Rep Bob Goodlatte

House Judiciary Committee
10 Franklin Road, SE
Roanoke, VA 24011

Congressman Jim Jordan

Subcommittee On HealthCare
1524 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Jason Chaffetz

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515
Exhibit C Submitted As Evidence And
Testimony To Congress-Exclusive Jurisdiction
You are looking at part of Exhibit C a United States source document submitted as Evidence and Testimony to the several committees of the United States Congress since 1986. The survey data is occassionally used for creation of federal statutes; considering possible improvements in operation of federal programs; and study of operational field impediments. Because of the Separation of Powers found in US Constitution and various Rules of Congress it not possible to serve summons, subponeas; or other court process on Capitol Hill and persons attempting to can be detained and arrested by Capitol Police or otherwise sanctioned. Obviously the only legal reviews which can occur would require permission of the Chairman of a Congressional Committee reviewing the matters at public hearings
Standing US Court ORDERS
And Black Letter Law
Beginning in 1997 the Social Security Administration issued an Executive ORDER or Fia before a USDC, WDT link restricting legal discussions to places and times authorized by statute and have successfully defended their statutory rights from a over 500 challenges A small host of poor bastards who appear to have challenged the Sovereign rights of the Social Security Administration or Congress appear to have been thrown down the political 5 ton wood chipper and the confirmed kill list appears to include at least 1 or 2 federal judges; maybe a couple of cabinet level officers; a bunch of US Attorneys and a many more lesser persons. Whispered in the background are the strange, sacred, and holy legal incantations muttered by federal officials including Title 18 USC 402 Contempt; Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction Court Order; tampering with federal agency, Contempt of Congress...

US Senator Chuck Grassley

Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510

Congressman Mike Thompson

Ways and Means Committee
2300 County Center Dr
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Dr. Hinson

SAMM Clinic
717 Oak Street
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Chronic Infections Exhibits #54-89
1. Link Print3a.htm Exhibits 21-53

2. Exhibit #54 Medical Question Resistant to Amoxcillin?

3. Exhibit #55 Rescue Mission: You Can't Volunteer Here Your Too Infectious-Panama City, Florida 12-2003

4. Exhibit #56 Ability 1st United Way Program: Referral To North Carolina For Medical Reasons-Tallahassee,Florida Janurary 23, 2004

5. Exhibit #57 Dr.Hinson Treats Impetigo-Winston Salem, NC 3-19-2004

6. Exhibit #58 3rd Party Injury David Bradshaw-infection-Winston Salem, NC April, 2004

7. Exhibit #59 Dr.ONeill Baptist Wake Forest Hospital makes frivilious referral to internal medicine clinic (no money) Winston Salem, NC 3-14-2004

8. Exhibit #60 3rd Party Lawsuit Claims injury through infection in NC State District Court, Winston Salem, NC 2004

9. Exhibit #61 Dr.Hinson Treats impetigo-Winston Salem, NC April 15th, 2004

10. Exhibit #62 Dr.Langley Wake Forest Hospital treats Impetigo-Winston Salem, NC April 25th, 2004

11. Exhibit #63 Dr.Hinson treats Impetigo Winston Salem, NC Date:May 13, 2004

12. Exhibit #64 Your Too Infectious to remain In City of Roanoke,VA returned to Winston Salem,NC

13. Exhibit #65 Caseworker Steve Stover Recommends move to San Antonio, TX for medical work-bus ticket not possible, Winston Salem,NC

14. Exhibit #66 Dr. Frank VanMiddlesworth, PHD, MD Good Samaritan Clinic: recommends endoscopic exam shelter recommends I move on Hendersonville, NC 7-28-04

Infections Which Can

Cause Blood Clots

Cross Roads Medical Mission

Dr.Rex Boggs, Dr. Tim Schwob, &
Dr Paul Derden
P.O. Box 16852
Bristol, VA 24209-6852
Crossroads Medical Mission Exhibit #70
15 Exhibit #67 Social Security Administration appear in State District Court and admits throwing away medical records Winston Salem, NC 2004

16. Exhibit #68 Haven of Mercy Ministries Inc Director Bill Ingram: denies extension for week or so for endoscopic exam Johnson City, NC

17. Exhibit #69 Haven of Mercy Ministries Arm Pit Surgery for Homeless client for large boil in army pit Johnson City, NC

18 Exhibit #70 Cross Roads Medical Clinic Crossroads treated and evaluated Bristol, TN August, 2004

20. Exhibit #72 ANP Candace Chapin Dulling House Clinic: asks if over use of antibiotics causing colon problems: San Antonio, TX September 22nd, 2004

