US Congressman Hubbard
U.S. House of Represenatives
One Hundred First Congress
Subcommittee On General Oversight
And Investigations Of The
Committee On Banking,
Finance, And Urban Affairs
ROOM B-304 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
November 17, 1989
Mr. Chris Walters
c/o CERVS Fir Street
Medford, Oregon 97501
Dear Chris:
This is to acknowledge and thank you for your November 15th,letter with enclosures which I received in my office the same
Please know that I understand and share your concern over the fraud and abuse uncovered in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
As a first step toward making sure these abuses do not reoccur, the House passed H.R. 1, The HUD reform act of 1989, on November 14. I
am enclosing a fact sheet which explains the contents of H.R. 1.
I hope you will find this information useful. Again, many thanks for writing.
With best wishes for you,
I AM Sincerely Yours
Signed Carroll Hubbard
Chairman Subcommittee
on General Oversight and
Investigations CH/VW
US InterAgency Council On Homeless
Washington, D.C. 20410
December 19th, 1988
Mr. Chris Walters
c/o 722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Dear Mr. Walters:
On behalf of Samuel R. Pierce, Jr., Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development, I would like to thank you for your I-5
Homeless Corridor survey and directory shelter list for California, Oregon, and Washington. The shelter providers listed
will be added to our mailing list for newsletters and other
informative materials.
The I-5 legislative recommendations were also most interesting. I
am sorry that you had such difficult in locating our
office. The Council was established by the McKinney Act in July,
1987, and among its other activities, has initiated a news letter
and established a field network.
For further action, Robert C. Scalia, Region X's Coordinator for
homeless programs, is being sent copies of the materials you sent
us. Mr. Scalis can be reached in the Department of Housing and
Urban Development's Seattle Office at (206-442-4610).
He would like to meet with you when you are in the Seattle area.
I am sure that you will find him not only informed, but deeply
concerned with the problem.
Sincerely Cassandra C. Moore PH.D
Executive Director
451 Seventh Street., S.W., Suite 10158
Washington, D.C. 20410
Questions to US Senate Select
Subcommittee On Intelligence
Reports to US Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence suggest
diversion of HUD and other programs has provided opportunites to terrorist and other criminal elements to misuse programs.
Report Prepared By
Chris Walters,
Appellate Counsel Assigned Too
Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20410-0001
August 17, 1993
Mr. Chris Walters
c/o P.O. Box 973
Rockport, Texas 78381
Dear Mr. Walters:
Thank you very much for your letter of July 16 with regard to a National
Database for Homeless.
We greatly appreciate your comments and recommendations. I have passed them
along to the management Excellence Team and the Policy Redesign Project for their
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.With your
participation, we can make HUD a more responsive and helpful partner for
community improvement.
M. Elizabeth Arky
Special Assistant