US Senator Chuck Grassley

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-7703

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751

Senator James Langford

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
316 Hart SOB
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5754

Chairman Jason Chaffetz

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5074
Fax: (202) 225-3974

US Congresman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman House Judiciary
10 Franklin Road, SE Suite 540
Roanoke, VA 24011

Social Security Commissioner

Kenneth Apfel
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

Davic W Williams

Former Social Security Inspector General
Social Security Administrationl
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

Former Texas Attorney General

Dan Morales-Sentenced
4 Years In Federal Prison
No Longer Divine?
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548

Required Disability Determinations By Statues
& Limited By Numerous Court ORDERS
Title 42 USC 423(d)(5)(b) Disability insurance benefit payments There are only 6 authorized protocols where claimiant for SSI benefits can engage in legal processes relating to application for Social Security benefits. . The Social Security has prevailed at law in 1997, 2007 and 2009 to prevent any additional legal processes and various interest attempting to move against the law have received substantial sanctions

1.. SSI Application and initial review and submission of medical evidence in 2002

2. SSI reconsideration

3. Administrative Judge Review

4. Appeals Council and Page 2

5. Commissioner's Final Determination Page 2 and later grant of benefits Benefits granted also Page 2

Title 42 USC Sec 405(G)H) Judicial Review provides for the Commissioner's final determination to be reviewed in a United States District Court by a federal judge as seen in Walters v Asture USDC, Idaho 1:11-cv-000359-LMB and being citex by SSA employees as a matter of occassional review

Table of Authorities 1997-2019

1. Exhibits A Walters v Videro, MCCall USDC, NDF CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S: Cancer Victim
Instructed to Slap A Cop/ 3rd Party Wants Appear in USDC State He's Part of Conspiracy

2. Exhibits B Walters v Miller, Crownover USDC, WDT SA 97 CA 1313 Honorable Fred Biery Presiding-Certiorari Denied 5th Circuit 99-50174 & US Supreme Court

3. Exhibits C Social Security Hold Hearings In Wrong Venue Throws Away Medical Records & 3rd Party Sues SSA for Damages

4. Exhibits D Washington State Declines Permit Register For Work-Infectious Threat C-Diff

5. Exhibits E Social Security Hold Hearings Texas Instead of WA Cancelation of Benefits Quashed by Walters V Asture 1:09-cv-00956-UNA US Circuit Court of Appeals DC

6. Exhibits F Social Security Appeals Council Attempts To Overturn Commissioners Final Determination April 2007...Quashed In USDC, New Mexico Novermber 14, 2008

7. Exhibits G Bank of American Steals Legal Papers & Safe Box Without Court ORDER USDC NM Civil #Civil # 3:09cv238/ SSA Judicial Review Dropped in Case 1:11-cv-000359-LMBUSDC, Idaho-I'm In Skilled Nursing Home

8. Exhibits H Amicus Curiae Brief to Congress 9th Circuit 13-35019 SSA In USDC NDT Walters V Colvin Civil Case: 2-13CV-025-JBB... Procedural Questions

9. Exhibits I Question On Constitutionality of US Patriot Act USDC EDW 2:13-cv-00001 Seizure of SSI Checks & 2nd Amicus Curiae Brief to Congress Walters V ISSA USDC AZ Civil Case # 4:16-cv-00022BGM

10 Exhibits J Acting Supreme Court Justice James Parker Bizzare Ruling Sustained 10 US Circuit 13-2087 Walters V Berryhill Montana Restitutes SSI Check USDC MT CV17-033-M-DLC-JLC

11. Exhibits K Walters V Trump Amicus Curiae USDC MT CV17-033-M-DLC-JLC Withdrawn From US Supreme Court/Returns From UN Security Council

12. Appendix A Partially Favorable Ruling Based On Throwing Away Over 100 Medical Documents

13. Appendix B State Disabiltiy Findings Thrown Out By Administrative Law Judge Decision April, 2005 Request Appeals Council Review

14. Appendix C National Survey and Operational Audit of The Social Security Administration & Medicaid Submitted To US Congress 2012-2017

Press On Image To Enlarge

On Case History
The Social Security Administration Defines Black Letter Law

Exhibits A Walters v Videro, MCCall USDC, NDF CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S: Cancer Victim
Instructed to Slap A Cop/ 3rd Party Wants Appear in USDC State He's Part of Conspiracy

Fomrer US Dustrict Judge

U.W. Clemon Presiding
United States District Court
Northern District of Alabama
1729 Fifth Ave North
Birmingham, Al 35203
Chris Walters,

Rober Videro
USDA Inspector General
Civil No: 4 97 CV 279 MP)

Former Secretary of USDA

Dan Glickman
US Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-2791

The Honorable William Stafford Presiding

United States District Court
Northern District of Florida
111 N Adams Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
Chris Walters, )
vs. )
Judith McCall )
CIV NO CV-97-AR-1802-S
Cancer Patient Instructed-Too Slap a Cop to
Get Something to Food Stamps Tallahassee, Fl Aug 1997
This link concerns"Barbecue Bob" Aka State Attorney General Bob Butterworth known nationally as "Barbecue Bob" for his work with Florida Electric Chair. Reportedly worked behind the scenes to help win Florida ruling for disabled cancer patient requiring surgery to slap a police officer upside of the head as part of his campaign against medicaide fraud. This should give you some insight as to what the medical, welfare, and legal system was doing instead of arranging minor surgery for cancer in 1996.

Leon County District Attorney Question of commission of crime USDA Civil Rights ADA Complaint ackowledged and received July 10,1997 HHS Civil Rights ADA based complaint acknowledged and received

Surgical Report Dr. Steph
Removal of 2 Tumors

PO Box 7000
Tyler, TX 75711-7000
Dr. Steph Removes 2 Tumors
Dr. Donal Steph, Surgeon 5-23-1997 Removed "melanoma" in neck and benign tumor from groin. Temporary disability statement.1015 E Idel Tyler, TX 75701 Dr.Steph: Tyler, Texas: May, 1997 Link to report

Presiding Judge Fred Biery

US District Court Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

San Antonio Home Of Federal Grand Jury

Former US Attorney Johnny Sutton
601 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, TX 78216

Manuel Flores Student Conduct Officers
San Antonio College
1300 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78212-4299

Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
910 W Commerce St
San Antonio, TX 78206


Manuel Flores
Student Conduct Officers
San Antonio College
1300 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78212-4299
Civil Case:SA97CA1327
I'm Part of A Conspiracy To Deny Your
Social Security Benefits
As Counselor Flories explained this stranger walks up one day and proceeds to explain his role in what he describes as an extensive conspiracy to deny me my Social Security benefits. I was very impressed with what Mr. Flores describes about my background and history with no imput from me. His employer was not in a great hurry to volunteer the details in USDC

Presiding Judge Fred Biery

US District Court Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

Assistant USA
Attorney Gary Anderson
601 NW Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, Tx 78216-5597

Former Assistant TX AG

Johathan B Morgan
Texas State Attorney General
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
(512) 463-2100
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

vs. CA: SA-97-CA-1313

SSI Inspector General
David C.Miller
Lori E. Crownover
Texas Department of Human Services
Service of Executive ORDER
FIAT to Process Social Security Claim By USA
This Link Case History Walters v Miller USDC,WDT 1997 These legal actions are administrative law questions largely seeking administrative law ORDERS from mistakes apparently made to Social Security staff. The United States Attorney Gary Anderson and Texas Assistant State Attorner General Morgan filed briefs explaining they could violate the law whenever they wish and operate their programs without judicial review by any court of law under the "Divine Right of Kings" and as guaranteed by Title 42 USC Sec 405(g)(h)Judicial Review after the Social Security Commissioner makes his final denial (10 years later):

Administrative Law Judge Karen McCoy

Presiding: SSI Office of Hearings and Appeals
4204 Woodcock, Room 100
San Antonio, TX 78228
Case/Claim 261-90-6357
Administrative Law Judge Suggest
Plague Carrier Work @ Whataburger
Hi there and welcome to the Social Security Administrations Cafe of Death serving the world famous Heptitis Burger by our own professional plague carrier Chris. My offical finding of 7-12-1999 suggested Chris might consider employment in the food service industry-Whataburger for instance. I neglected to send Chris a copy of my findings so Chris had to pay $50.00 to ride 60 miles a copy of the report ...and read the opinion of a doctor he has never met...

