Universe Inside Calabi-Yau Manifold?

Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University
(Picture From Astonomy Magazine)
One Oxford Street Room 340
Cambridge MA 02138 USA
20 Proofs That Our Universe Is Inside
A Calabi-Yau Manifold Or Black Hole
This bibliography considers that some scientific evidence and theories which asks if that our Universe is actually what scientist call a "Daughter Universe which at the quantum level exist inside a black hole or a Calaba-Yau Manifold just inside the event horizon.

Other evidence exist that suggest our vast world is a as sort of a 10 deminsional P-membrane on a 3d matrix which was created when a massive star collapsed long ago. If this theory is correct the "Big Bang" which occured about 15 billion years is the point where matter in another universe was sucked into a black hole and created our reality:

1. Proof #1 Sum Over Theory By Professor Richard Feynman

2. Proof #2 Professor Schrodinger's Quantum Entanglement

3. Proof #3 Why space time is curved? by Professor Albert Einstein
4. Proof #4 Why you can't travel faster than speed of light? Cites by Professor Albert Einstein.

5. Proof #5 Creation of virtual particles through "Event Horizon" cites Professor Stephen Hawkins "Universe in a Nutshell"

6. Proof #6 Does Event Horizon define both strong and weak gravity? Cites Professor Stephen Hawkins Universe In A Nutshell

7. Proof 7 Is ZPE related to Event Horizon does zero point energy generate from energy leaking through the event horizon?

8. Proof #8 Professor Stephen Hawkins Chapter 7 Brane New World begins on page 173-201 is an extensive study of the theory of Branes and questions such as is the universe a holograph or is the universe as we see it inside a black hole". offers support for the idea that P-branes are responsible for quantum gravity in his book the Universe In A Nutshell

9. Proof #9 Professor Lisa Randall in her book Brane Theory examines the merits of Universe where gravity; weak nuclear force and other elements of are controlled by P Branes.

10 Proof 10 Three Roads to Quantum Gravity by Professor Lee Smolins asks is recommended for further research.

11. Proof #11 The Endless Universe by Professor Paul J Steinhardt is the Albert Einstein Professor in Science and on the faculty of the departments of physics and astrophysical sciences at Princeton University. The works explained in the book consider the universe to be in an endless cycle created by the interaction and collisson of branes, holographic parameters and interaction with singularities.

12. Proof #12 Explanation of Holographic Nature of Brane Theory citing Michael Talbot; Professor Jacob D. Bekenstein;Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.

12. Proof #12 Kaluza Klein Theory & Calabi-Yau Manifold string theory and interdeminsional physics.

13. Proof #14 Is Event Horizon related to string theory; multideminsional physics cites The Search for Superstrings,Symmetry, and the Theory of everything by Professor John Gribbin?

14. Proof #14 String Theory is string theory related to multi deminsions Professor Michio Kaku book Hyperspace

15. Proof #16 Extra Dimensions & Calabi-Yau Manifold By Professor Shing-Tung Yau and Professor Eugenio Calabi.

16. Proof 17 X The Unknown "Three Cosmic Enigmas, One Answer by Professor Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin and Charles Chapline

17. Proof 19 The Daughter Universe seminar last year at University of California suggested the Universe might be a daughter universe. As of late 2008 we have several scientist asking not to be cited or mentioned in this research which suggest the Daughter Universe is currently the Orphan Universe Theory.

18. Proof 20 Are Galatic Walls defined as parts of "event horizon" and prove Universe in inside of something?

19. "The Black Hole War" by Professor Leonard Susskind is an excellent review of some of the strenghts and weaknesses of theories on "Black Holes" or Singularities

20. Author Theory-the universe does not have an issue with inflation where 90% of matter is missing-the universe plainly leaks and given it's age it is a miracle there is much matter left after 15 billion years.
Daughter Universe Seminar
Kvali Institutie For Theoritical Physics
University of Southern California
Santa Barbara, California

Galatic Walls

Press On Image to Enlarge

Galatic Walls

Press On Image To Enlarge

Do Gallatic Walls Found by Hubble Telescope
Represent Event Horizon/Brane Bordering Our Universe?

