: 850/893-8491
Grant Slayden Court Adminstrator
2nd Circuit Court
850) 577-4400,
Fax: (850) 487-7947
Attorney Mary Charlotte McCall Director
Fla Bar # 299138
321 Hoffman Dr
Tallahassee Florida 32312-2759
Fax: 850/422-1945
John Brazzell Director
1652 Snowball Way
Tallahassee, FL 32301-6871
Dr. Christie KoontzDirector
The Florida State University
C2200 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2641
Fax: (850)644-7360
Former County Commissioner
Gary Yordon-Director
Douglas Throm Director
Edith Sheeks Director
9601 Miccosukee Rd # Mlc37,
Tallahassee, FL 32309
850) 878-6821
Pastor Calvin McFadden Director
Ray of Hope United Methodist Church
2821 South Monroe Street,
Tallahassee, FL 32301
850) 877-4823
Cindy Ericks Director
James H. Peterson, III,
Advocate Atty Director
James Hardin Peterson III
Fla BAR 473057
Dept of Legal Affairs
300 The Capitol
Tallahassee Florida 32399-6507

Presence of Prison Based Gangs-Self Professed Heroin Addict Buys Check Cashing Store

Presence & Operations
Prison Based Gang-
As of September, 2003 extensive evidence of a prison based gang possibly from south Florida was trying to effect a take over of the facility possibly with assistance of Mr. Mel Eby. The appearance of extensive weaponry on the property carried by the clients and physical assualts on guest and staff continued until the management effected a set of basic rules after the Manager Skip was punched in the head

The ongoing presence of weapons including guns, knives, and other items creates a serious civil liability to the operations and Board of Directors. At least 1 killing will probally have to occur before the management realizes the problem and gets sued out of existance. As 2004 most professional shelter operations require guest to turn weapons in each night during the check in process.

The Need To Make
Referrals To DETOX
The entrance to the building is littered with beer cans and liquor bottles from clients drinking on the property. Very frequently we have clients carrying bodies into the shelter of persons who appear so waster on drugs or liquor they can't walk in or appear to be sort of unconscious. The Shelter definitely needs to work more closely with the local Detox to get persons with substance abuse problems into their facility.

The Shelter

Buys Check Cashing Store?
Heroin Addict Buy
Check Cashing Store?-
Mel Eby recently explained The Shelter has purchased the adjoining check cashing store apparently with monies from the United Way provided by US Department of HUD. Presumably this will permit the resident junkie and biggest mail thief in Tallahassee to cash stolen checks and welfare items at his own check cashing store.

Theft of Clients Mail and Property

Ron Huffman's Bike
The Shelter Steals
Ron Huffman's Bike?
1. Mr. Ronald Hoffman is a older client of The Shelter who has had his bike chained to the fence for some time and 2-27-2004 reports someone cut the lock on the bike and stole it. 3 Bicycles have been reported stolen this week by cutting them off the fence.

2. The only persons known to possess or use bolt cutters are the Shelter staff.

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Question Of Violation
Title 18 USC 1700 Desertion of mails
1. The Shelter is in the habit of placing the client mail on an open counter and simply abandoning it to whatever dope head, bar fly, or other low life cares to pick it up which may violate Title 18 USC 1700 Desertion of mails

Whoever, having taken charge of any mail, voluntarily quits or deserts the same before he has delivered it into the post office at the termination of the route, or to some known mail carrier, messenger, agent, or other employee in the Postal Service authorized to receive the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both

Mr. Jackson

480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301
Question of Obstruction
Mr. Jackson Mail-Title 18 USC 1701..
1. Mr. Jackson like many other clients of The Shelter explaines his mail has been either stolen or simply returned causing him loss of his food stamp benefits.

2 This is a a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

FBI Declines Investigate Theats Against Witnesses & Victims

US Department of Justice
Question Violation
Title 18 USC 1512 Tampering with a witness..,
victim, or an informant-
1. Title 18 USC 1512 Sec. 1512. - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant 5PM Feburary 17,2004 Mr. Jackson the person mentioned in the previous section is standing in the line at the Shelter to get a bed and this guy takes about 1 hour to threaten his life; whip his ass and beat him up for no apparant reason.

2. I would just naturally have to wonder if someone has sent this guy down here to threaten him because he is the apparent victim of a Federal Crime.