21. Exhibit #73 Centro Med Clinic Dr Leona Guerrero: prescribes Keflex for infctions San Antonio, TX 10-24-04

22. Exhibit #74 J Mills PAC/NB Parra M Centro Med Health Care for The Homless Referral for GI Exam Keflex for Infection San Antono, TX 9-22-04 makes written referral to GI clinic services denied by Care Link 10-12-2004

23. Exhibit #75 Fernando A. Guerra, M.D., M.P.H. chest X ray for TB *875.00 bill to taxpayers, San Antonio, TX

24. Exhibit #76 University Health System 1-800-844-6202 CareLink Denies: Medical Insurance

25. Exhibit #77 University Health System ER: Dr Morris Treats soft tissue infection-San Antono, TX

26. Exhibit #78 Dr. Victor Burgos MD Metropolitan Methodist Hospital: Treatment At Emergency Room for boil on neck-San Antonio, TX 2-16-2005

27. Exhibit #78 Dr. G.G. Rameriz MD Baptist Hospital: treating boil on neck San Antonio, TX 78203: 2-19-2005

Infections Which Can

Cause Blood Clots

Salem Hospital

665 Winter St. SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 561-5200
Surgery At Salem Hospital
Left Leg-Exhibit #84

28. Exhibit #79 Brackenridge Hospital ER: Surgery on boil on neck Austin, TX

29. Exhibit #50 Dr. Hinson: How I gave Chris ulcerative colitis over prescription of Keflex Winston Salem, NC 2005

30. Exhibit #81 Dr. Price Brackenridge Hospital ER Treatment @ Emergency Room & Potassium For Heart prescribed 20 meq Potassium; 20 mg Lassix and Tetracycline July, 2005.

31. Exhibit #82 University of Washington Medical Center Dr.Leonardy R. Frank: Treatment At Emergency Room & Fungus & Stasis Ulcers: Diagnosis #1 Tinea Cruris Prescribed Miconazole: Diagnosis #2 Stasis Dermatitis (Ulcer) Suggested follow up with clinic. Seattle, WA

32. Exhibit #83 HarborView Medical Center Pa Richard Bumberger: Treatment At Clinic & Clindaymcin for Infection- Stasis Ulcer Left Leg- Seattle, WA 10-12-2005
33. Exhibit #84 Patient Notes positive notes on & Clindaymcin

34. Exhibit #85 Memorial Urgent Care Clinic Dr. Van C Tilburg: 11/21/05 Dr. Van C. Tilburg at ER prescribed 150 mg Tables of Clindamycin for 5 days for treatment of Stalph and Dermatitis. Vancouver, Wa

35. Exhibit #86 Social Security Administration Office of Hearings and Appeals: Social Security Appeals Council Impeachs Washington State Doctors Washington State DSHS Claim #3491348 completed a consultative exam by Dr. Eric Strandberg 10-25-2005

36. Exhibit #87 Dr. Lon Morgan Winston Salem,NC June, 2006 Dr. Lon Morgan of Winston Salem, NC treats staph infection with 300 mg of Clindamyicin

37. Exhibit #88 PA Richard Bumberger: Treatment At Clinic & Clindaymcin for Infection- Stasis Ulcer Left Leg- August, 2006 the clinic is treating a staph infection on my left side and later an infection on my left leg or a large blood clot and wish me the best. Seattle, WA

38. Exhibit #89 Dr. Leighton Salem Hospital: 10-4-2006 Dr. Leighton of Salem General Hospital in Salem, Oregon does surgery on left leg for an apparent l arge infection. Salem, Oregon

39. Link Print3c.htm Exhibits 90-108

Infections Which Can

Cause Blood Clots

Exhibits #54-56 Treatment For Infections 2003

Panama City Rescue Mission

P.O. Box 2359
Panama City, FL 32402
Fax 850) 763-0099
You Can't Volunteer Here
Your Too Infectious-Exhibit #55
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003
11:25:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Chris Thanks
Subject:RE: Maybe Dumbest Question
Anyone ever asked:

Reuben Corbitt

Chris, I am terribly sorry,But our program, even for our desk personnel is physically intense, and close contact with others is required. I sincerely hope you can find another situation with Believers somewhere that can meet your needs.

Reuben Corbitt,
Individual Assistant.
Panama City Rescue Mission.

Ability 1st

A United Way Program
1823 Burford Court
Tallahassee, Fl 32308
Referral To North Carolina
For Medical Reasons-Exhibit #56
Janurary 23, 2004

To Whom It May Concern:

Chris Walters has been residing at the Tallahassee Homeless Shelter for the past few months. He currently has many health problems and requires frequent medical follow-up. He was previously residing in winston Salem, NC where he has supportive services from his church, Centenary United Methodist Church, the shelter and established medical services. Chris Walters originally left Winston Salem for Tallahasse for needed medical works-ups. However, since Mr. Walters has been to Tallahassee, the services were less then he originally expected.