Are gallatic walls found by the Hubble Deep Space telescope showing the inner boundry of the event horizon our universe resides in? While Hubble can't see to the end of the structures the implication that our universe is inside of something is obvious.

Graphic Of Black Hole

By Professor Leonard Susskind
Can We See Evidence of An "Event Horizon"
In Our Universe & Particle Co Location- Proofs 1-7
In this section we will review early research and theories that suggest that many quantum effects might be the result of out universe's interaction with an event horizon (scientist refer to as P-Branes) where all matter is co-located in or near a single point in time and space at the quantum level.

1. The Sum Over Theory by Professor Richard Feynman and the theory of particle entanglement by Professor Erwin Schrdinger showed that particles can communicate far beyond what is permitted by the laws of physics.

2. Professor Einstein's work showed that space and time are curved which is logical if you are located inside a spherical object and the limitation that communications cannot be faster than speed of light is because light cannot escape to the outside of a black hole.

3. Professor Stephen Hawking suggested Hawking Radiation where matter is created or disappears without any apparent reason unless we consider it to be coming into the Universe and leaving the universe through an event horizon.

4. Professor Thomas Valone's research on Zero Point Energy suggest means of harvesting energy coming across the "event horizon" or through Brane from outside out black hole

Proofs #1-3 Sum Over Theory

Sum Over Theory

By Professor Richard Feynman
(May 11, 1918-February 15, 1988)

Sum Over Theory

By Professor Richard Feynman
Proof #1 Sum Over Theory
Professor Richard Feynman is considered a piller of the modern scientific community. Professor Richard Feynman is generally credited with inventing the sum over all possibilities. For the particle to move from A to B it much sniff out or choose every possible route including to the end of the universe and back before taking the shortest route in a single instant as explained in this link

The theory of colocation means all matter in our Universe is inside a black hole and at the quantum level all mass is co-located at or near 1 point in time and space which is why the light can sniff out or choose every possible route in the universe and back without going faster than the speed of light-which is offered as the author's guess of what is occuring.

Quantum Entanglement

"Erwin Schrdinger"

Quantum Entanglement

"Professor Erwin Schrdinger"
Nobel Prize For Physics
Proof #2 Professor Schrodinger's
Quantum Entanglement Confirms
If your brain hasn't melted up to this point we might consider "Professor Erwin Schrdinger" "Quantum Entanglement" This established theory explains the entanglement of different particles without being in the same place. You may cry to read that in this theory is that electrons which are separated by light years can interact via a process known as tunneling and entangle although they have no meants of communciations short of violating the laws of the speed of light. How is such a thing possible?

If the concept being considered is correct in quantum physics the electrons are actually colocated or sharing part of a quantum black hole or quantum do inthe same space as does everything else in our universe. Communications is between the particles is instantaneous becuase there is no quantum distance between the particles.

Daughter Universe Seminar

Kvali Institutie For Theoritical Physics
University of California
Proof #3 Why Space/Time is Curved
Professor Einstein's theory of relativity is that space/time is curved. If the Universe is inside of the event horizon of a blackhole then space/time would have to be curved because the inside of the black hole is generally circular or curved.

Proofs 4-5 Event Horizon & Particle Entanglement

Can't Travel Faster

Than Speed of Sound
Proof #4 Why You Can't Travel-
Faster Than Speed of Light
Why does a limit exist as to how fast light can travel in our universe? Professor Einstein's Theory of Relativity explains it is not possible to travel faster than light. If we accept the premesis our universe is inside a black hole it is already known that light cannot excape the event horizon.

Figure 10 2 Electrons Repulse

Releases Photos
Book From Stanford University
Proof #5 Two Electrons Did What?
Quantum Entanglement
The book explains we can only theorize about the exact position of an electron as it moves around the atom. Where life gets interesting is where this very tiny particle sees another electron moving at a fantastic speed in another level and throw a thunder bolt in the form of a photon and deflects it.

In quantum physics and according to this idea we are inside a singularity and what occurs is that when 1 electon gets too close to another in quantum space it shoots the photon because this is no actual distance between them to speak of. This link provides more insight into the concept of Entanglement by Brian Clegg for those interested in additional research in this topic.