Press On Image To Enlarge

Florida Department of Labor
and Economic Security
Denied Permission To Register
For Work-Long Term C-Diff Infection

Exhibits B Walters v Miller, Crownover USDC, WDT SA 97 CA 1313
Honorable Fred Biery Presiding-Certiorari Denied 5th Circuit 99-50174 & US Supreme Court

Presiding Judge Fred Biery

US District Court Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

Assistant USA
Attorney Gary Anderson
601 NW Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, Tx 78216-5597

Former Assistant TX AG

Johathan B Morgan
Texas State Attorney General
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
(512) 463-2100
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

vs. CA: SA-97-CA-1313

SSI Inspector General
David C.Miller
Lori E. Crownover
Texas Department of Human Services
Amicus Curiae Brief Dismissed
For Want of Prosecution
This Link Case History Walters v Miller USDC,WDT 1997 These legal actions are administrative law questions largely seeking administrative law ORDERS from mistakes apparently made to Social Security staff. The United States Attorney Gary Anderson and Texas Assistant State Attorner General Morgan filed briefs explaining they could violate the law whenever they wish and operate their programs without judicial review by any court of law under the "Divine Right of Kings" and as guaranteed by Title 42 USC Sec 405(g)(h)Judicial Review after the Social Security Commissioner makes his final denial (10 years later):
Amicus Curiae Brief Dismissed
While Plaintiff Deported to Stockton, CA

Walters v Crownover Miller

CA: SA-97-CA-1313

Walters v Crownover Miller

CA: SA-97-CA-1313

Walters v Crownover Miller

CA: SA-97-CA-1313

Press on Image to Enlarge

Demand Plaintiff requested attend hearing
in Stockton,CA
SSI Reconsideration Deported To
Stockton, California July 1998

5th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Reavley, Politz, and Jolly, Circuit Judges
600 Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130-3408
Charles R. Fulbruge III, Clerk
David E. Young, Chief Deputy Clerk
Petiton For Writ of Certiorari Denied


Office of The Clerk
Washington,D.C. 20543-0001
Wiliam M. Sutter
Clerk Of The Court

May 19, 1999

Chris Walters
PO Box 1634
Kerrville, TX 78029-1634

Dear Mr.Walters:

Your papers were received in this office on May 19,1999, and must be returned for the following reason:

Your case must first be reviewed by a United States Court of appeals or by the highest state court in which a decision could be had. 28 USC 1254 and 1257.

Enclosed for your information is a sample petition for a writ of certiorari, a memorandum regarding the preparation of a petition, and a copy of this Court's Rules of Procedure.

Also returned is money order number 3435177121, dated May 13, 1999, in the amount of $300.00

Sincerely,William K. Suter, Clerk

By: Ruth Jones:

US District Judge Sam Sparks

US Magistrate Albright
US District Court
Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206
(210) 472-6550

Social Security Commissioner

Kenneth Apfel
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

San Antonio Home Of Federal Grand Jury

Former US Attorney Johnny Sutton
601 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, TX 78216
Chris Walters

Civil Case Number A:99CA0156SS

Kenneth Apfel Commissioner
Social Security Admin
Social Security Throws Away
Medical Records Questions on Rules of Evidence and Venue
Walters v Apfel USDC, WDT 1999 Amicus Curiea Social Security Question Judge Sam Sparks cites ongoing lack of USDC Jurisdiciton This link reviews Social Security Administrations ongoing demands to hold hearings in states where SSI applicant goes not reply; throw away medical records; and other bizarre claims representing the earlier claim the United States does not operate under color of law or statute but "Divine Right of Kings". Resulted in Human Rights question being filed with United Nations High Commission On Human Rights
Human Rights Question Removed to UN High Commission
On Human Rights Without Objection of Court

US District Judge Sam Sparks

US Magistrate Albright
US District Court
Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

US District Judge Sam Sparks

US Magistrate Albright
US District Court
Western District Texas
U.S. District Clerk's Office
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

United States District Court For

Judge James Robertson Presiding
for the District of Columbia
333 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
District of Columbia

Social Security Commissioner

Kenneth Apfel
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

US Attorney General Janet Reno

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Chris Walters
Plaintiff Pro Se

Civil Case Number 99-CV-0668

Kenneth Apfel Commissioner of
Social Security Administration
Question On Holding SSI Hearing
in Florida State Where Applicant Does Not Reside
Walters v Apfel USDC, NDF 1999 Amicus Curiea SSA Question transfered from DC to Florida This link is a civil action brought under Title 42 USC 1983 questioned Social Security Administration right to hold SSI hearing in Tallahassee, Florida in September, 1997 in a state where Chris Walters does not reside. After case was transfered to Florida it disappeared off the face of the earth and was never heard from again.

Exhibits C Social Security Hold Hearings In Wrong Venue
Throws Away Medical Records & 3rd Party Sues SSA for Damages

SSI Claim Processing Wrong Venue

Wicked Bitch of the East
Disability Determination Analyst
Barbara Smith
Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Rehabilitative Services
Southwest Regional Office
111 Franklin Road SW
Roanoke, VA 24011
Capitol Police Your Too Infectious
To Be On Capitol Hill June 2002
Virginia Throw out medical records and attempts to send person with communicable disease to work. Congress Police didn't appreciate my asking how a person with a contagious disease process could be employied to several Congressional Committees.

Request Close Case 11-26-2002
Officals Declined Request
Social Security Employees from Chico, California
"Your Not Allowed to Withdraw
Your SSI Application-Operational Impediment #24
Chico, CA after stealing my food stamps and GA benefits in Butte County the local SSI office declined to permit me to withdraw my SSI claim- The next city permitted the case to be withdrawn to prevent officials from stealing more of my benefits.

Before the Superior Court

In Forsyth County, North Carolina
Hall of Justice
201 North Main Street
(336) 761-2250

Social Security Commissioner

Sarah Barnhardt
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

Anna Mills S. Wagoner, USA*

P.O. Box 1858
Greensboro, NC 27402

David Bradshaw	)
	vs	)
Chris Walters	)
Carmen Hooker Odom)
Case 04CVS2674
Bradshaw v Odom, Walters State Court NC 3rd Party Lawsuit for Damages Against NC This Link Is a civil action for monetary, declaratory, and mandatory relief authorized by North Carolina Statutes & Rules of Civil Procedure; for the Plaintiff David Bradshaw to sue Defendants Chris Walters and Secretary Carmen Hooker Odom acting in her offical capacity as the Secretary of North Carolina Health and Human Services and Disability Determinations Services claiming Carmen Hooker Odom, her employees acting under color of North Carolina Statutes 143-545.1(b)(2);143 -564.1 and "adopted rules" and Title 42 Sec 423 (d)(5)(b)Disability insurance benefits payments (d)(5)(b) negiligence in preforming their official duties in processing Chris Walters disability claim lead to David Bradshaw being infected and requiring surgery on 2 separate occassions and hospitalization.

The facts clearly show that the Disability Service employees stated for 2 years they have thrown away Chris Walters 90 some odd doctors and medical sources in April, 2003 and March 2004; and deported his Social Security claim to San Luis Obispo CA and as a result of both premeditation and negiligence created a hazard by exposing David Bradshaw and others to Chris Walters communicable medical condition. David Bradshaw seeks Monetary Relief and compensatory damages from both Chris Walters and Carmen Hooker Odom for hospital bills, pain and suffering and punative damages from Carmen Hooker Odom for reckless negiligence in creating a situation which lead to David Bradshaw being injured.

Exhibits D Washington State Declines
Permit Register For Work-Infectious Threat C-Diff

Dr Jose Pinon Addresses Congestive
Heart Failure & C-Diff Infection

Dr. Jose Pinon

Family Physicians Group
100 East 33rd Street,Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98663

Dr. Jose Pinon

Family Physicians Group
100 East 33rd Street,Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98663

Press On Image To Enlarge

Share House
PO Box 1209
Vancouver, WA 98666-1209
Case Manager Curt Martin
Do Not Employ Contagioius

Yvette Hoyt-Case Manager
Washington State Workforce
5411 Mill Plain Road
Vancouver, WA
Chris Was Denied Permission
To Register for Work/Impediment #19

Share House

P. O. Box 1209
1115 W 13th Street
Vancouver, WA 98666-1209
Share House Botches Assassination
December, 2006-Operational Impediment #18
The letter on the upper right is a demand from an HUD vendor in Vancouver, Washington in 2006 that Chris Walters discontinue his medical treatment; stop asking for his SSI benefits and go look for a job. This Courtsey Brief explained to Share House that their request is prohibited by an existing ORDER of the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court ruled in Terry Schindler Schiavo V Michael Schiavo that the the patient is the decider of what is and is not appropriate medical treatment. The Share House subsequently denied Chris Walters services during a major winter storm with the expectation that Chris Walters would either die or suffer severe injury as a result of exposure and resulted in this written request addressed too Federal Prosecutor for a Federal Grand Jury Investigation of the organization.