SAMM Clinic

Dr Hinson
1243 N Patterson
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Dr.Hinson Treats
Impetigo-Exhibit #57
Date: Dated: 3/19/04 Diagnosis: Found Stalph Infections Prescribed skin cream; Diflucan antifungal pill & Claritin for allergies

Exhibits #58-62 Treatment For Infections 2004

SAMM Clinic

Dr Hinson
1243 N Patterson
Winston Salem,NC 27101
3rd Party Injury
Infection-Exhibit #58
Injured: David Bradshaw April, 2004 Diagnosis: My good friend: David required surgery infection of foot and hospital treatment chronic stalph infections from shaking hands.

North Carolina Baptist Hospital

Winston Salem,NC
Dr.ONeill Makes
Referral-Exhibit #59
Dr. Oneil makes referral to Internal Medicine 3/14/02004, prescribes antihistimine for allergies. Follow up not possible.

Carmen Odom Hooker

NC Depart of HHS
2001 Mail Service Center,
Raleigh, NC 27699-2001

Sarah Barnhardt

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

Anna Mills S. Wagoner, USA*

P.O. Box 1858
Greensboro, NC 27402
North Carolina Blocks
Medical Treatment Attempted Genocide 2003
This section concerns a lawsuit by a person who claims he was injured due the the State of North Carolina's and Social Security Administrations failure to address my medical issues. The State Department of Health and Human Services actually called down and canceled medical appointments at Baptist Medical Center and would qualify as a sort of half ass assassination attempt since the parties had reason to believe their actions would cause serious injury or death to the intended victim.

SAMM Clinic

Dr Hinson
1243 N Patterson
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Dr.Hinson Treats
Impetigo-Exhibit #61
April 15, 2004 Diagnosis: Found Stalph Infections Keflex

Doctor Langley

Bowman Gray Hospital
Wake Forest Univerity
April 25, 2004
Winston Salem,NC 27101
(336) 716-2255
Dr.Langley Treats
Impetigo-Exhibit #62
Diagnosis: Found Stalph Infections Keflex

SAMM Clinic

Dr Hinson
1243 N Patterson
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Dr.Hinson Treats
Impetigo-Exhibit #63
Date:May 13, 2004 Diagnosis: Found Stalph Infections Keflex Prescribed Lassix for water in legs

Exhibits #63-65 Treatment For Infections 2004

City of Roanoke

Homeless Assistance Team
310 Campbell Avenue, S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24011
(540) 853-6476
Manager (540) 853-1113
Fax (540) 853-1414
Your Too Infectious To
Remain In City of Roanoke,VA Exhibit #64
City of Roanoke Homeless Assistance Team explained I was too chronically infectious to remain in the homeless shelters system and they lacked the medical resources to deal with my medical problems. City provided a bus ticket to Winston Salem,NC

SAMM Clinic

Steve Stover
1243 N Patterson
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Caseworker Recommends
Move to San Antonio, TX Exhibit #65
Shelter Casemanager Steve Stover prepared a written recommendatiion I move to San Antonio, TX to try and get my colon work done. Assistance on bus transportation no possible.

Dr. Frank VanMiddlesworth, PHD, MD

Good Samaritan Clinic
741 Sixth Ave West
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Dr. Frank Van Middlesworth
Endoscopic Exam Exhibit #66
7-28-04 Dr. Frank Van Middlesworth, PHD, MD prescribed an encoscopic exam; suggested I might have congesting heart failure; prescribed Lassix, and Keflex for infection. Tried to make referral to San Antonio,TX however Rescue Mission staff asked Doctor not to follow through with referral. The Hendersonville Rescue Mission declined to provide an extension for medical evaluation.

Exhibit #66-68 Treatment For Infections 2004

Social Security Administration
Admits Throwing Away Medical Records Exhibit #67
The Social Security finding above cites 3 doctors and not the 104 doctors I printed and provided to officals in Janurary, 2004. Social Security officals appeared in State Superior Court in Forsyth County, NC and explained they have a legal right to throw away or refuse to process medical records or violate citizens right in any manner their see fit.