Matter Moving Thorugh Worm Holes
Why Particle Entanglement Occurs
If all the matter in the universe is colocated at one point in time and space at the quantum level particle entanglement is easy to understand. 2 or more particles in 1 location at the quantum level can move or interact in unison becuase they are at the same place-while in our reality they maybe thousands of light years apart.Some question about interdeminsional portal exist at the Skin Walker Ranch in Utah.

Proof 6-8 Black Holes; Hawkings Radiation; & Zero Point Energy

Professor Stephen Hawking
DAMTP University of Cambridge
Link to PBS
Proof #6 The Creation of Virtual Particles As
Hawking Radiation Inside The Event Horizon
The creation of virtual particles is where mass is created and destroied in "empty space". Professor Stephen Hawking however describes a similar process as Hawking Radiation we are going to borrow to explain creation of virtual particles and mass.

If the theory under consideration is correct every point in space in our universe is connected at the quantum level to the inside of the event horizon of our resident black hole. As matter outside the event horizon collides with the singularity it causes matter to appear without apparent cause into our universe. Matter also evaporates from our black hole to disappear across the event horizon and also into daughter universes.
Authorization To Cite Book Black Hole Wars
From Chris Walters chrissaidthanks2008@gmail.com
Date Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Subject Is it ok to cite "The Black Hole War" online:

Good Morning Professor Leonard Susskind
Varian Physics Bldg
382 Via Pueblo Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-4060

I am working on an online biliography on black holes and wanted to ask if it would be ok to cite your book "The Black Hole War" on this website:


Many Thanks Chris Walters, Author

From: Leonard Susskind sonnysusskind@gmail.com
toChris Walters chrissaidthanks2008@gmail.com
Date Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:37 AM
SubjectRe: Is it ok to cite "The Black Hole War" online:


Thomas Valone, PhD, PE

Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705

Zero Point Energy

Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705
Proof #7 Zero Point Energy
Result of Intersection of Event Horizon or Outside Brane
This link deals with where zero point energy actually comes from (not merely a vacumn). It is caused by energy and matter crossing the inside boundry of the event horizon and coming inside our universe appears closely related to ZERO Point Energy and related physics:
From: Thomas Valone
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Question on Zero Point Energy
To: NIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com

Looks like the quantum vacuum zero point energy will help explain your manifold.

Thanks for your interest in our work. You might consider getting a copy of my book, Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future. It's first chapter has been reprinted in a new McGraw-Hill college textbook, Taking Sides, Energy and Society, December, 2008. You may also want to see the one hour ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference ZPE lecture online video which is a popular introduction to the subject of "zero point energy" and how it can be used.

You might also be interested in the Omni Art Salon podcast interview on this subject under the title, "Zero point energy and more with Dr. Tom Valone" as well as the most recent interview by Conscious Media Network "Interview with Tom Valone on Alternative Energy" I also did a text-only interview with David Houle which is posted on his futurist website under the title, "Leading Scientists and Thinkers on Energy -- Thomas F. Valone".

Thomas Valone, PhD, PE

Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705

Zero Point Energy

Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705
Proof #7 Zero Point Energy
Result of Intersection of Event Horizon
The latest interview was on Progressive Radio Network with Jim Turner in October, 2008 Regarding the use of ZPE for vehicles, I have published a paper for the SPESIF conference at the end of February 2009 on using "zero bias" diodes for rectifying thermal noise and non-thermal ZPE quantum noise, which will form the basis for these converters of the near future, also summarized in the above-mentioned book. It is on the IRI website under Related Links as the Comprehensive National Energy Initiative to the Obama Energy and Environment Team. The 67-page report (3 Meg pdf) presents a 15-point plan for securing energy independence. This expanded version also includes an appended journal article by Valone on the use of "zero bias diodes" as energy harvesters. I am also co-authoring a physics article with my colleagues Drs. Jordan Maclay and Thorsten Ludwig on "Magnetism as a ZPE Effect" which is an important theoretical QM proof for permanent magnet motors to emerge as robust vehicle engines, which I look forward to calling "the magnetic car".