Gregory Robert Miller,

United States Attorney
US Department of Justice
111 N. Adams Street, 4th Floor,
Tallahassee 32301
Fax (850)942-9577
Request Contact
The FBI To Protect-Victim or Witness
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 10:12:11 -0500 (EST)
Kellianne Dougherty
Victim Witness Assistance Program
U.S. Attorney's Office
111 N. Adams St., 4th Floor
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 942-8430
Fax: (850) 942-8424
Subject: Question of Title 18 USC 1512
Tampering with witness,
victim, information

To: Federal Informant
email deleted

To Whom It May Concern,

Please forward all information concerning this matter to the FBI Special Agent who is in charge of the investigation you are referring to.

Kelli Dougherty
Victim Witness Specialist

Special Agent In Charge

Robert K. Cromwell
7820 Arlington Expressway, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, Florida 32211
904) 721-1211
FBI Declines Investigate
Title 18 USC 1512 Tampering with a witness,,,,
From: FBI Jacksonville, FL.
To: Federal Informant

Subject:Contact Request By US Attorney

Theft, or tampering of mail falls under the jurisdiction of the Postal Inspectors Office...Thank You Federal Informant wrote:

Special Agent In Charge
Robert K. Cromwell
7820 Arlington Expressway, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, Florida 32211
904) 721-1211

Interception of Mail to Steal Food Stamp Benefits

On Line Report

Tallahassee Police Department
Police Department Dosen't
Understand complaint or Website?
From: Clendinen, Stewart

Subject:Citizen Inquiry
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 13:53:17 -0500

Dear Federal Informant

Unfortunately you did not include any information concerning what your E-mail is in reference to. Therefore I have no guide to assist me in forwarding the information. Please include a case number or reference an incident to assist me in placing your E-mail.

W. Stewart Clendinen
Public Information Office
Tallahassee Police Department
234 East 7th Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Jerry Regier, Secretary

Florida Department
of Children & Family Services
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0700
850) 487-1111
Fax: (850) 922-2993

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282

Obstruction Of US Mail
To Steal Food Stamps Exhibit #16

In 2003 the Florida Department of Children and Family Services was able to over come oppositon to delivery food stamps to a homeless person in Tallahassee, Fl.

1. Following a classic pattern of criminal activitiy members of a resident street gang occuping "The Shelter" insisted the food stamp applicant leave the shelter. which is a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1512 Threatening victim, witness, or informant

2. Staff members of The Shelter returned the food stamp card once and finally delivered it 11 days late the 2nd time. a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

3. Although delivery of the food stamp card through the US Mail was overcome twice with assistance from the US Postal Inspector.

4. CFS staff declined to unlock the pin number to allow the client access to his benefits until compelled to by outside pressure. which is a question of a question of violation of Title 18 USC 371 Sec. 371. - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

5. This type of common fraud mechanism has several common factors involving creation of overcharges in the USDA food stamp program where by the food stamp applicant does not receive his benefits

Food Stamp Benefits

Postal Inspector Retrieved

Attempt to Block PIN Activation

Theft Of US Mail Request Withdraw SSI Claim Feburary, 2004

Mr. Chris Walters

SSI 261-90-6357
c/o PO Box 4062
Tallahassee, Fl 32315
Monday, Feburary 23rd, 2004
Social Security Administration
Building B-12
2002 Old St. Augustine
Tallahassee, Fl 32301

< RE: Request Withdrawl Social Security Claim

Dear Social Security Administration:

Many thanks for processing my receiving and processing my latest application for SSI. Unfortuantely I will have to request withdrawl of my Social Security claim because of theft of the US Mail occuring at the Shelter here in Tallahassee, Fl I'm sure your staff realizes you can't complete the process without some reliable means of contacting me. The Social Security Inspector General was also provided with this information.

With Kindest Regards
Chris Walters

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Package Lost or Missing?
DateMon, 09 Feb 2004 09:33:29 -0600
To: Chris W

From: Robert Canon

Thanks! Did you get your package?