Haven of Mercy Ministries Inc

Director Bill Ingram
123 West Millard Street
Johnson City, TN 37603
Rescue Mission Nixes
Endoscopic Exam Exhibit #68
The Director of the Rescue Mission was unable to provide several week extension for the medical work to be done by Dr. Larry Schmidt

Haven of Mercy Ministries Inc

Director Bill Ingram
123 West Millard Street
Johnson City, TN 37603
Arm Pit Surgery for
Homeless Client Exhibit #69
Mission required me to volunteer work in their kitchen and a client has a large boil in his arm pit which the VA hospital will reportedly operate on.

Cross Roads Medical Mission

Dr.Rex Boggs, Dr. Tim Schwob, &
Dr Paul Derden
P.O. Box 16852
Bristol, VA 24209-6852
fax: 276-466-2800
Crossroads Medical Mission Exhibit #70
Mobile Clinic prescribes Keflex for infections; Lassix for Edema; and Potassium for Congestive Heart Failure

Haven Of Rest Rescue Mission Inc

Supervisor David Lamb
PO Box 372
624 Anderson Street
Bristol, Tennessee 37621
Fax 423-968-4697
Rescue Mission Makes
Transfer To San Antonio Exhibit #71
8-26-04 The Haven of Rest Rescue Mission has taken a lead in getting the medical work back on track by making a written referral to San Antonio and assisting in providing a bus ticket. South Texas has indigent health care programs which might be able to pay for the expensive medical work and long term shelters which may allow extensions as required. This is an example of Christianity in Action where someone has gone out of the way to show some Jesus.

Exhibit #71-74 Treatment For Infections 2004

ANP Candace Chapin

Dulling House Clinic
204 Noland
San Antonio,TX 78205
Commendation For
Medical Work-Exhibit #71
September 22nd, 2004: ANP Candace Chapin asked if the antibiotics I was taking which were prescribed by North Carolina Dr. Hinson are appropriate? It turns out that Keflex causes colitis in persons with colon problems.

Centro Med

El Centro De Barrio
Dr Leona Guerrero
920 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
Referral for GI Exam
Keflex for Infection Exhibit #72
10-24-04 Physician Assistant Leona Guerrerro prescribed Keflex for stalph infection & boils. Prescribes Zyrtec 10 MP Tabs for allergies.

J Mills PAC/NB Parra M

Centro Med
Health Care for The Homless
920 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
210-227-2801xt 15
Fax 210-227-2875
Referral for GI Exam
Keflex for Infection Exhibit #73
9-22-04 Physician Assistant Jane Mills makes written referral to GI clinic and prescribed Keflex for stalph infection on hand. Follow up exam for general physical 9-29-04 which was denied 10-12-2004

Fernando A. Guerra, M.D., M.P.H.

Director of Health
332 W. Commerce
San Antonio, Texas 78205-2489
(210) 207-8780
FAX (210)207-8999
Why We Like To
Pay More Taxes Exhibit #74
How hard could it be to stick a colon scope up the patients backside and find out what is broken? First we required Chris to get a TB Exam he didn't need and sandbagged the taxpayers with a $875.00 bill for unneeded chest Xray. Chris had applied for for carelink with a residence letter from Centro Medico which we had declined to accept as proof of residence. The reason we do things like this is because we just love to pay more taxes to support folks like Chris.

Care Link

University Health System
CareLink Denies
Medical Insurance Exhibit #75
Carelink denied the request for medical insurance based in Centro Med residence statement and the referral below:

Exhibit #75-78 Treatment For Infections 2005

Care Link

University Health System
Dr Morris Treats
Soft Tissue Infection-Exhibit #76
University Health System PA William D Morris prescribed Dicloxacillin 500 MG for "soft tissue infection".

Dr. Victor Burgos MD

Metropolitan Methodist Hospital
1310 McCullough
San Antonio, TX 78203
Treatment At Emergency Room
For Boil On Neck-Exhibit #77
Metropolitan Methodist Hospital Dr. Victor Burgos MD 2-16-2005 is prescribing Keflex for boil on back of neck. Dr. suggest it too deep and hard to lance and recommends hot compresses.

Dr. G.G. Rameriz MD

Baptist Hospital
111 Dallas St.
San Antonio, TX 78203
Treatment At Emergency Room
For Boil On Neck Exhibit #78
Baptist Hospital Dr. G.G. Rameriz MD 2-19-2005 is prescribing Doxycycline Monohydrage 100 MG for boil on back of neck which has popped open and is draining.