My introductory book, Zero Point Energy: Fuel of the Future, summarizes referenced methods for extraction of ZPE from the quantum vacuum, including a "Vacuum Engineer's Toolkit": to provide the other information you or anyone else might be seeking. (Chapter 1 was recently reprinted in 2008 by McGraw Hill in the college textbook, Taking Sides, Energy and Society by Thomas Easton.) I also analyze the deuteron in my first technical book on the subject, Practical Conversion of Zero Point Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, in connection with the first patent to propose extraction of ZPE: Frank Mead's USAF patent, which may be useful in explaining some aspects of cold fusion research since Frank proposes a "beat frequency" downshifting model for extraction.

Also, Fabrizio Pinto's patent on the extraction of electricity from ZPE using an illuminated Casimir cavity with cantilever is analyzed, along with a summary of his Physical Review journal article on the invention: These and other ZPE educational aids are available from the website

String Theory
Proofs #8-14 Do P Branes Form
Event Horizon and Create Quantum Gravity?
In this section we will review the theories of Professor Hawkins; Professor Lisa Randall; Professor Lee Smolin; Professor Professor Paul J Steinhardt that the universe is surrounded by P Branes which determine gravity the weak and strong nuclear forces. Professors Kaluza/ Klein postulated the universe as having up to 11 different dimensions and Professor Michio Kaku postulated the existance of "string theory" while Professor Michael Talbot considered the idea our world is a sort of 3 deminsional holograph operating off P-branes.

Calabiyau Manifolds

Proofs 8-10 Branes and Event Horizons

The Universe In A Nutshell

Professor Stephen Hawking
DAMTP University of Cambridge
Proof #8 The Universe In A Nutshell?
Chapter 7 Brane New World
The Universe In A Nutshell Chapter 7 Brane New World begins on page 173-201 is an extensive study of the theory of Branes and questions such as is the universe a holograph or is the universe as we see it inside a black hole". All these years I thought I had a new and novel concept and just discovered that the Professor explains the matters in a much better fashion than I can-oh well.

Warped Passages

At Amazon Com

Professor Lisa Randall
Harvard University
Jefferson 461
17 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Proof #9 Brane Theory
By Professor Lisa Randall
The Brane Theory was proposed by Dr. Lisa Randal PHD. Is it possibile that our universe is actually a membrane supported by a multidimensions mechanism or a sort of holographic projection. Like Dr. Randall's work also suggest gravity is created and made weaker or stronger by interaction of branes.

Wilkpedia described Randall Sundry Model The model is a braneworld theory developed while trying to solve the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model. It involves a finite five-dimensional bulk that is extremely warped and contains two branes: the Planckbrane (where gravity is a relatively strong force; also called "Gravitybrane") and the Tevbrane (our home with the Standard Model particles; also called "Weakbrane"). In this model, the two branes are separated in the not-necessarily large fifth dimension by approximately 16 units (the units based on the brane and bulk energies). The Planckbrane has positive brane energy, and the Tevbrane has negative brane energy. These energies are the cause of the extremely warped spacetime

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Professor Lee Smolins
31 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5
Three Roads To
Quantum Gravity
Proof #10 Does Event Horizon Defines
(P Branes) Gravity-Strong/Weak Forces?
If the theory we are considering is correct the event horizon and P Branes are the boundry which separates our 10 or 12 deminsional universe from the outside universe of the black hole at every point on the "Wilson Loop"; "Plank Level; Quantum Foam....."

1. The attraction caused by the event horizon at every point in quantum space inside our universe is much weaker than the force exerted outside where matter is drawn into the singularity.The strong of force of gravity is able to prevent the escape of light beyond the event horizon however at the quantum level inside our universe the weak force is called gravity.This probally plays an important role in the attraction and repulsion of particles where electrons lack a lot of mass however protons have much larger mass and causes larger attraction at each quantum point in space of time.