Package mailed by
Dr. Robert Cannon
University of Texas
School Of Social Work
1 University Station D3500
Austin, Texas 78712-0358
(512) 471-9653

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Question Of Violation Title 18 USc 1708
Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally
Title 18 USC 1708 - Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally this item was mailed from Austin, Texas and is believed stolen. Months later Dr. Cannon reports it was simply returned to sender as undelivered.
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 10:27:46 -0600
To: Chris W
From: Robert Canon

Subject: Re: Can You Say Hey? I let everybody know they are in your thoughts. Sophia says "Hi!" and wishes you well on the medical services front. Did I tell you we had bamboo floors put in the kitchen/dining area? They look good, but I'm still suffering from the sticker shock!

I sent your box last week so it should be getting there the middle of this week.

Keep us up to date on how you're doing!

You Need My State ID-How Long?

Ability 1st

A United Way Program
1823 Burford Court
Tallahassee, Fl 32308
We Need Your State Identification Card?
For How Long and For What?
7PM Tuesday, Feburary 17th, 2004 the lady from Ability First named Jenny who helped Christopoher Walters get his Florida State Identification Card last week explains she needs a copy for the companies records and will be back in a few minutes. It is 8:45 before she returns the ID card which seems like a real long time for someone to take an ID card a few blocks down the street to Kinko copies and make a photo copy. Hope you folks didn't take my identification somewhere else and use it in the commission of some type of crime.

Ability 1st

A United Way Program
1823 Burford Court
Tallahassee, Fl 32308
Revocation of
Federal Privacy Waivers Emailed 2-18-2004
Hello Ability First

RE: Revocation of Federal Privacy Waivers Dear Ability First Staff:

Many thanks for your excellent assistance in the past when visiting The Shelter. Unfortunately a problem involving extensive theft client Mail has arisen at The Shelter

And I am going to have to revolke all previously granted federal privacy waivers as of this date 2-18-2004

Kindest Regards
Chris Walters

Letter From

Children & Family Services
Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally
Letter Takes 6 days To Travel 1 Mile?
The letter from the Welfare Department on Jenning Street is stamped by the postal service 1-27-2004 and is delivered at The Shelter 1-2-2004. It actually took a piece of US Mail 6 days to travel a distance of about 1 mile?Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

OnGoing Theft and Pilferage of US Mail

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally
2 Week Delay in Letter From North Carolina

This is a question of a really slow postal machine where a letter from Winston Salem, NC was postmarked Janurary 16th,2004 and couldn't be picked up until Feburary 5th, 2004:

From: D Mesmer

Subject:RE: Reported stolen to postal inspector
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:58:51 -0500

Hi, Chris!

I'm sorry the money didn't get there. I don't have any way that I can send any more.

We're supposed to have another "wintry mix" Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Until later, Dan 137 Columbine Drive, apt 318 Winston Salem,NC 27106

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally
& Possible Theft of US Mail

1. Bill from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital stamped 1-17-2004 arrived 1-21-2004 a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

2. Bills from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital dated 10-2003 disappeared which is a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1708 Sec. 1708. - Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally

The Shelter

Manager Mel Eby
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee FL 32301
Shelter Manager Explains I Should
Stop Taking My Medication

Today's story is that Mel Eby explains I should stop taking my antibiotics prescribed by various doctors for chronic infections because he explains they don't know what they are doing.

Ability 1st

A United Way Program
1823 Burford Court
Tallahassee, Fl 32308

Janurary 23, 2004

To Whom It May Concern:

Chris Walters has been residing at the Tallahassee Homeless Shelter for the past few months. He currently has many health problems and requires frequent medical follow-up. He was previously residing in winston Salem, NC where he has supportive services from his church, Centenary United Methodist Church, the shelter and established medical services. Chris Walters originally left Winston Salem for Tallahasse for needed medical works-ups. However, since Mr. Walters has been to Tallahassee, the services were less then he originally expected.

Mr. Walters requests assistance to return to Winston Salem, NC he has met with the independent Living Specialist from Ability 1st, Erlinda Smith, OTRL. After an extensive interview Erlinda Smith OTRL agrees with Mr. Wlaters need to return to Winston Salem.