Share House

P. O. Box 1209
1115 W 13th Street
Vancouver, WA 98666-1209

Exhibits E Social Security Hold Hearings Texas Instead of WA
Cancelation of Benefits Quashed by Walters V Asture 1:09-cv-00956-UNA US Circuit Court of Appeals DC

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
Interception of Mail Withdraw Appeal/Hearing
In Wrong Venue/Congressional Review Feburary, 2006
Dr Rooert Canon declined to mail letter from Appeals Council to Seattle where Chris Walters resided and received state disability payments. Apparent conspiracy was designed to hijack the venue to the Office of ALG William Herbert in San Antonio, TX even though the Austin address used has a venue in Dallas. Since I am a legal resident of Oregon State receiving disability benefits in Washington the proper venue would be in Portland, Oregon

Oregon Id Card

Regional Commissioner Paul D Barnes

Regional Public Affairs Office
Social Security Administration
61 Forsyth St. SW Suite 23T29
Atlanta, GA 30303-8907

Secretary Lanier M. Cansler

NC Department of Health and Human Services
2001 Mail Service Center,
Raleigh, NC 27699-2001

Anna Mills S. Wagoner, USA*

P.O. Box 1858
Greensboro, NC 27402

Director Robert Williams

Guilford County Department Social Services
1203 Maple Street
Greensboro, NC 27405)

Notice 5/15/2009

c/o County Department of Social Services
Social Security Administration
Office Manager
6005 Landmark CNTR BLD
Greensboro, NC 27407
Social Security Adminstration
Cancels Benefits Without Judicial Review

US Circuit Court of Appeals

for District of Columbia
Before Chief Judge Sentelle, Tatel, and Garland
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Circuit Court of Appeals
for District of Columbia
Before Chief Judge Sentelle, Tatel, and Garland
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 354-3000
3 Judge Circuit Court ORDER
Quashes NC Effort to Cut Off Medicaid 2009
Walters V Asture 1:09-cv-00956-UNA the State of North Carolina & Guilford County, NC attempt to cut off Medicaid was Quashed by USDC and Commissioners noted appear to US Circuit Court of Appeals stated they had no interest in a review; hearing; or other changes in the case

Exhibits F Social Security Appeals Council Attempts To Overturn Commissioners
Final Determination April 2007...Quashed In USDC, New Mexico Novermber 14, 2008

United States District Court

US Magistrate Judge Richard L Puslisi
Clerk's Office
U.S. District Court
333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Acting Commissioner Linda McMahon

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

Former US Attorney Larry Gomez

555 South Telshor, Suite 300
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Plaintiff Pro Se
PO Box 160
Las Cruces, NM 88004
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Docket For Case #: 1:07-cv-00257-JCH-RLP
US Magistrate Judge Richard L Puslisi
Presiding Judge Judith Hererra

Commissioner Of Social Security
The Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401
Commissioner's Final Determination
Out of Court Settlement/ Can't Be Overturned
Acting Commisssioner Linda McMahon issued a final denial which can only be overturned or modified in a USDC as cited in Title 42 USC 405(g) Judicial Review:

...No findings of fact or decision by the Commissioner shall be reviewed by any person, tribunal, or government agency except as herein provided. No action against the United States, the Commissioner or any officer or employee thereof shall be brought under Section of 1331 or 1346 of Title 28,United States Code, to recover on any claim arising under this subchapter

1. In 2007 Commissioner made an admission of fact and law at Bar that Chris Walters is disabled and changes; termination; or suspension of the SSI benefits package are denied by ORDER Of several US Courts at request of SSA Commissioner until such time as the question of law in heard in USDC Title 42 USC Sec 405(G)H) Judicial Review and challenges US Supreme Court requirement of fair hearing:

ORDER-Docket #11

Recovered From PACER
Acknowleges Out Of Court Settlement

Before the United States District Court

The Honorable Judge Robert Scott
US District of New Mexico
333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Commissioner Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

Former US Attorney Gregg Fouratt

555 South Telshor, Suite 300
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

USDC NM Finds No Merit
In Reviewing Comissioners Final Determination 2008
Judge Magistrate Edward M Chen explains the Complaint is too complicated for him to understand and the matter was subsequently resolved in by Judge Robert Scott in US District Court of New Mexico with no great problem and the Commissioners legal counsel made to supportive pleadings to move the cause forward.

Press On Image to Enlarge

ORDER April 29th, 2008
Honorable Judge Robert Scott
Before the United States District Court
US District of New Mexico
333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Before Social Security Appeals Council

Office of Hearings and Appeals
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041-3255
ODAR Hearing Documents
For Disability Determination 2007
These documents were finally secured fro the Stockton Administrative Law Judge and offered some explanation of what was going on and denial of benefits by the Appeals Counsel in April,2 2007

Press To Enlarge

ODAR Hearing Materials
Office of Disability Adjudication & Review
3116 W March Lane #200
Stockton, CA 95249

Press To Enlarge

ODAR Hearing Materials
Office of Disability Adjudication & Review
3116 W March Lane #200
Stockton, CA 95249

Press To Enlarge

ODAR Hearing Materials
Office of Disability Adjudication & Review
3116 W March Lane #200
Stockton, CA 95249

Press On Image To Enlarge

Director Susan Wakshul
Division of Field Procedures
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
5107 Leesburg Pike Suite 1608
Falls Church, VA 22041-3255

Before Social Security Appeals Council

Office of Hearings and Appeals
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041-3255
Administrative Law Judge Mark Dawson
Attempts Unknown Hearing November, 2008
About year and half after my benefits were granted as part of out or court settlement ALJ Mark Dawson was still attempting hearings

Press On Image to Enlarge

The Social Security Administration
Office of Disability Adjuciation and Review
Administrative Law Judge Mark Dawson
555 Broadway, NE Suite 200
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Press On Image to Enlarge

The Social Security Administration
Office of Disability Adjuciation and Review
Administrative Law Judge Mark Dawson
555 Broadway, NE Suite 200
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Press On Image to Enlarge

The Social Security Administration
Office of Disability Adjuciation and Review
Administrative Law Judge Mark Dawson
555 Broadway, NE Suite 200
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Request For What Hearing?

Letter April 17th, 2008
Moving Venue to New Mexico
Office of ODAR
3116 W March Lane #200
Stockton, CA 95249

Exhibits G Bank of American Steals Legal Papers & Safe Box Without Court ORDER USDC NM
Civil #Civil # 3:09cv238/ SSA Judicial Review Dropped in Case 1:11-cv-000359-LMBUSDC, Idaho-I'm In Skilled Nursing Home

United States District Court

District of New Mexico
Honorable Robert Conrad Jr
Charlotte Division Room 212
401 W. Trade St.
Charlotte, NC 28202

David C Williams

Postal Inspector General
14800 Trinity Blvd Ste 600
Fort Worth, TX 76155-2675

CEO Ken Lewis

Bank of America
100 North Tryon Street, Ste 220
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 386-4771
Mr. Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

Kenneth D. Lewis CEO
Bank of America
Defendants Vs. Civil #Civil # 3:09cv238
Date Filed:_________________
Exhibit #539 Tort to Recover $70.00 For
Safe Deposit Box Overcharge
Walters v Bank of America USDC,NM Bank of American steals contents of safe deposit box with apparent intent of stealing legal briefs related to Walters v Asture USDC,NM. Presiding Judge expresses no problem with Bank stealing bank box without court ORDER After receiving request to close Safe Deposit Box 259 in Las Cruces, NM the bank went on ahead and charged me $70.00 which I have asked the Court to return

United States District Court

District of New Mexico
Honorable Judge Bruce Black
333 Lomas, NW.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Too Special Agent In Charge

Special Agent in Charge Carol K.O. Lee
4200 Luecking Park Ave. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

CEO Ken Lewis

Bank of America
100 North Tryon Street, Ste 220
Charlotte, NC 28202
Bank of America Steals Safe Deposit Box?
US District Court Has No Objections/ August-October, 2012

United States District Court Idaho

US Court - District of Idaho
The Honorable Magistrate
Mikal W. Williams Presiding
550 W Fort St. Room 400
Boise, ID 83724

Executive Director Bill Roscoe
Boise Rescue Mission
575 South 13th Street
Boise, ID 83702-6816

Manager Stuart Sampson
Convicted Felon Parole Violaiton 5/2015
Boise Rescue Mission
575 South 13th Street
Boise, ID 83702-6816
Chris Walters
Paul Roscoe Executive Director
Boise Rescue Mission

USDC Civil #1:1-cv-00281MHW
Boise Rescue Mission Tries Seize SSI Check
Question On Constitutinality Non Profit Statute
In September 2011 the Boise Rescue Mission is making a determined effort to put the grabs on my Social Security check or be denied services for life. The action filed in USDC, ID ask to have the Federal non profit law declared unconstitutional statutes unconstitutional based on seperation of church/state. Action deemed moot by parties & court when I went into skilled nursing home.