2. In Three Roads to Quantum Gravity on Page 115 Kenneth Wilson asked: " space is not continuous, but is instead represented by a kind of graph, with points connected in a regular arrantement by lines...We call such a regular graph a lattice or... Wilsons loops or Kaluza Klein Theory. In this idea the structure of space at 10 (Minus 66) or the (Plank Level 10 Minus 39) is a fine lattice where each point in represents the inside surface of the event horizon and the dimensions of the "string theory" intersect as explained in the figure above.

The Endless Universe
Proof #11 The Endless Universe
Theory of Collision of Branes
The Endless Universe by Professor Paul J Steinhardt is the Albert Einstein Professor in Science and on the faculty of the departments of physics and astrophysical sciences at Princeton University. Neil Turok holds the Chair of Mathematical Physics in the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University. The works explained in the book consider the universe to be in an endless cycle created by the interaction and collison of branes, holographic parameters and interaction with singularities.

Dr. Paul Steinhardt
Director, Center for Theoretical Science &
Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544-0708

Neil Turok

Chair of Mathematical Physics (1967)
DAMTP Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Cambridge University
Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK
Authorization To Cite
From Paul J. Steinhardt
To Chris Walters
Date Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:26 PM
RE: Can I cite your article "Before The Big Bang" on bibliography?

Dear Chris,

This is not my article it was written by Michael Lemonick for Discover. So, I would be nervous about your citing this. But you might cite our book Endless Universe and point people to the website, endlessuniverse.net, which includes simulations.

Best regards,

Michael Coleman Talbot-PHD

(1953-1992) At Amazon.Com

The Holographic Universe

Michael Coleman Talbot-PHD
At Amazon.Com
Proof #12 Explanation of Holographic
Nature of Brane Theory
The Holographic Universe was proposed by Michael Talbot (1953-1992) and By Jacob D. Bekenstein in Scientific American August 2003. In this idea of the universe as existing inside the event horizon of a black hole our reality is a sort of 2 dimensional holographic projection supported by the singularity

Jacob D. Bekenstein
Polak Professor of Theoretical Physics
Racah Institute of Physics
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram, Jerusalem, 91904
Office: Kaplun 106
Authorization To Cite
From Jacob Bekenstein,
to Chris Walters
dateThu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:20 AM
subjectRe: Can I quote your Article on research website?

Permission granted. If you quote large tracts from that paper verbatim you may need to ask permission of Scientific American. If you mean just to cite the paper as reference, you do not even need my permission.

Best,Jacob D. Bekenstein
Racah Institute of Physics
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904

Professor Theodor Kaluza

Professor Lskar Klein
Proof #13 Kaluza Klein Theory
& Calabi-Yau Manifold
This Link discusses Kaluz/Klein Circles on a matrix at Nova's Elegant Universe on the string theory as cited: "In 1919, Polish mathematician Theodor Kaluza proposed that the existence of a fourth spatial dimension might allow the linking of general relativity and electromagnetic theory. The idea, later refined by the Swedish mathematician Oskar Klein, was that space consisted of both extended and curled-up dimensions. The extended dimensions are the three spatial dimensions that we're familiar with, and the curled-up dimension is found deep within the extended dimensions and can be thought of as a circle. Experiments later showed that Kaluza and Klein's curled-up dimension did not unite general relativity and electromagnetic theory as originally hoped, but decades later, string theorists found the idea useful, even necessary.

The mathematics used in superstring theory requires at least 10 dimensions. That is, for the equations that describe superstring theory to begin to work out"for the equations to connect general relativity to quantum mechanics, to explain the nature of particles, to unify forces, and so on" they need to make use of additional dimensions. These dimensions, string theorists believe, are wrapped up in the curled-up space first described by Kaluza and Klein. To extend the curled-up space to include these added dimensions, imagine that spheres replace the Kaluza-Klein circles. Instead of one added dimension we have two if we consider only the spheres' surfaces and three if we take into account the space within the sphere. That's a total of six dimensions so far. So where are the others that superstring theory requires?

We are theorizing that every point in our universe has a space lattice which intersects with extra dimensions and the inside of the event horizon of our resident blackhole.