Please assist Chris Walters in his effort to obtain financial assistance to return to Winston Salem,NC Erlinda smith, OTRL request that Chris Walters notify Reverend Roland Barnhardt of Centenary Untied Methodist Church as (336-724-6311) regarding his intentions and re-establish supportive services

Once Mr. Walters is in Winston Salem,NC., please sche3dule an appointment with previous physicians and establish the necessary process to start Social Security Disability process. Mr. Walters plans to reside at the Winston Salme Shelter. The shelter as described by Mr. Walters has the available spce he needs due to his medical status

If you need further information, please feel free to contact Erlinda smith, OTRL at Ability 1st or Mr. Walters. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

Erlinda Smith, OTRL,

Proposed Reform Program To Eliminate Warehousing At The Shelter

It May Not Be A Castle
But It Is A Place To Sleep

Welcome to Mel's Castle. Would you like the exectutive suite, reservations for the sauna and pool; fillet bon bons on the liddo deck; or a trip to the casino a little later? Unfortuantely there was a little misunderstanding with your funding and bank and we may have to suggest slightly lesser accomodations on a temporary basis while the matter is resolved.

Identification Cards
For Guest Program

As a guest of the city you receive services in our city homeless shelter structure you need to visit the Police Department and receive a free identification. You can use this card to receive services as long as you are a member in good standing of the Guest program.

A Few Simple Rules For Our Guest
Finding The Gold In The Rainbow

A few simple rules and common courtsey will guarantee you a friendly and excellent experience as our guest and find the gold in life you deserve

Basic Shelter Rules


Let Us Store Your Weapons
The Life Saved May Be Your Own

For the safety of our staff and other guest we ask you to voluntarily turn in your weapons for safe store until you leave the next morning. List of weapons might include thermonuclear weapons; tanks; law rockets; guns; knives; razors; numb chucks; your dirty socks and other dangerous materials. Remember the life you safe you save could be your own.

DETOX Can Save You 45 Days In Jail

Your standing on our property drinking or using drugs and the police pull up explain you are under arrest and going to jail for what 45 days. A much less painful solution is to let someone know you need to go to DETOX.

Dr. Whoop Ass?

Professional Boxing Events?
You Don't Wanna Meet Dr. Whoop Ass?

A Real painful story. Well he hit this guy over some little thing after a few nasty words and got his butt whipped by several big mean looking policemen and the guys girlfriend. We can't describe all the wounds and injuries in a nice family publication like this but suffice it to say the poor soul is in County lock helping the county get paid $80.00 a day for his room and keep. You go to jail and the judge, police, jailers, and everyone but you get paid? Isn't that a bitch?

Sgt Fang
Bad Things Do Happen To Stupid People
$80.00 A Day You Spent In Jail

Guest: "Excuse me Officer why is the dog holding on to my crotch?"

Officer: Sgt. Fang has a mouthful and is having a little problem speaking but wanted to explain he dosen't like folks who drink in public; carry weapons; use drugs...

Guest: So he's going to write me a ticket?

Officer: Sgt Fang is still trying to learn to write so we'll have to call this a warning-ok". Sgt. Fang also growled it is illegal to trespass; loiter; and he gets paid $80.00 a day or more for each day you are locked up.

Need To Breed?
Need The Unmentionable?

Oh you need that!! Well we would you suggest you find a nice girl maybe at church or somewhere. Don't even think about going to the library or FSU Library and looking at porn. The campus police & authorities often frown on nonstudents visiting the campus and bothering female students or staff. Best bet is get a job, get on your feet; and date in your spare time.

Your Related to Osama?
You & Osama Have
Something In Common?

Get caught stealing and you are probally an absolute dead man.

We Are Contacting Your

Banker George Bush
Your Banker Said The Problem Is.....
Temporary Alternate Accomodations

Your Banker George Bush send us this promisary note that he has requested $250 Billion for the homeless which we understand is somewhere in the pipeline. We however have hope that some local churches and charities are speeding funds to our establishment to assist for your maintenance.

Mel Eby The Manager
Your Host Manager Mel Eby

We wanted to welcome you to Tallahassee and until the minor problems are corrected in your financial situation our staff will provide you this minor orientation to help you understand what we can and can't accomodate.