United States District Court Idaho

US Court - District of Idaho
The Honorable Judge Larry Boyles Presiding
550 W Fort St. Room 400
Boise, ID 83724

US Attorney General Eric Holder

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Regional Commissioner Stanley Friendship

Social Security Administration Region 10
701 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104-7075
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Michael Asture
Commissioner SSA
Stanley Friendship
Case 1:11-cv-000359-LMB
Filed 8-04-2011
Social Security Request Judicial Review in USDC
Withdrawn Because Residence Skilled Nursing Facility
Walters v Asture USDC Idaho Presiding Magistrate authorizes Judicial Review based on HHS termination of medicaid-however case dropped when SSA Commissioner realizes I am in a Skilled Nursing Facility. This page reviews Commissioner Asture first request for Judicial Review as filed in USDC, Idaho which the USDC Idaho granted to move forward. As I was in Kindred Skilled Nursing Facility at this time creating $7,000 in medical bills monthly the Commissioner simply turned the benefits back on ending the need for a Judicial Review at this time. A Self Professed Texas Terrorist appeared and demanded to have Chris Walters thrown out of nursing home; kidknapped to Texas; held without trial or legal representation:

Press On Image For FINAL ORDER

United States District Court Idaho
US Court - District of Idaho
The Honorable US Magistrate Larry Boyles Presiding
550 W Fort St. Room 400
Boise, ID 83724
Procedural Order To Prepare
Judicial Review

US Senator John Cornyn

Chase Tower
221 West Sixth Street Suite 1530
Austin, TX 78701

US Congressman Lamar Smith

2142 Rayburn HOB B-351
Washington, D.C. 20515

Former Governor Rick Perry

Office of the Governor
1100 San Jacinto
Austin, Texas
Texas Terrorist Calls US Congress & Government His Bought Bitch
Wants Inlaw in Nursing Home Executed By Government
This Link from 2011 and This Link from December 2016 concerns a Dain aka King Kunzler a self professed terrorist of San Antonio, Texas who has no problem admitting that he donated monies to the US Congressman Lamar Smith; US Senator John Cornyn; former Texas Governor Rick Perry to have an inlaw in skilled nursing home in Boise Idaho executed or killed using federal government and other resources. King Kunzler explained the government is his bought and paid for bitch and is asking to have a relative whacked because he believes the brother in law beat his daddy's ass 30 years before and wants to get even. Should United States officials engaged in Genocide or Crimes Against Humanity face International Prosecution? Human Rights questions were permitted to be removed to UNHCHR without objection by the USDC WDT
President Donald Trump and US Senator Jon Tester
Support Limits On Patronage System
President Donald Trump's Executive ORDER to "clean the swamp at K Street" and US Senator Jon Tester express concerns about the United States inability to exercise it's sovereign rights due to lobbyist,Special Interest, and political actions groups which use the US Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United to encourage Political Actions Groups such as Karl Rove to pump billions into the political process simply to divert government programs to their private interest.

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Kathleen Sebelius
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Bexar County Sheriff Ortiz

200 North Comal Street
San Antonio, TX 78207

US Marshal Robert Almonte

US Marshal Service
John H. Wood, Jr. United States Courthouse
655 East Durango Boulevard
San Antonio, TX 78206

Mr. David C Badger
Marlise Kercheville
Kercheville & Badger PC
13750 San Pedro Avenue, Suite 700
San Antonio, Texas 78232

Red McCombs

CEO at Koontz McCombs
755 East Mulberry Avenue, Suite 100
San Antonio, Texas 78212

Deputy Chief Ray Tores

San Antonio Police Department
Main Headquarters
214 W. Nueva SA, TX 78207

Sheriff Gary Raney

Ada County Sheriff Department
7200 Barrister Dr.
Boise, ID 83704

Exhibits H Amicus Curiae Brief to Congress 9th Circuit 13-35019
SSA In USDC NDT Walters V Colvin Civil Case: 2-13CV-025-JBB... Procedural Questions

Before the United States District Court

The Honorable Judge Dana L Christensen
For The District of Montana
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

US Senator Patrick Leahy

P.O. Box 933
87 State Street, Room 338
Montpelier, VT 05602

US Senator Carl Levin

Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building
477 Michigan Avenue, Suite 1860
Detroit, MI 48226-2576
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
The Honorable US Senator Patrick Leahy
The Honorable US Senator Carl Levin,
The Honorable US Congressman John Conyers
Respondents, Defendants

The Honorable Dana L Christensen
The Honorable US Magistrate Jeremiah C Lynch
Case: 9:12-cv-00184-DLC-JCL
Amicus Curiea Brief Removing Issues
To Congress/Questions of Sedition & Challenges Rule of Law
Walters v Congress USDC, MT Amicus Curiea removes question to Congress and final removal through 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2018 the US House created the Restoration of Powers Act to prevent changes in US Statutes not approved by Congress and the Obama Administration has the military implement Operation Jaded Helm to deal with questions of sedition by state or local governments.

ORDER 9th US Circuit Court Appeals
San Freancisco,CA

The Honorable Judge

Mary Lou Robinson
205 E Fifth St, 133
Amarillo, TX 79101-1559

Acting Commissioner

Social Security Administration
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Sarah R. Saldana

Amarillo National Plaza Two
500 South Taylor Street, Suite 300
Amarillo, Texas 79101-2446

Director Richard Opper

Department of Public Health
and Human Services
111 North Sanders Street
Helena, Montana
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Case: 2-13CV-025-JBBUSDC, NDT
5th Court of Appeals Docket #:13-10580

Carol Colvin
Acting Social Security Commissioner
USDC Considers Cause
Meriorious Title 28 USC 1331 Federal Question
Walters v Asture USDC, NDT request for relief where SSA refuses to move SSI claim to Amarillo and other relief from 3rd party tampering. Although no summons were issues the questions were resolved by parties complaint withdrawn Walters v Asture USDC,NDT Appellate question withdrawn when issues ceased to exist
USDC Considers Cause
Meriorious Title 28 USC 1331 Federal Question

Walters V SSA

Civil Case: No. 13cv247 JAP/GBW

The Honorable Judge

Mary Lou Robinson
205 E Fifth St, 133
Amarillo, TX 79101-1559

Acting Commissioner

Social Security Administration
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Sarah R. Saldana

Amarillo National Plaza Two
500 South Taylor Street, Suite 300
Amarillo, Texas 79101-2446

Director Richard Opper

Department of Public Health
and Human Services
111 North Sanders Street
Helena, Montana
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Case: 2-13CV-0156-JBBUSDC, NDT
Court of Appeals Docket #: 14-10915

Carol Colvin
Acting Social Security Commissioner
Legal Proceeding Fraud, Hoax, Sham
Question of Term Limits For Federal Judges
Civil Case: 2-13CV-0156-JBBUSDC, NDT a question asked if Montana could reduce SSA benefits by $200 a month without Judicial Reeview. The Court never authorized service of process on SSA; there are no hearings; or evidence of 2 parties present and litigating before the Court. The proceedings are a total sham or if a person wished to be kind a nonsuit

Before the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals

The Honorable Catharine Haynes, William Davis, Priscilla Owen
600 S. Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130-3408
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Case: 2-13CV-0156-JBBUSDC, NDT
Court of Appeals Docket #: 14-10915

Carol Colvin
Acting Social Security Commissioner
Question of Placing 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Under Temporary Martial Law-Unable to Support Social Security Act
Walters v Asture Appeal 5th Circuit question of placing 5th Circuit Court of Appeals for declining to support Social Security statutes as previously supported by 5th Circuit in 1999 How can a US Circuit Court of Appeals Judge sit on the bench and claim to be unable to support and defend the Social Security Act rules in Walters v Crownover 5th Circuit 1999

Exhibits I Question On Constitutionality of US Patriot Act USDC EDW 2:13-cv-00001
Seizure of SSI Checks & 2nd Amicus Curiae Brief to Congress Walters V ISSA USDC AZ Civil Case # 4:16-cv-00022BGM

Before the United States District Court

For The Eastern District of Washington
The Honorable Thomas O Rice, Presiding
920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201

Michael E. Horowitz

US Department of Justice
Office of Inspector General
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Suite 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney

United States Attorneys Office
P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210-1494
Chris Walters
Michael Horowitz
2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz
The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding
Question of Constituionality of US Patriot Act
Leads To Creation of USA Freedom Act of 2015
Exhibit Page Question of Constitutionality of US Patriot Act based on serial stalking; computer hacking...creation of fictious convictions... It appears a large number of law enforcement personnel were forced out of Office for abusing their authority or challenging the new law.