The Search for Superstrings,
Symmetry, and the Theory of everything
By Professor John Gribbin
University of Sussex
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sussex
Proof #14 Is The Event Horizon
String Theory,Extra Deminsions & Quantum Foam?
This Link discusses the possibility that the strings/extra dimensions/and event horizon of our resident black hole intersect at about the Planck level 10 (Minus 39) This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

Professor John Gribbin in The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything explains on pages 115-118 that Nambus string theory describes strings as 10(minus 13cm). the Kaluza Klein theory however describes every point in space time as a little loop at 10 (minus 32cm) with 11 dimensions. As the figure above suggest the intersection of the 3 triangles representing extra dimensions in our universe converge on the inside at the event horizon which some sources describe as (10-33 CM). This is visualized as extra dimensions as being small or curled up it is possible that this effect is simply caused where the intersections of the 3 triangles occur. In this theory the additional dimensions can be enormous or infinite and the Higgs Boson and other super partners might be quite large.

By Professor John Gribbin
University of Sussex
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sussex
Brighton East Sussex BN1 9QH

Authorization To Cite

Professor John Griggin (email deleted Jan 18,2007 12:28 AM
Subject: Is Our Universe Inside a Black Hole-Can I cite your book

I would prefer not to be quoted in this way, but if it is for non commercial use and you reference the book I will not forbid it. John Gribbin

By Professor Michio Kaku

Professor Michio Kaku

On Discovery Channel
Sunday Jan 28, 2006 8PM
Proof #15 Hyperspace & String Theory
This link is to Nobel Prize Winner Professor Michio Kaku and his excellent book on Hyperspace and multiple dimensions. The Professor is credited with creation of string theory.

The normal field of a tridimensional representation

of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes

Calabi-Yau manifold from The Elegant Universe

Professor Brian Green
Department of Physics
538 W. 120th St
New York, NY 10027

The normal field of a tridimensional representation

of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes
J.F. Colonna
Permission To Cite
from "J.F. Colonna (Lactamme)"

date Feb 26, 2007 1:07 AM
subject Pictures

Dear Chris Walters,

Thank you for your kind words about my work and the use you made of my pictures.

Sincerely yours,
Jean-Francois COLONNA

The normal field of a tridimensional representation

of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes

The normal field of a tridimensional representation

of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes

The normal field of a tridimensional representation

of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold
Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes

Quark and gluon structure of a nucleon

Jean Francois Colonna
CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS
france telecom, France Telecom R&D
91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
Copy Permitted for Educational Purposes
Proof #16 Extra Dimensions & Calabi-Yau Manifold
Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University
In this section we can examine the recent research of Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University published in Astronomy Magazine on the mathmetics involved where the universe is inside Calabi-Yau Manifold (singularity). Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin also publishes an article which suggest some of the missing mass of the universe or "dark matter" could in accounted for if we think of black holes as 'dark stars"

Often Quoted God's

Official Opinion
"Let There Be Light"
The Historical Perspective
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morningthe first day. A Few Words From The Almighty our benefactor and sponsor.

Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University

One Oxford Street Room 340
Cambridge MA 02138 USA
Proof #16 Extra Dimensions & Calabi-Yau Manifold
It turns out that, before superstring theory existed, two mathematicians, Eugenio Calabi of the University of Pennsylvania and Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University, described six-dimensional geometrical shapes that superstring theorists say fit the bill for the kind of structures their equations call for. If we replace the spheres in curled-up space with these Calabi-Yau shapes, we end up with 10 dimensions: three spatial, plus the six of the Calabi-Yau shapes, plus one of time. If superstring theory turns out to be correct, the idea of a world consisting of 10 or more dimensions is one that we'll need to become comfortable with. But will there ever be an explanation or a visual representation of higher dimensions that will truly satisfy the human mind? The answer to this question may forever be no. Not unless some four-dimensional life-form pulls us from our three-dimensional Spaceland and gives us a view of the world from its perspective.
Authorization To Cite
From: yau@math.harvard.edu
One Oxford Street Room 340
Cambridge MA 02138 USA

To Chris Walters chrissaidthanks2008@gmail.com
ccSteve Nadis stevenadis@comcast.net
Date Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:09 PM
Subject Re: Can your research be cited to support other theories of physics?