Question of Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide

Former Fl. Attorney General

Bob Butterworth
Can You Deny Chris Treatment
For Cancer?
Question of Crime Against Humanity
Based On Denial of Medical Treatment

Can you deny Chris treatment for cancer former Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth was reportedly instrumental in calling across a 6 state area in 1997 and asking various other parties to deny his victim Chris Walters treatment for cancer

United States District Court

Northern District of Alabama
1729 Fifth Ave North
Birmingham, Al 35203

Various Federal Judges

United States District Court
Northern District of Florida
111 N Adams Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301

Chris Walters


Judith McCall
USDA Civil Rights
CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S
Civil No: 4 97 CV 279 MP
Question of Crime Against Humanity
Cancer Patient Instructed to "Slap A Cop"
For Food Stamps

You need to Slap A Cop to Get Food StampsFood Stamp program asking a homeless client with cancer to slap a police officer up side of the head to get something to eatUSDA Civil Rightsand HHS civil right Divisions also examined this matter. Question of Violation of Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power Adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/34 of 29 November 1985

Various Federal Judges

United States District Court
Northern District of Florida
111 N Adams Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301

Chris Walters


Henry Hudson
United States Marshal
Question Accessory to Genocide
Obstruction USDC Order Title 18 USC 402 Contempt

A Question of Genocide involving programs operated by the US Department of HUD were filed with USDC was eventually removed to the 107th US Congress. The Shelter Staff is believed to have obstructed or seized the Order of Judge William Stafford dismissing this question of law in 1994 with the specific intent of preventing an Appeal or review of the known facts.

Food Stamps Frauds-FBI Does Not Wish Investigate

Special Agent In Charge

Joseph V Corless
Byron L Price
Supervisory Resident Agent
Post Office Box 8928
Jacksonville, Fl 32239
7820 Arlington Expressway, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, Florida 32211
904) 721-1211

In Reply: Please Refer to
File No. 44-0

Janurary 26, 1994

Mr. Chris Walters
P.O. Box 4062
Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Dear Mr. Walters:

Returned herewith is your letter, dated January 10, 1994, with enclosures, which you recently personally delivered to our Tallahassee office.

Please be advised that no investigation is being initiaged on the basis of your letter; however, a copy of your letter is being made a matter of record in our files.

Sincerely, Joesph V. Corless
Special Agent In Charge

By: Byron L. Price
Supervisory Resident Agent

Enclosures: **Arrived 1-17-94 At Shelter.
In Large Envelope- Return #94-40015WS.

US District Court

Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd., Room G65
San Antonio, Texas 78206
210) 472-6550

U.S. Court of Appeals for

the Ninth Circuit
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, CA 94110-3939

Chris Walters,          ) Chris Walters,  )
      Plaintiff Pro Se  ) Appellant       )
vs.                     )         vs.     )
                        )                 )
Burton F. Raiford,      ) Linda Blessings )
       Defendant        )      Appellee
CIV NO SA93CA11115  Docket USDC-AZ: 93-784 TUC
Dec 28 1993    Docket USCA: 94-105180
Arizona, Texas, Florida Defrauds USDA
With Approval Of Various Federal Courts
Obstruction of Federal Court Order

This is a review of how states create overcharges to United States Department of Agriculture programs by refusing to close food stamps of persons who have left thier place of residence.

The Shelter According to staff member Mr. Hollis- Mr. Eby obstructed Orders from 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in 1994. The apparent intend was to end litigation and appeals in food stamp question being held over 2,000 miles away. This is a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1708 Sec. 1708. - Theft or receipt of stolen mail matter generally with the intent to violate Title 18 USC 402 -contempt with the intent violate Title 18 USC 371 Conspiracy to defraud the United States to defraud the food stamp program as suggested by the example below:

Question of Food Stamp Fraud
Title 18 USC 372 Conspiracy Defraud the US
Exhibit #27

This section concerns CFS leaving food stamp office leaving benefits case open after being notified that the applicant had moved out of Florida to create an overcharge to the USDA program. The Principals compounded their mistake by explaining to authorities in Barstow, CA that an open case existed and that the victim Chris Walters had received his stamps December 7, 1994. When public records show that Chris Walters was in Tucson, AZ on that particular day.

District 2 Bob Williams

Cedars Executive Center
2639 N. Monroe St., Suite 100-A
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2949
FAX: 850/921-1888
Florida CFS
Caught In Food Stamp Fraud?