Before the United States District Court

For The Eastern District of Washington
The Honorable Thomas O Rice, Presiding
920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201

Union Gospel Misson

1224 E. Trent Ave.,
Spokane, Washington, 99202
Phone: 509-535-8510
Fax: 509-535-0315

Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney

United States Attorneys Office
P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210-1494
(509) 353-2767
Fax Line: (509) 353-2766
Chris Walters
Union Gospel Mission
2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz
The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding
Amicus Curiae Union Gospel Mission
Legal Request-Operatonal Impediment #39
1. Intake interview with Mission Counselor 12-4-2012 suggest shelter available for long term stay; however a computer hacking; stalking; and problem with Spokane PD. The Mission staff generated a legal question which has to be authorized by the USDC:

2. Exhibit J Legal question asked by Union Gospel Mission is prohibited by standing ORDERS of several US Circuit Court of Appeals and has to be authorized by a USDC

US Attorney John Leonard

US Department of Justice
405 W Congress St # 4800,
Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone:(520) 620-7300

US District Court Arizona

Magistrate Bruce Macdonald Presiding
405 W Congress, Suite 1500
Tucson, Arizona 85701

Chairman Darrell Issa

Subcommittee Courts, ....
House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Chris Walters v Congressman Darryl Issa Civil Case # 4:16-cv-00022BGM
Amicus Curiae Informational Legal Brief For Congress
These are a series of Amicus Curiae Briefs filed in USDC,Arizona which review weaknesses in various programs and recommend possible solutions. Neither the US Attorney; The Obama Administration; or Congress could be bothered to put in appearance in court and reply: The Court refused to permit moving forward with the Complaint for a lack of controversey.

US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

House Committee on Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
House Judiciary Committee Passes
Restoration of Powers Act
The House Judiciary Committee passed into law the "Restoration of Powers Act to make sure they can join to any action of law where it appears the right of Congress to amend or pass legislation has been overstepped by the Courts

Exhibits J Acting Supreme Court Justice James Parker Bizzare Ruling Sustained 10 US Circuit 13-2087
Walters V Berryhill Montana Restitutes SSI Check USDC MT CV17-033-M-DLC-JLC

Before the USDC NM

Senior Judge James Parker
Albuquerque, NM 87102

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Robert Bacharach
10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Denver, CO 80257

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Stephen Anderson
Denver, CO 80257

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Timothy Tymkovich
10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Denver, CO 80257
Chris Walters,
Appellanr Pro Se
Civil Case: No. 13cv247 JAP/GBW
Carol Colvin Acting Social Security Commissioner
Acting Supreme Court Judge James Parker
Frauds, Hoaxes, Shams Rubber Stamped by 10th Circuit
Walters v Colvin USDC, NM A proposed tort which was withdrawn and the Court commenced a rather large fraud by pretending litigation occured where 2 parties are not present at bar; no summons were issued; and apparently uses the filing to act as bully bar to complain how other courts conduct their proceedings using many fraudlent statements Case History Walters v Colvin 10th Circuit 3 Judge Appeallate extends the fraud and fiction created by Judge in Lower Court that an aciton at law exist and challenges right of Appellant to withdraw Appeal Walters v Colvin proposed Appeal to Supreme Court withdrawn because I cannot understand complex instructions for filing brief with Supreme Court

The Honorable US Circuit Court
Judge Timothy Tymkovich
10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
The Byron White U.S. Courthouse
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

US Supreme Court
Title 28 USC 1951 (d(b)(e) The Well Spring
of Judicial Activism-Challenges US Constitution?
The constitution and common sense suggest an action at law must have 2 parties at bar; represented by counsel; submitting litigation for consideration by an impartial Judge. Title 28 USC 1951 however requires the Court to leave it's unbias status and decide if an action where an poor party is present is meritorious

The fly in the ointment is that under this statute there are never 2 parties present at bar and represented by counsel submitting arguments for consideration because the Court is encouraged by the statute to Quash the acton even if the defendant has agreed the case has merit. As Walters V SSA there is a family of 38 cases where the parties have never met in any capacity in 17 years although the Courts refer to the existance of a case; litigation; obvious sham

Before the United States District Court

Western District of Virginia
Presiding Judge: Normal L Moon
1100 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24501

US Attorney General Eric Holder

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Case: Civil # 6:14-cv-00049-NKMUSDC, WDV

Carol Colvin
Acting Social Security Commissioner
USDC Judge Norml L. Moon
States Complaint To Complex To Understand
Civil Case: Civil # 6:14-cv-00049-NKMUSDC, WDV the Judge explained the case was too complicated for the Defendant to understand who immediatley turned my SSI Benefits back on and dismisses the case as frivilious. The Social Security Administration impeaches the Judge by granting the relief I am entitled too and turning my benefits back on.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

The Honorable US Magistrate Judge Jerimah Lynch

Before the US District Court
For The District of Montana
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

Acting Commissioner

Nancy Berryhill
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235
Chris Walters
PO Box 7644
Missoula, MT 59802

Civil Case

Commissioner Nancy Berryhill
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235
Walters v Berryhill Amicus Curiae Montana
Restitutes Garnished SSI Funds March-July 2017
The State of Virginia and Montana tried to seize or garnish most of my SSI check for April, 2017 without any notice of explanation and then restituted the monies taken

Social Security Administration

Southeastern Program Center
1200 Rev Abraham Woods Jr Blvd
Birmingham, Al 35285-001
Social Security Begins Restitution
Acknowledges Improperly garnished $268.00

Exhibits K Walters V Trump Amicus Curiae USDC MT CV17-033-M-DLC-JLC
Withdrawn From US Supreme Court/Returns From UN Security Council

Honorable Magistrate J Lynch

USDC Montana
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

Honorable Judge K Wardlaw

9th USCA
125 SO Grand Ave, Suite 500
Pasadena, CA 91105

Honorable Judge RM Gould

9th USCA
1010 Fifth Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104

Honorable Judge PJ. Watford

9th USCA
125 South Grand Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91105
Chris Walters
PO Box 7644
Missoula, MT 59802

Civil Case

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500
Amicus Curia Brief Asks
Trump Administration For Further Instructions
The Presiding Magistrate ruled the civil action lacked controversey or conflict; which the Administration eventually addressed and the question was deemed Moot before the US Supreme Court

Honorable Magistrate J Lynch

USDC Montana
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

Honorable Judge K Wardlaw

9th USCA
125 SO Grand Ave, Suite 500
Pasadena, CA 91105

Honorable Judge RM Gould

9th USCA
1010 Fifth Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104

Honorable Judge PJ. Watford

9th USCA
125 South Grand Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91105

Walters V Trump

9th Circuit Docket

Clerk of US Supreme Court

Washington, DC
Petition For Writ of Certiorari
Filing With US Supreme Court-Premature

Clerk of US Supreme Court

Washington, DC
Petition For Writ of Certiorari
Filing With US Supreme Court-Moot

Clerk of US Supreme Court

Washington, DC
Petition For Writ of Certiorari
Filing With US Supreme Court-Moot

Amicus Curiae Brief

Press On Image To Enlarge
Submitted UN Security Council
Service Of Process
UN Security Council August 2018

Appendix A Partially Favorable Ruling
Based On Throwing Away Over 100 Medical Documents

Social Security Administration

office Of Hearings and Appeals
10222 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78216
Partially Favorable Decision
Judge Threw Out All Doctor Records
Administrative Law Judge Ruling April, 2006 where Administrative Law Judge threw away all medical documentation and disability statements previously signed by by SSA. Title 42 USC 423(d)(5)(b) Disability insurance benefit payments and Hallex Volume require Social Security to gather all medical records for consideration in the official record

Dr. Susan Pelzer
SSA Expert
506 Jackson Keller Rd
San Antonio, TX 78216
Judge Admits Testimony Dr. Pfizer
Who Has Never Met Chris Walters
Dr. Susan Pfeizer testifies about what she believes Chris Walters medical condition is who she has never met.