dear Chris .that is fine with me.
yours sincerely Yau

On Dark Energy Stars

Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin
Stanford University
LAM, Room 342
McCullough Bldg
476 Lomita Mall
Stanford CA 94305-4045
Proof #16 "X The Unknown "Three Cosmic Enigmas, One Answer
(Are Blackholes Dark Energy Stars")"
Public release date: 8-Mar-2006
Contact: Claire Bowles(London)
Kyre Austin (Boston)
New Scientist

Dark energy and dark matter, two of the greatest mysteries confronting physicists, may be two sides of the same coin. A new and as yet undiscovered kind of star could explain both phenomena and, in turn, remove black holes from the lexicon of cosmology. The audacious idea comes from George Chapline, a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, and Nobel laureate Robert Laughlin of Stanford University and their colleagues. Last week at the 22nd Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting in Santa Barbara, California,

Chapline suggested that the objects that till now have been thought of as black holes could in fact be dead stars that form as a result of an obscure quantum phenomenon. These stars could explain both dark energy and dark matter.

This radical suggestion would get round some fundamental problems posed by the existence of black holes.

One such problem arises from the idea that once matter crosses a black hole's event horizon the point beyond which not even light can escape it will be destroyed by the spacetime "singularity" at the centre of the black hole. Because information about the matter is lost forever, this conflicts with the laws of quantum mechanics, which state that information can never disappear from the universe.

Another problem is that light from an object falling into a black hole is stretched so dramatically by the immense gravity there that observers outside will see time freeze: the object will appear to sit at the event horizon for ever. This freezing of time also violates quantum mechanics. "People have been vaguely uncomfortable about these problems for a while, but they figured they'd get solved someday," says Chapline. "But that hasn't happened and I'm sure when historians look back, they'll wonder why people didn't question these contradictions."

While looking for ways to avoid these physical paradoxes, Chapline and Laughlin found some answers in an unrelated phenomenon: the bizarre behaviour of superconducting crystals as they go through something called "quantum critical phase transition" (New Scientist, 28 January, p 40). During this transition, the spin of the electrons in the crystals is predicted to fluctuate wildly, but this prediction is not borne out by observation. Instead, the fluctuations appear to slow down, and even become still, as if time itself has slowed down. "That was when we had our epiphany," Chapline says.

He and Laughlin realised that if a quantum critical phase transition happened on the surface of a star, it would slow down time and the surface would behave just like a black hole's event horizon. Quantum mechanics would not be violated because in this scenario time would never freeze entirely. "We start with effects actually seen in the lab, which I think gives it more credibility than black holes," says Chapline.

With this idea in mind, they along with Emil Mottola at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, Pawel Mazur of the University of South Carolina in Columbia and colleagues analysed the collapse of massive stars in a way that did not allow any violation of quantum mechanics.

Sure enough, in place of black holes their analysis predicts a phase transition that creates a thin quantum critical shell. The size of this shell is determined by the star's mass and, crucially, does not contain a space-time singularity. Instead, the shell contains a vacuum, just like the energy-containing vacuum of free space. As the star's mass collapses through the shell, it is converted to energy that contributes to the energy of the vacuum.

The team's calculations show that the vacuum energy inside the shell has a powerful anti-gravity effect, just like the dark energy that appears to be causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. Chapline has dubbed the objects produced this way "dark energy stars". Though this anti-gravity effect might be expected to blow the star's shell apart, calculations by Francisco Lobo of the University of Lisbon in Portugal have shown that stable dark energy stars can exist for a number of different models of vacuum energy. What's more, these stable stars would have shells that lie near the region where a black hole's event horizon would form (Classical Quantum Gravity, vol 23, p 1525).

"Dark energy stars and black holes would have identical external geometries, so it will be very difficult to tell them apart," Lobo says. "All observations used as evidence for black holes their gravitational pull on objects and the formation of accretion discs of matter around them could also work as evidence for dark energy stars." That does not mean they are completely indistinguishable. While black holes supposedly swallow anything that gets past the event horizon, quantum critical shells are a two-way street, Chapline says. Matter crossing the shell decays, and the anti-gravity should spit some of the remnants back out again. Also, quark particles crossing the shell should decay by releasing positrons and gamma rays, which would pop out of the surface.

