Rep Bob Goodlatte

House Judiciary Committee
10 Franklin Road, SE
Roanoke, VA 24011

Congressman Jim Jordan

Subcommittee On HealthCare
1524 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Jason Chaffetz

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515
Exhibit C Submitted As Evidence And
Testimony To Congress-Exclusive Jurisdiction
You are looking at part of Exhibit C a United States source document submitted as Evidence and Testimony to the several committees of the United States Congress since 1986. The survey data is occassionally used for creation of federal statutes; considering possible improvements in operation of federal programs; and study of operational field impediments. Because of the Separation of Powers found in US Constitution and various Rules of Congress it not possible to serve summons, subponeas; or other court process on Capitol Hill and persons attempting to can be detained and arrested by Capitol Police or otherwise sanctioned. Obviously the only legal reviews which can occur would require permission of the Chairman of a Congressional Committee reviewing the matters at public hearings
Standing US Court ORDERS
And Black Letter Law
Beginning in 1997 the Social Security Administration issued an Executive ORDER or Fia before a USDC, WDT link restricting legal discussions to places and times authorized by statute and have successfully defended their statutory rights from a over 500 challenges A small host of poor bastards who appear to have challenged the Sovereign rights of the Social Security Administration or Congress appear to have been thrown down the political 5 ton wood chipper and the confirmed kill list appears to include at least 1 or 2 federal judges; maybe a couple of cabinet level officers; a bunch of US Attorneys and a many more lesser persons. Whispered in the background are the strange, sacred, and holy legal incantations muttered by federal officials including Title 18 USC 402 Contempt; Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction Court Order; tampering with federal agency, Contempt of Congress...

US Senator Chuck Grassley

Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510

Congressman Mike Thompson

Ways and Means Committee
2300 County Center Dr
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Dr. Douglas Wright

3rd Floor 710 Water Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Fax: 830-257-6620

Dr. Lovelesh Manocha

Skinner Clinic Downtown
124 Dallas
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Samuel S Gibson MD

Digestive Health Clinic LLC
6259 W Emerald Street
Boise, IDaho 83704
Fax 208-375-5296
History of Colon Treatment
Table of Contents
1. Exhibits #25-27 Dr Tayna Hickcon Prescribes GI Exam Dr. Fergson Explains Problem Not Worth Fixing

2 Exhibit #28-29 Development of C-Diff Infection & Florida Doctor Prescribes Colon Exam 2003

3. Exhibit #30-34 Trying For Colon Exam-Passed Cyst 2004

5. Exhibit #38-39 Colon Exam Blocked In Tennessee Referral Made to San Antonio, TX 2004

6. Exhibit #40-44 Medical Work Blocked In San Antonio,TX 2004-2005

7. Exhibit #45-47 Washington State DSHS Makes Disability Determination 2005

9. DR Eric Strandbert Referrals Colon Exams 2005 Medical Findings For Washington State

10. Next Page Page 2b.htm

Advanced Medical Directive

Requires Contract to Provide Medical Services
Why Is The United States Going Broke?
Medical Failure Equal Profit for Hospitals and Doctors
Strange I thought medical professionals were supposed to be healers who resolved medical problems instead of dragging them out for years and years to increase profits 10 Doctors 5 years to do minor surgery for cancer in office. 45 Doctors took 15 years to do colon exam. 160 Doctors treated chronic blood clots and 4-5 hospitalizations a year at $400,000 until 1 doctor prescribed Xarelto-a pill a day..131 Doctors Treat Chronic Infection 1 doctor solves problem with hospital visit. Primary Care Physicians prescribe assisted living as needed for hip replacement...., how many years will pass before this occurs

Exhibits #25-27 Dr Tayna Hickcon Prescribes GI Exam
Dr. Fergson Explains Problem Not Worth Fixing

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Hickson Primary Care Physician
Downtown Health Plaza Baptist Hospital
1200 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Winston-Salem,NC 27101
Referral For
Colonoscopy Exhibit #25
1 Dr. Tayna Hickson-Primary Care Physician has agreed to become Primary Care Physician and asked me not to be seen by any other doctors without her prior approval.

2. Dr. Hickson approved water pill-good results

3. Dr. Hickson reports blood test-"results normal"

4. Dr. Hickson has begun ordering GI examination for colonoscopy however neglected to complete the arrangements with the Colonoscopy Clinic 716-6800

5. Dr. Tayna Hickson explained she was asked to deny medical attention at the request of Social Security officals in North Carolina state government.