1. Florida Department of Children and Families issued food stamps on 10-17-1994 and ignores written request shortly later to close food stamp because I am moving out of the Florida

2. City of Tucson writes letter to local homeless shelter on December 7th, 1994 I am doing volunteer work for a City Agency as part of training program

3. Florida Department of Children and Families asked Welfare officals in Barstow, Ca not to issue food stamps 12-22-94 because they claim I picked up my benefits 12-7-1994 in Gainesville, Fl and have an "open case"

4. Exactly how I could be both in Gainesville, Fl and Tucson, AZ on 12-7-1994 remains a great myster

City of Tucson

Office of Economic Development
International Program Division
PO Box 27210,
Tucson, AZ 85726 USA
Tel: 602-781-5093
FAX: 602-791-5413

December 7th, 1994

Manager, Job Connection
PrimaVera Foundation
735 South Stone
Tucson, AZ 85701

Dear Manager

I am writing this letter to inform you that a resident at your shelter, a Mr. Chris Walters has been volunteering his time energies to an economic development project with me.

This project, an Internet database resource, will continue for several months this winter, and Chris involvement is key to the project's success.

Chris will be working part time on the project and will be looking for full-time work for the rest of the time. Of course, Chris' involvement in the project would also enhance his employability.

Chris informs me that this letter would help him secure an extension or longer period of residence at your location. I would hope so; this project needs Chris.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at the number above.
Thank you.
Signed John D'Andrea

Reports on Theft Of US Mail

Office of The Governor

The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001
June 20th, 1995

Mr. Chris Walters
480 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Dear Chris:

Thank you for your recent letter and computerized reference book. Your work is much appreciated in light of Florida's history of severe weather incidents and continued vulnerability to future events.

I am forwarding the information you sent to Mr. Joe Myers, Director of the Division of Emergency Management, Department of Community Affairs, for his review, Mr. Myers is a nationally recognized leader in his field and has worked diligently to enhance our emergency management efforts.

I appreciate your work and dedication to the citizens of our state, and good luck to you in your ongoing work in this field.

With kind regards, I am
cc: Mr. Joe Myers, Director,
Division of Emergency

**This is a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally
Governor's Letter Takes Week Detour?
Exhibit #30

This letter from Governor Lawton Childes took week to travel 1 mile. When I showed Mel Eby the letter he explained he already knew what was in it.

Former US Senator Connie Mack

Fort Myers Regional Office
1342 Colonial Boulevard, Suite 27,
Fort Myers, Florida 33907
br> June 20, 1995

Mr. Chris Walters
P.O. Box 4062
Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for your recent letter regarding your request for assistance.

I have made an inquiry on your behalf. Please be assured that as soon as I have a reply, I will be back in touch with you. If you have any questions of additional information, please contact Ann Burhans, in my Fort Myers Regional Office, located at 1342 Colonial Boulevard, Suite 27, Fort Myers, Florida 33907, (941-275-6252)

Again, thank you for contacting me
Sincerely, Connie Mack U.S. Senate

**This is a question of violation of Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of mail generally

Chairman Pat Roberts

US Senate Select
Subcommittee on Intelligence
211 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-6475

Questions Related To
Homeland Security
Exhibit #25

Chairman Peter Hoekstra

US House Permanent Select
Committe on Intelligence
H-405 U.S. Capitol Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4121

Manipulation Of US Mail To
Accessory to Terrorist Activity

1. It is believed that officals in Texas are heavily involved in theft of the US Mail in an attempt to create a fictious conviction to insert on the NCIC "criminal history".

2. The animus of the activity was to engage in extortion in support of terrorist activities. This question deferred to US Senate Committee & US House Committees.

Postal Comment Cards

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 374 376

Date 1-12-94

Comments: Enclosed Complaint U.S.D.C NDF 94-40015 Walters v. Henry E. Hudson Director of US Marshal Service concerns theft/loss US Mail-Federal Court Documents Certified P 839 223 384 to clerk U.S. Court 44 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ return reciept missing Mailed from Crossroads Station, San Antonio, TX 12-27-93 (2) P 839 232 488 to Texas OIG P839 232 488 mailed 12-28-93 from Milam Building SA, TX (3) P 839 232 487 Bonny O'Neil 3101 Park Avenue Alexandria, Va 22302 return reciept missing 12-28-93.

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 374 374

Date 1-12-94

Comments: Ramiro Carlon Arizona DES 55 N 6th Avenue, Tucson, Az 85701 Certified P 422 548 167 mailed 12-29-93 from Austin, Texas return reciept missing (4) Mail change address mailed about 12-30-93 from Austin, Texas to forward my mail from PO Box 1475 Rockport, Texas 78381. We are asking Federal Warrants Arrest Principals as circumstances permit and I will be in touch shortly with U.S. Post Exhibit in this matter.