Exhibits #80-81 Chronic Infections 2005

Brackenridge Hospital

601 East 15th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Surgery At
Emergency Room-Exhibit #79
Surgery At Emergency Room on boil on right buttocks doctors prescribed Doxcillin and Potassium supplement for heart


Brackenridge Hospital
601 East 15th Street
Austin, TX 78701

Dr. Hinson

SAMM Clinic
717 Oak Street
Winston Salem,NC 27101

Keflex Causes

How I Helped Give Chris
Ulcerative Colitis Exhibit #80
I treated Chris Walters for 5 years from 2000-2005 for chronic stalph infections and helped develop a standard treatment of Keflex. I saw and treated Chris on 4-25-02; April, 2002; 3/19/04;April 15,2004; May 13,2004; 4/7/05 and 4/21/05 and established a Keflex treatment.

Unfortunately I didn't know that Keflex is not an appropriate treatment for patients such as Chris was a long history of colon problems. The medication encourges too much Clostridium difficile, which can in turn cause Necrotizing colitis; pseudomembranous colitis;interstitial nephritis... Chris developed some of the classic side effects of ulcerative colotis including chronic diarrhea fatigue, rectal itching, inflammation of the stomach, swelling due to fluid retention,....

Brackenridge Hospital

601 East 15th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Treatment @ Emergency Room
& Potassium For Heart Exhibit #81
Dr. Price prescribed 20 meq Potassium; 20 mg Lassix and Tetracycline July, 2005. Treating recurrent impetigo.

Dr. Morgan

Winston Salem,NC
Dr. Morgan Treats
Staph Infection #87
June, 2006 Dr. Lon Morgan of Winston Salem, NC treats staph infection with 300 mg of Clindamyicin

Exhibits #82-84 Infections 2005-2006

University of Washington Medical Center

Dr.Leonardy R. Frank
Medical Record #U2499029
PT Acct: 1708881033
Emergency Room
1959 NE Pacific St
PO Box 356123
Seattle, WA 98195-6123
Fax 206-598-4939
Treatment At Emergency Room
& Fungus & Stasis Ulcers Exhibit #82
Diagnosis #1 Tinea Cruris Prescribed Miconazole: Diagnosis #2 Stasis Dermatitis (Ulcer) Suggested follow up with clinic.

HarborView Medical Center

Pa Richard Bumberger
3rd Avenue Clinic
Seattle, Wa 98104
Treatment At Clinic
& Clindaymcin for Infection-
Stasis Ulcer Left Leg-Exhibit #83
Physcian Richard Bumberger 10-12-2005 3rd Avenue Clinic: Prescribed 10 day supply of Clindamcin for possible "Stalph infection or cellulitis" and Stasis Ulcer on left leg. Clindaymcin is 150 Mg 2 tablets 4 time a day. Clotrimazole Cream USP 1% prescribed for Tinea Cruris aka Jock Itch.

Physician Assistant Richard Bumberger explained "stasis ulcer" on lower left leg or ankle probally caused by poor blood circulation.
Positive Notes On
& Clindaymcin Exhibit #84
Seems to do pretty good job of arresting the infection and has no apparent adverse effects on colon

Salem Hospital

665 Winter St. SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 561-5200
Surgery At Salem Hospital
Left Leg-Exhibit #84
10-4-2006 Dr. Leighton of Salem General Hospital in Salem, Oregon does surgery on left leg for an apparent large infection. PT 45833977

Exhibits #85-88 Infections 2006

Memorial Urgent Care Clinic

Dr. Van C Tilburg
Memorial Urgent Care Clinic
3400 Main Street
Vancouver, WA 98663
Treatment of Stalph #85
11/21/05 Dr. Van C. Tilburg at ER prescribed 150 mg Tables of Clindamycin for 5 days for treatment of Stalph and Dermatitis.

Appeals Council

Office of Hearings and Appeals
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 24041-3255
Social Security Appeals Council Impeachs
Washington State Doctors and Findings #86
This link reviews The Social Security Administrations represenative Washington State DSHS Claim #3491348 completed a consultative exam by Dr. Eric Strandberg 10-25-2005 and recommended Echo Cardio Gram; Venous Studies of Legs; and Colonoscopy. A follow up consultative exam by Dr. Pinon suggested similar recommendations. By 12-2005 Social Security officials are reportedly aware of the disability claim and actively contacting medical authorities and asking them to discontinue medical work. US Senator Bob Smith the Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee instructed the Social Security Appeals Council to overturn the mistakes of the Office of Hearings and Appeals. The Social Security Appeals Council returned their ORDER 12-24-06 which apparently impeached the actions and findings of their represenative Washington State DSHS4.

HarborView Medical Center

Pa Richard Bumberger
3rd Avenue Clinic
Seattle, Wa 98104
Treatment At Clinic
& Clindaymcin for Infection-
Stasis Ulcer Left Leg-Exhibit #88
August, 2006 the clinic is treating a staph infection on my left side and later an infection on my left leg or a large blood clot and wish me the best