Reverend Roland Barnhardt

Centenary United Methodist Church
646 W 5th Street
Winston Salem,NC 27101
Out of State Referral
For Medical Work-Maser #26
The Centenary United Methodist Church of Winston Salem,NC made a written referral in 2003 for Chris Walters to travel to other Florida and attempt to find a community which afford to do his medical work. Bus ticket provided by Church member Charles Richardson.

Dr. Ferguson

Travis Park UMC
230 E Travis
San Antonio, TX 78205
(210) 226-8341
Dr. Ferguson UMC
Problem Not Worth $90,000-Exhibit #27
In December, 2004 Dr. Ferguson of the Travis Park UMC explained an endoscopic exam was not proper course of treatment because he explained my many doctors could already see what was wrong and nobody involved would have what he explained is $90,000 to pay for the surgery to fix the problem.

Exhibit #28-29 Development of C-Diff Infection &
Florida Doctor Prescribes Colon Exam 2003

Dr. Thomas Hinson

SAMM Clinic
717 Oak Street
Winston Salem,NC 27101
How Kevlex Gave Chris
Ulcerative Colitis Exhibit #28
I treated Chris Walters for 5 years from 2000-2005 for chronic stalph infections and helped develop a standard treatment of Keflex. I saw and treated Chris on 4-25-02; April, 2002; 3/19/04;April 15,2004; May 13,2004; 4/7/05 and 4/21/05 and established a Keflex treatment.

Unfortunately I didn't know that Keflex is not an appropriate treatment for patients such as Chris was a long history of colon problems. The medication encourges too much Clostridium difficile, which can in turn cause Necrotizing colitis; pseudomembranous colitis;interstitial nephritis... Chris developed some of the classic side effects of ulcerative colotis including chronic diarrhea fatigue, rectal itching, inflammation of the stomach, swelling due to fluid retention,....

C Difficile Bacteria

Extremely Communicable
Causes Ulcerative Collitis


Staphylococcus aureus
100 Doctors Prescribe Wrong
Antibiotic for 10 Years
100 Doctors prescribed over 100 doses of antibiotics for 10 years which were ineffective at treatment of C.Diff until Dr. Ruth Thomas of Salem, Oregon prescribed the medication specified for this bacteria.

Dr. Mark Foppe

Lakeland Regional Medical Center
1324 Lakeland Hills Blvd
Lakeland, FL
863) 687-1100
Dr. Foppe Prescribes
Endoscopic Exam-Exhibit #29
Dr. Foppe spent all day doing various test and then made a referral to Dr. Kattih (619-8449). After an estimated $1200 medical bill Dr. Foppe explained the referral was worthless unless I have medical insurance

Physician: Dr Mark Foppe
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
Public Contact
1324 Lakeland Hills Blvd
Lakeland, FL
(863) 687-1100
Date: 9-30-03
AC: 20695587

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Mark Foppe
Lakeland Regional Medical Center
1324 Lakeland Hills Blvd
Lakeland, FL
(863) 687-1100

Exhibit #30-34 Trying For Colon Exam-Passed Cyst 2004

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital

ER # 7400101171
1300 Miccouskee Road
Tallahassee, Fl 32308
Passed Part of Internal Cyst
Exhibit #30
In December, 2003 I passed what looks like a 2 inch triangular shaped piece of very thin clear bone-which took a bit of work to drop out. Since the colon has no bones in it I can't guess what it might be. Doctor suggest it might be part of internal cyst which has broken apart.
1. Dr. Agravat
prescribe Keflex for infection in 12-1-2004 and Lassix for fluid build up on legs & suggested colon exam.

Neightborhood Health Services

438 W Brevard Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
Fax 850-224-1139
Dr. Nina Sumlar Admits
Colon Exam Too Expensive-Exhibit #31
After treating what Dr. Sumlar described as Impetigo, edema, and colon problems 1/15/2004 Dr. Sumlar suggest scheduling of colon exam in the future through We Care. The expense blood and lab work was simply faxed from Lakeland Regional Medical Center. Feburary 19-2004 Dr. Sumlar prescribes Keflex for recurrent stalph infection and admits colon exam is not possible because of costs.