Sincerely, Chris Walters, Plaintiff Pro Se

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 374 378

Date 1-26-94:

CERTIFIED MAIL to Ramiro Carlon, Arizona Department of Economic Security was mailed to 55 N 6th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701 on 12-29-93 from Austin, Texas 75701. Return Reciept-Proof of Service Missing.

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 374 380

Date 1-26-94

Asked White Motel on Highway 58 in Mohave, CA 95301 to return Birth Certificate and Washington State ID Card. Enclosed payment $31.50 Money Order Proof of Payment and return of items. Letter to White Motel dated 12-30-93 from Austin, Texas. (2) Food stamps from June 1993 reported Missing to Postal Customer Relations Manager in Modesto, CA 95353, Stanislaus County FS #200035-0. When inquiry made in September, 1993 Postal Officials stated no progress made in inquiry.

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 374 381

Date 1-26-94

I participated in Project Independence as required by Florida HRS to recieve food stamps Case 1008416339-Fs-01-00. Project Indepenence claims to have attempted to pay me $25.00 for each participation in their program, through United States Mail to Gneral Delivery, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 twice last year (1993). Can you call Project Independenc (904-488 )and see if they know the location of checks in question? (Enclosed letter and phone from Project Independence)

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 9 261 353

Date 1-28-94

A phone discussion with Marion County Oregon-Voter Registration (503-588-5041) indicated in 1992 (June-July) they recieved and granted a Voter Registration Card to Chris Walters living in 500 block of NE Locust at Samaratian Inn DBA House Of Prayer in Salem,Oregon 97303. The voter registration card was not recieved and is missing; was it returned or stolen? Chris Walters *** Form 1510 on Theft US Mail Attached

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 261 351

Date 1-28-94

Attorney Christopher Petit of Law Firm Tinsman and Hauser at 1 Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210-225-3121) stated he mailed an envelope to Chris Walters at PO Box 1475, Rockport, Texas 78381 after Christmas of 1993 or about 12-27-28-1993. The envelope contained legal papers which I will still need. Chris Walters. ***Form 1510 on Theft US Mail Attached.

Chief Postal Inspector Lee Heath

US Postal Inspector
3400 Lakeside DR FL 6
Miramar, FL 33027-3242
Fax : 954-436-7282
Postal Service Consumer Service Card
Card M 10 261 352

Date 1-28-94

Chris Walters mailed letter to Doris Kunzler at PO Box 1475 in Rockport, texas on or about 12-30-94 by first Class U.S. Mail from Austin, Texas 78701 (error). The letter was Christmas greeting and mailed from downtown staion, in Austin by Chris Walters. P.S. During subsequent discussion by phone with Mrs. Kunzler she stated she never recieved the letter.

US Postal Service

United States
Postal Service
January 24, 1994

Chris Walters
P.O. Box 4062
Tallahassee, Florida 32315-4062

Dear Mr. Walters:

We recieved your complaint regarding missing mail return reciepts from certified mail. Please provide copies of your mailing reciepts in the enclosed envelope. or take them to any post office, and we will file for a duplicate return receipt for each one.

On behalf of the Postal Service, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused you by this delay. If the return receipts had your old address on them, this would have contributed to the delay.

Your change of address from Rockport, Texas should take about two weeks to implement and you should now be receiving mail from your old address. If you still have not received any forwarded mail, please contact Debbie Powell, Customer Relations Coordinator, at 942-4247, and she will contact the Texas office for assistance.

Sincerely,Keith Greathouse
Customer Service & Sales
2800 S Adams St.
Tallahassee, Florida 32301-9998
Received 1-25-94 8PM

Addressed Too The Chairman

Represenative Tom Davis
US House Comittee on
Government Reform
B-350A Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
202) 225-5051

From: Congressman Tom Davis
Subject:Your Message
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 11:16:37 -0500

Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate you e-mailing me with your concerns and opinions. Please know that my office is acknowledging and registering your views.

In order to help me respond more efficiently to you, please be sure that you include your full name and U.S. mail address in every e-mail.

If your previous e-mail did not include this information, please resend your message with the information.

This is an automatically generated response to all e-mails. It is my great privilege to represent the citizens of Virginia’s 11th Congressional District.

You may find my official website helpful to you. The address is:

Again, thank you for your e-mail.
Tom Davis
Member of Congress