Social Security Administration

Office of Hearings and Appeals
One Skyline Tower
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041

Walters Residence

c/o Dr. Robert Canon
7335 Ritchie Drive
Austin TX 78724

Appeals Council Attempted Quash USDC ORDER
In 2008-Denied At Bar

Appeal to Appeals Council made in April, 2006 from Austin, Texas and appeared in 2008 and attempted to review the Commissioners Final Determination and Ruling in USDC,NM

Appendix B State Disabiltiy Findings Thrown Out
By Administrative Law Judge Decision April, 2005 Request Appeals Council Review

Dr. Evans-AZ Disability Determination

Set aside by Homeless Shelter

Dr. Evans-AZ Disability Determination

Set aside by Homeless Shelter

Arizona DES 1997

Press On Image To Enlarge

SSI Reciept for Medical Records
Received SSI Office
2301 Park Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Social Security Signs For
90 Medical & Doctors Reports 2002

Press On Image To Link
Over 500 Doctors & None of Them
Are Known To Be Listed In Any SSI Hearing
Director of over 500 Doctors reports; hospital visits; and related materials which are not known or believed to exist in any SSI hearing

Dr. Mark Cieniawski MD

Care Medical Groups
4291 Meridian Costo Center
Bellingham, WA 98226
Washington State DSHS
Disability Determination 7-2001

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Mark Cieniawski, MD
Disability Determination

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Mark Cieniawski, MD
Disability Determination

US Health Works

1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109

Case Worker Sharon Langs

Washington State DSHS
Belltown CSO
2106 2nd Avenue, Fl 2
Seattle, WA 98124-9522

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
Dr. Strandberg
Defines Disabilities Cardiac, Digestive, Veins In Legs
Medical examination 10-25-2005 by Dr. Eric Strandberg; US Health Works recommended Echo Cardio Gram; Venous Studies of Legs; and Colonoscopy. No restrictions on computer or job training. Letter from DSHS 10/26/2005 Oks GAU Case #3491348 through 1/31/2006; including Medical and Food Stamps. A person of reasonable and common intelligence would expect all the medical test to be completed within 2 or 3 weeks.

University of Texas Health System

4502 Medical Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
(210) 358-4000
Disability statement For
Texas State In 1997
Social Worker Katherine Kite
University Health Systems
523 N Leona St
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 358-3400
Patient# 0056 5286 9400
Dated Seen: 9-25-97
Diagnosis: Disability statement for Texas state
Treatment: Referral to Speciality Sources
Dr. Mauck ID #12639
University Health Systems
523 N Leona St
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 358-3400
Patient# 0056 5286 9400
Dated Seen: 10-11-97
Diagnosis: Malignant Melonomas,Lower GI Series
Treatment: Froze various sites believed to be precancerous lesions and surgically removed 6 growths- GI series showed divertisulitis.

Social Work Agency Referral
University Hospital
4502 Medical Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229-4493
Case: 0056 5286 9400
Walters, Christopher
10171950 2 CD WM/092597
Referred From:Downtown Health Center
DOB: 10/17/50
SSN: 261-90-6357
910 W Commerce City
State San Antonio
Zip: 78207
Section I
To Be Completed By Social Worker Reason for Referral or Services Desired: Shelter, foodstamps, clothing. Social Worker Signature: Katherine Kite, LMSW Date: 9/26/97
Malignant Melanoma 5/97
GI Evaluation pending
Condition: temporary
Status of Employability:
unemployable due to X Physical
Lengthy of Disability 3 months
Physician Signature:
Typical physican signature
can't read ID# 12639
Date: 9/25/97
Section III-
Agencies Referred To:
Agency 2: Texas Department of Human Services
Agency 3: St.Vincent De Paul
Social Work Agency Referral BCHD#531-20-ns 2/94

US Social Security Adm

1249 S Vinnell Way # 101,
Boise, ID 83709
(208) 321-2900
Admission of Disabilities
By Social Security
Social Security Administration
Date Feb 22-2000
Claim 261-90-6357

Supplemental Security Income
Notice of Disapproved Claim
Christopher A Walters
c/o Boise Rescue 520 Front Street
Boise,ID 83704

We are writing about your clim for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. Based on a review of your health problems, you do not quality for benefits on this claim. This is because you are not disabled under our rules:

Trained Staff Reviewed Your Case and Made These Decisions. They work for your State, but used our rules. The determination on your claim was made by an agency of the State. It was not made by your own doctor or by any other agency's written report about you. However, any evidence they gave us was used in making this determination. Doctors and other people in the State agency who are trained in disability evaluation reviewed the evidence and made the determination based on Social Security law and regulations.

The Decision on Christopher A. Walters' Case** The following reports were used to decide your claim (16 of 100 medical sources)Birmingham Health Care for Homelss response received Salvation Army Hospital & Health Clinic Cooper Green Hospital Good Shephered Hospital El Rio Clinic Douglas Community Hospital Columbia Community Hospital Columbia Capital Medical Center Cowlitz Family Health Center Mercy Medical Center Brackenridge Hospital Kaweah Delta Hospital Helping Hands Clinic Shands Clinic Munroe Regional Medical Center Lakeland Reg Med Ctr Doug Wright, MD. We have determined that your condition is not severe enough to keep you from working. We considered the medical and other information your age, education, training, and work experience inn determining how your condition affects your ability work to work:

You said you are disabled due to skin cancer, malignant melanoma, GI disorder, frequent vowel movements, blood clots in the legs and hepatitis. The medical shows that you have a history of these problems.

1. It shows that you have surgical excision of melanoma in the past. There is no evidence of recurrence (**failed to include reports on additional treatment).

2. It shows that you have been treated for intestinal problems with frequent bowel movements.

3. You do have a mild edema and varicosities in your lower extremities, but no ulcerations.

4. You should avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

5. You should also have access to restroom facilities.

Upon recent examination, your chest is clear. Your heart rate is regular. There is not evidence of masses or abdominal tenderness. Your weight is stable. The evidence does not show severe neurological deficits. You are able to walk and move about independently. Based on the objective medical finding your condition is not of the severity that would prevent you from doing all types of work. Although you have no past substantial work, you should have the capacity to preform a wide range of other work within your limitations. Thus, your cliam is denied.>>>>... Continues on standardized form information.

US Senator Chuck Grassley

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-7703

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751

Senator James Langford

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
316 Hart SOB
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5754

Chairman Jason Chaffetz

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5074
Fax: (202) 225-3974

US Congresman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman House Judiciary
10 Franklin Road, SE Suite 540
Roanoke, VA 24011

Appendix C National Survey and Operational Audit of The Social Security
Administration & Medicaid Submitted To US Congress 2012-2017

US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman House Committee On Judiciary
138 Rayburn House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515
Certificate of Service 2012-2017
1. #468428315115996-White House Chief of Staff Delivered Signed for by: MNALDO Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 6, 2012 Delivery date Feb 10, 2012 8:26 AM Destination Beltsville, MDSignature Proof of Delivery

2. #746677810046419 SSA Insepctor General Sent 12-28-2009 from Fed Ex Kinko 3208 High Point Road, Greensboro, NC 27407 Costs $10.99 To Social Security Inspector General Baltimore, Maryland. Signed for by: EJONES Shipment Dates Ship date Dec 28, 2009 Delivery date Dec 30, 2009 2:05 PM

3. #468428315116009-Senator Carl Levin Congressional Committee Delivered Signed for by: DLEE Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 6, 2012 Delivery date Feb 13, 2012 10:18 AM Destination Hyattsville, MDSignature Proof of Delivery

4. #468428315116016-Senator Tom Coburn Delivered Signed for by: JHAGEN Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 6, 2012 Delivery date Feb 10, 2012 1:30 PM Destination Oklahoma City, OKSignature Proof of Delivery

5. #1Z05R8490310378029 US Senator Orrin Hatch, Utah UPS Delivery Delivered On: Wednesday, 04/04/2012 at 11:42 A.M.Signed By: GODFREY From UPS Store #5683 32 West 200 South, SLC, UT 84101: Senator orrin Hatch Salt Lake City Office 8402 Federal Building 125 South State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84138 Tel: (801) 524-4380 Fax: (801) 524-4379

6. #468428315117617-Deputy Commissioner SSADelivered Signed for by: CJONES Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 10, 2012 Delivery date Feb 15, 2012 1:35 PM Destination Baltimore, MD

7. #468428315117624-Deputy Director Cor HHSDeparted FedEx location CHICAGO, IL Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 10, 2012 Estimated delivery Feb 15, 2012 Destination WASHINGTON, DC

8. #468428315117983 US Attorney Thomas Perez USDOJ Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 13, 2012 Delivered Signed for by: HOWENS Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 13, 2012 Delivery date Feb 21, 2012 11:47 AM Destination Hyattsville, MD

9. #468428315117815 US Attorney Ormsby EDW Delivered Signed for by: PPLISE Shipment Dates Ship date Feb 13, 2012 Delivery date Feb 14, 2012 11:49 AM Destination Spokane, WA

10. #468900615091687 US Congressman John Conyers JR On FedEx vehicle for delivery LIVONIA, MI Shipment Dates Ship date Mar 5, 2012 Estimated delivery Mar 9, 2012 Destination DETROIT, MI