This could explain the excess positrons that are seen at the centre of our galaxy, around the region that was hitherto thought to harbour a massive black hole. Conventional models cannot adequately explain these positrons, Chapline says. He and his colleagues have also calculated the energy spectrum of the released gamma rays. "It is very similar to the spectrum observed in gamma-ray bursts," says Chapline. The team also predicts that matter falling into a dark energy star will heat up the star, causing it to emit infrared radiation. "As telescopes improve over the next decade, we'll be able to search for this light," says Chapline. "This is a theory that should be proved one way or the other in five to ten years."

Black hole expert Marek Abramowicz at Gothenburg University in Sweden agrees that the idea of dark energy stars is worth pursuing.
"We really don't have proof that black holes exist," he says. "This is a very interesting alternative." The most intriguing fallout from this idea has to do with the strength of the vacuum energy inside the dark energy star.

This energy is related to the star's size, and for a star as big as our universe the calculated vacuum energy inside its shell matches the value of dark energy seen in the universe today. "It's like we are living inside a giant dark energy star," Chapline says. There is, of course, no explanation yet for how a universe-sized star could come into being.

At the other end of the size scale, small versions of these stars could explain dark matter. "The big bang would have created zillions of tiny dark energy stars out of the vacuum," says Chapline, who worked on this idea with Mazur. "Our universe is pervaded by dark energy, with tiny dark energy stars peppered across it." These small dark energy stars would behave just like dark matter particles: their gravity would tug on the matter around them, but they would otherwise be invisible. Abramowicz says we know too little about dark energy and dark matter to judge Chapline and Laughlin's idea, but he is not dismissing it out of hand. "At the very least we can say the idea isn't impossible."

Nobel Laureate Robert Laughlin
Stanford University
LAM, Room 342
McCullough Bldg
476 Lomita Mall
Stanford CA 94305-4045
Authorization To Cite
From George Chapline
Chris Walters
date Jan 29, 2007 4:43 PM
subject Re: Ok to cite and link "Three Cosmic Enigma Article to related website?

Quantum Entanglement

"Erwin Schrdinger"
Addressed Too: Professor Ben Susman
University of Ottawa

Please pardon the intrusion. About 10 years a bibliography entitled 20 Proofs That Our Universe Is Inside A Calabi-Yau Manifold Or Black Hole suggest why the particle entanglement exist:


Particle entanglement would occur because all the matter in the unviverse is colocated at one time and space at the quantum level A number of noted scientist endorsed the idea or did not object to it. As the knowledge of particle entanglement has advanced is this general concept still valid.

Many Thanks for your excellent article in serveral publications

Chris Walters Author

ben.sussman@nrc.ca,john.teufel@nist.gov,mike.sillanpas@aslto.fi,sungkun.hong@univie.ac.at, team@riverlane.io,yau@math.harvard.edu,bekenste@vms.huji.ac.il

Astronomy Magazine
April, 2008
Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University
One Oxford Street Room 340
Cambridge MA 02138 USA
(617) 495-0836
Fax: (617) 495-5132

Chris Walters cawalters@protonmail.com
Retired Project Coordinator

1,000 Years In Service To God and 2 Countries 1066-2066
Awaiting The Return Of The King

Links To Other Bibliographies

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Wave Packet of Electron

Professor Carols R Stroud Jr.
The String Theory &
The Wave Packet Link to Page 3

Michael Coleman Talbot-PHD

(1953-1992) At Amazon.Com

The Holographic Universe

Michael Coleman Talbot-PHD
At Amazon.Com
Proof #12 Explanation of Holographic
Nature of Brane Theory
The Holographic Universe was proposed by Michael Talbot (1953-1992) and By Jacob D. Bekenstein in Scientific American August 2003. In this idea of the universe as existing inside the event horizon of a black hole our reality is a sort of 2 dimensional holographic projection supported by the singularity

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