11. #0311326000020805833 USPS Priority Mail HHS Inspector General Fraud Hotline Your item was delivered at 8:20 am on February 28, 2012 in WASHINGTON, DC 20026.
12. #468428315127555 Fed Ex US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Delivered Signed for by: HSAUNDERS Shipment Dates Ship date Mar 30, 2012 Delivery date Apr 6, 2012 12:50 PM Destination Providence, RISignature Proof of Delivery

13. #468428315127746 Fed Ex US Congressman Lamar Smith Ship date Apr 2, 2012 Delivery date Apr 6, 2012 11:01 AM Destination San Antonio, TX

14. Hand Delivery US Attorney John Malcolm Bales Tyler, TX April 19th, 2012
15. #468808815131359 Commissioner Texas Department of Health and Human Services Delivered Signed for by: PLOPEZ Shipment Dates Ship date May 1, 2012 Delivery date May 2, 2012 1:37 PM Destination Austin,TX

17. #468808815131380 Texas State Attorney General Gregg Abbott Delivered Signed for by: JSTERLING Shipment Dates Ship date May 1, 2012 Delivery date May 2, 2012 4:20 PM Destination Austin, TX

18. #468808815131786 To Regional Social Security Commissioner Michael Growchski in Atlanta, Georgia Delivered Signed for by: EFRANCO Shipment Dates Ship date May 3, 2012 from Tyler, Texas Delivery date May 7, 2012 10:46 AM Destination Atlanta, GA

19. Hand delivery to US Congressman Mel Watts, Greensboro, NC July, 2012

20. #746677815053894 US Attorney Ripley Eagles Rand, Greensboro, NC: Delivered Signed for by: JSWARINGSON Shipment Dates Ship date Jun 1, 2012 Delivery date Jun 4, 2012 2:16 PM Destination Greensboro, NC

21. #746677815054419 Office General Counsel Social Security Administration Signed for by: EJOHNSON Shipment Dates Ship date Jun 8, 2012 Delivery date Jun 12, 2012 10:11 AM Destination Baltimore, MD
Hilton Garden Inn SLC 3/3/2012
23. To Chairman Sam Johnson of Texas 2929 N Central Expressway STE 30 Richardson, TX 75080 by first class mail from Hilton Garden Inn, Salt Lake City, Ut Wednesday April 3rd, 2012 Postage $2.602. Clerk of US Circuit Court of Appeals 600 S Maestri Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 by first class mail from Hilton Garden Inn Salt Lake City, UT postage $2.60 Dave Right, Curcuit Executive, Office of Circuit Executive 10th US Circuit 1823 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80257
24. #468808815131342SSA Regional Commissioner, Dallas TX Delivered Signed for by: JCRUM Shipment Dates Ship date May 1, 2012 Delivery date May 2, 2012 3:35 PM Destination Dallas, TX

25. Hand delivery to US Senator Max Baucus 208 East Front Street, Suite 100, Missoula, MR 59802 (406-329-3121) Left with Field Representative Todd Jackson: August 2012

26. Hand delivered to US Senator Jon Tester 130 W Front Street, Missoula, MT 59802 (406-728-3003)(FAx 406-728-3193) Left With Field Representative Deborah Frandsen August 16th, 2012

27. Hand delivered to US Congressman Denny Rehberg 301 East Broadway,Suite B, Missoula, Montana 59802 to Regional Director Eric Gabrian on Friday August 23rd, 2012

28 #468629715104485-Michael W. Cotter USA US Department of Justice 105 E. Pine 2nd Floor Missoula, MT 59802 406) 542-8851 Delivered Signed for by: DROSCO Shipment Dates Ship date Aug 31, 2012 Delivery date Sep 4, 2012 1:24 PM Destination Missoula, MT
29. #468629715104492- SSA Commissioner Michael Asture Social Security Administration 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 2 Ship date Aug 31, 2012 Delivered Signed for by: TLITTLE Shipment Dates Ship date Aug 31, 2012 Delivery date Sep 7, 2012 11:27 AM Destination Baltimore, MDSignature Proof of Delivery

30. #468629715104669 US Senator Patrick Leahy P.O. Box 933 87 State Street, Room 338 Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 229-0569 Delivered Signed for by: RWILBUR Shipment Dates Ship date Sep 4, 2012 Delivery date Sep 11, 2012 10:28 AM Destination Montpelier, VT

31. #468629715104676 Sean Brune SSA Regional Commissioner Regional Commissioner Sean Brune Social Security Administration Room 876 Federal Office Building 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 80294 Delivered Signed for by: MMCKITRICK Shipment Dates Ship date Sep 4, 2012 Delivery date Sep 7, 2012 10:33 AM Destination Denver, CO

32. #468629715104720 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals Judicial Misconduct question on Judge Loretta Preska Shipment exception MISSOULA, MT Shipment Dates Ship date Aug 31, 2012 Estimated delivery Sep 10, 2012 Destination New York, NY

33. #03113260000069523681 US Senator Charles Schumer 780 Third Ave, Suite 2301, NY, NY 10017 Your Item's StatusYour item was delivered at 12:15 pm on September 06, 2012 in NEW YORK, NY 10017.

34. #468629715105505 US Senator John Cornyn Chase Tower, 221 West Sixth Street, Suite 1530, Austin, TX 78701 (512-469-6034) Delivered Signed for by: SJAMES Shipment Dates Ship date Sep 7, 2012 Delivery date Sep 12, 2012 1:09 PM Destination Austin, TX

35. #03113260000069539897 US Senator Dick Durbin Delivery status not updated October 04, 2012, 12:04 am Expected Delivery By: October 03, 2012, 10:04 am WASHINGTON, DC 20022 Depart USPS Sort Facility October 01, 2012 MISSOULA, MT 59801

36. US Senator Herb Kohl 468629715109695 Delivered Signed for by: MLADWIG Shipment Dates Ship date Oct 5, 2012 Delivery date Oct 9, 2012 11:30 AM Destination Milwaukee, WA

37. #03113260000069533444 US Senator Bernie SandersDepart USPS Sort Facility October 05, 2012 MISSOULA, MT 59801; Your item was delivered at 1:06 pm on October 09, 2012 in BURLINGTON, VT 05401.

38. #468629715104492 Social Secuirty Commissioner Michael Asture Delivered Signed for by: TLITTLE Shipment Dates Ship date Aug 31, 2012 Delivery date Sep 7, 2012 11:27 AM Destination Baltimore, MD

39. Hand Delivery to United States Attorney Missoula Mt 11-2-2012

40. #468629715112961 Social Security Inspector GeneralDeparted FedEx location BILLINGS, MT Shipment Dates Ship date Nov 2, 2012 Delivered Signed for by: EJOHNSON actual delivery :Wed 11/07/2012 10:41 am BALTIMORE, MD US

41. #9500110833363101426082 US Senator Bill Nelson Senate Select Committee on Aging US Senate Office Building, Washington DC

42. #9500110833363101426080 US Senator Bill Nelson Senate Select Committee on Aging US Senate Office Building, Washington DC

43. Priority US Mail-US Congressman Lloyd Doggett San Antonio, TX delivery 1/10/2014

44. #797612021960-VP Joseph Biden mailed from Santa Barbara, CA Federal Express 1/11/2014 expected delivery Fri 1/17/2014 8:15 AM Beltway MD

45. #797611832210 US Senator Feinstein from Santa Barbara, CA Federal Express 1/11/2014 delivered 9:30 AM 1/14/2014 to Los Angeles, CA

46. #797611846960 US Senator Barbara Boxer from Santa Barbara, CA Federal Express 1/11/2014 delivered 1/14/2014 Los Angeles

47. #797611862392- US Senator Bill Nelson from Santa Barbara,CA Federal Express 1/11/2014 estimated delivery 1/17/2014 12:41 AM Miami, Florida

48. #797611873654-US Senator Sue Collins from Santa Barbara, CA Federal Express 1/11/2014 estimated delivery date 1/22/1014 4:24 PM Portland, Maine

49. #797612919884-SSA Office Legal Counsel Federal Express 1/11/2014 estimated delivery date 1/17/2014 11:25 AM Baltimore, MD

50. #448249910022740-US Senator Bernie Sanders delivered 1-22-2014 9:52 AM Burlington VT

51. 1Z4AR9120362104563 UPS- United Nations Human Rights Council Delivered On: Monday, 01/27/2014 at 11:12 A.M. Left At: Mail Room Signed By: RECIEVING Proof of Delivery

52. #797790003465-US Attorney Los Angeles 2/3/2014 - Monday 3:47 pm Delivered Los Angeles, CA

53. #797792429285-Asst Attorney (Criminal Division)General Washington DC Estimated delivery : Fri 2/07/2014 Washington, DC US

54. Fed Ex Office 448257910027450- US Congressman Mike Thompson Santa Rosa Vice Chair Committee on Social Security and Homeland Security delivered May 6th, 2014

55. United Parcel Service 1z20765V0370265588-Vice President Joseph Biden delivered July 8th, 2014 Washington DC.

56. United Parcel Service 1z20765V0303598854 Secretary of Health and Human ServicesWashington DC shows undelivered.

57. United Parcel Servic 1z20765V0303588490- US Congressman Bob Goodlatte delivered Roanoke, VA July 1, 2014

58. United Pacel Service 1z20765V0370355080 US Congressman XavierBeccerra shows delivery date June 25th, 2014 Los Angeles, CA

59. Federal Express 448252310012518- US District Court Amarillo, Texas-closed final SSA Case.

60. Federal Express 448252310012525- Legal Counsel Social Security Administration Baltimore, MD 6-27-2014

61. Federal Express 448252310012532-US Congressan Darryl Issa Vista CA 6-24-2014

62. Federal Express 448252310012549-US Senator Thomas Carper 6/27/2014 Willimington DE

63. Federal Express 448252310013140-US Congressman Mike Thompson 7-3-2014

64. United Parcel Service 1z20765V0303598854 Secretary of Health and Human ServicesWashington DC shows undelivered.

65. United Parcel Servic 1z20765V0303588490- US Congressman Bob Goodlatte delivered Roanoke, VA July 1, 2014

66. United Pacel Service 1z20765V0370355080 US Congressman XavierBeccerra shows delivery date June 25th, 2014 Los Angeles, CA

67. Federal Express 448252310012518- US District Court Amarillo, Texas-closed final SSA Case.

68. Federal Express 448252310012525- Legal Counsel Social Security Administration Baltimore, MD 6-27-2014

69. Federal Express 448252310012532-US Congressan Darryl Issa Vista CA 6-24-2014

70. Federal Express 448252310012549-US Senator Thomas Carper 6/27/2014 Willimington DE

71. Federal Express 448252310013140-US Congressman Mike Thompson 7-3-2014

72. United Postal Service 9114901189866665568580- US Senator Ron Wyden Medford, Oregon delivered July 17th, 2014

73. US Congressman Bob Goodlatte through local office Lynchburg, VA 2014

74. US Senator Patrick Leahy 12/4/2014 9114999944238167041933 Lynchburg, VA

75. US Congressman James Sensenbrenner 12-4-20159114999944238167041926 Lynchburg, VA

76. VP Joseph Biden First Class Mail Lynchburg VA

77. Office of Management and Budget Priority Mail 9505511194285106398035 4/6/2014 Tucson,AZ

78. Fed Ex 781280851903 US Senator Rob Portman delivery Thur 9/10/2015 12:13 pm

79. Fed Ex 781280861775 US Senator Mike Enzi delivery schedules 9-8-2015 11:43 AM

80. Fed Ex 781280873128 US Congressman Jim Jordan delivery scheduled 9-8-2015 9:42AM

81. Priority Mail 9505513370125247044229 US Congressman Jason Chafette delivery September 8, 2015 , 2:11 pm

82. Priority Mail 9505513370125247044236 US Congressman Darryl Issa September 8, 2015 , 3:25 pm

83. Priority Mail 9505513370125247044267 US Senator Patrick Leahy September 8, 2015 , 2:30 pm

84. Priority Mail 9505513370125247044281 US Congressman James Sensenbrenner delivery September 9, 2015 , 1:19 pm

85. Priority Mail 9505513370115257052710 Regional Commissioner Philadelphia, pA mailed 9/14/2015 and first class mail to local office Missoula MT Bill#840-55900268-1-149900-2

86. Federal Express 808846876827 to Commissioner recieved by R Outlaw and 808846876816 to Charlottesville, VA schedules deliver 9/16/2015

87. Hand Delivered Senator John TesterMissoula MT Officee

88 Federal Express 781451550390 To Birmingham, Al Thur 10/08/2015 by 4:30 pm

Federal Express 781451584663 SSA Office Missoula MT schedules for 10/8/2015

90. Federal Express 781444441449 To SSA ODAR est delivery 10/07/2015 9:20AM Delivered Signed for by: D.MARCHALL

92. Federal Express 781444458558SSA Inspector General est delivery Wed 10/07/2015 by 10:16 A, Signed for by: R.RILEY

93 First Class Mail US Senator Ron Wyden Federal CourtHouse Bldg, Medford, OR 10/13/2015 first class mail
94. Priority Mail 9505512510285317086432 US Senator James Langford priority mail mailed 11/13/2015

95. First Class Mail on House Committee on Ways and Means December 2015 from Tucson, AZ

96. Federal Express 782631805009 US Senator Diane Feinstein delivered 3/21/2016

97. Federal Express 782631795210 US Congressman Bob Goodlatte`delivered 3/21/2016

98. Federal Express 783001137149 US Marshal Spokane WA Emergency Management ue 5/10/2016 9:45 am 5/10/2016 11:17 am

99. Federal Express 783001160879 Congressman Bob Goodlatte 5/10/2016 9:45 am

100. Federal Express 783001184751 HHS Inspector General Washington DC Mon 5/09/2016 9:56 am

101. First Class Mail US Senator Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkel delivered 5 2016 Medford, OR

102. Federal Express 783331402680 US Congressman Jim Jordan delivered 6/13/2016

103 Federal Express 783331366369 California Fraud Investigations Unit delivered 6/13/2016

104. Hand Delivered US Attorney John Cotter FGJ proposal 6-13-2016 Missoula Montana

105. Federal Express 806172967647 Congressman Bob Goodlatte delivered 7-7-2016

106. Federal Express 806172967636 Senator Ron Johnson delivered 7-7-2016

107. Federal Express 806172967614 Congressman Jason Chavetz delivered 7-7-2016

108 Federal Express Congressman James Sensebrenner Jr Delivered 7-5-2016

109. Federal Express 7836491996608 Legal Brief US Senator Chuck Grassley delivered 7/26/016

110 First Class Mail US Senator Mike Crapo; US Congressman Mike Simpson; Governor Butch Otter; City of Boise; Idaho Emergency Management; Spokane County EMA and King County

111. Federal Express 783728763090 Signed for by: R.GABIOLA Fri 8/05/2016 11:46 am

112 Federal Express 783729790440 Unknown

113. Federal Express 787728821887 unknown

114. Federal Express 783728866654 Signed for by: CSPJUTE Wed 8/03/2016 12:04 pm Boise, ID

115. Priority Mail SSA General Counsel 9405510200829129729588 Monday, August 29, 2016

116. Priority Mail Clerk US District Court 9405510200793111845771 Monday, August 29, 2016

117. US Attorney Rodriguez 9405510200830274308566 August 29, 2016 , 10:51 am

118. Congressman Bob Goodlatte 9405510200883173278744 August 29, 2016 , 1:01 pm

119. Lisa Wolfe 9418410200829129708902 Missing

120 To Congressman Sam Johnson 9400110200828136638248 September 6, 2016 , 10:36 am

121 US Congessman Bob Dold 9400110200882136510034September 8, 2016 , 10:12 pm

122 USDC Civil Clerk 9405510200793119046927 September 6, 2016 , 2:52 pm

123 FBI Director 9405510200883180277389September 6, 2016 , 12:17 pm

124 US Marshal Service 9405810200882139692854 Missing Postal Complaint

125 US Attorney Tucson 9405810200883183545219September 12, 2016 , 2:09 pm

126 US Congressman Tom Price Federal Express 785187825123

127. Social Security Administration Federal Express 785187825123

128. US Congressman Rob Pittman Virginia 9505 5163 0561 700060 0815 90

129. US District Court Montana Walters v Berryhill

130 Social Security Commissioner Berryhill Federal Express 78638576449

131. President Donald Trump Federal Express 786385780719

132-135 Senator Jon Tester Senator Steve Daines; Missoula County Sheriff McDermott 786780423974 786780434000 786880464003 6-3-2017

136 US Supreme Court UN Human Rights Coordinator US Postal Service 9505 5133 7013 7145 1679 93 9505 5133 7013 7145 1680 06 5-25-2017

137-138. US House & Senate Judiciary Committee 9505514350518218227616 9505514350518218227623 August 2018

139-141. US Attorney EDC, FBI, Congressman McNery 9505514350548219140812 9505514350548219140829 9505514350548219140836 August 2018

142-143. USDC, NDC, USDC, CDC 9505514350518220229219 9505514350518220229202 August 2018

144-147. White House, @ Senate Committees 9505514350538221187073 9505514350538221187080 9505514350538221187097 August 2018

Amicus Curiae Brief

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UN Security Council August 2018