Ability 1st

A United Way Program
1823 Burford Court
Tallahassee, Fl 32308
Referral Back To
North CArolina-Exhibit #32
Janurary 23, 2004

To Whom It May Concern:

Chris Walters has been residing at the Tallahassee Homeless Shelter for the past few months. He currently has many health problems and requires frequent medical follow-up. He was previously residing in winston Salem, NC where he has supportive services from his church, Centenary United Methodist Church, the shelter and established medical services. Chris Walters originally left Winston Salem for Tallahasse for needed medical works-ups. However, since Mr. Walters has been to Tallahassee, the services were less then he originally expected.

Mr. Walters requests assistance to return to Winston Salem, NC he has met with the independent Living Specialist from Ability 1st, Erlinda Smith, OTRL. After an extensive interview Erlinda Smith OTRL agrees with Mr. Wlaters need to return to Winston Salem.

Please assist Chris Walters in his effort to obtain financial assistance to return to Winston Salem,NC Erlinda smith, OTRL request that Chris Walters notify Reverend Roland Barnhardt of Centenary Untied Methodist Church as (336-724-6311) regarding his intentions and re-establish supportive services

Once Mr. Walters is in Winston Salem,NC., please sche3dule an appointment with previous physicians and establish the necessary process to start Social Security Disability process. Mr. Walters plans to reside at the Winston Salme Shelter. The shelter as described by Mr. Walters has the available spce he needs due to his medical status

If you need further information, please feel free to contact Erlinda smith, OTRL at Ability 1st or Mr. Walters. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

North Carolina Baptist Hospital

Winston Salem,NC
Dr. David Oneill Makes Referral
To Internal Medicine Clinic Exhibit #33
Dr. Oneil makes referral to Internal Medicine 3/14/02004, prescribes antihistimine for allergies. Follow up not possible.

Erlinda Smith, OTRL,

Social Security Administration

Finding July, 2004
Social Security Administration
Throws Away Medical Records Exhibit #34
The Social Security finding above cites 3 doctors and not the 104 doctors I printed and provided to officals in Janurary, 2004. Social Security officals appeared in State Superior Court in Forsyth County, NC and explained they have a legal right to throw away or refuse to process medical records or violate citizens right in any manner their see fit.

Exhibit #35-37 Florida Referral Back to North Carolina 2004

Dr. Frank VanMiddlesworth, PHD, MD

Good Samaritan Clinic
741 Sixth Ave West
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Dr. Frank Van Middlesworth
Recomments Endoscopic Exam-Exhibit #35
7-28-04 Dr. Frank Van Middlesworth, PHD, MD prescribed an encoscopic exam; suggested I might have congesting heart failure; prescribed Lassix, and Keflex for infection. Tried to make referral to San Antonio,TX however Rescue Mission staff asked Doctor not to follow through with referral. The Hendersonville Rescue Mission declined to provide an extension for medical evaluation.

Dr. Larry Schmidt

310 N State Of Franklin Rd,
Johnson City, TN 37604
(423) 929-7111
Dr. Larry Schmidt
Recommends Endoscopic Exam-Exhibit #36
8-5-04 Dr. Larry Schmidt prescribed an encoscopic exam; and offered to preform the procedure at no. costs

Haven of Mercy Ministries Inc

Director Bill Ingram
123 West Millard Street
Johnson City, TN 37603
We Can't Give Chris
2 Week Extension-Exhibit #37
The Director of the Rescue Mission asked Chris to work on his medical plan and then after the doctor wanted to provide the medical work for free declined to provide Chris a simple 2 week extension to get for the medical work to be done by Dr. Larry Schmidt

Exhibit #38-39 Colon Exam Blocked In Tennessee
Referral Made to San Antonio, TX 2004

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Larry Schmidt
310 N State Of Franklin Rd,
Johnson City, TN 37604

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Larry Schmidt
310 N State Of Franklin Rd,
Johnson City, TN 37604

Haven Of Rest Rescue Mission Inc

Supervisor David Lamb
PO Box 372
624 Anderson Street
Bristol, Tennessee 37621
Fax 423-968-4697
Rescue Mission Makes
Transfer To San Antonio-Exhibit #38
8-26-04 The Haven of Rest Rescue Mission has taken a lead in getting the medical work back on track by making a written referral to San Antonio and assisting in providing a bus ticket. South Texas has indigent health care programs which might be able to pay for the expensive medical work and long term shelters which may allow extensions as required. This is an example of Christianity in Action where someone has gone out of the way to show some Jesus.

SAMMinistries Emergency Services

Residence Verficiation
Date: 9/13/04

To Whom It May Concern
Residence Vernfication
San Antonio-Exhibit #39
This is to verify that Chris Walters is currently residing at the following shelter

SAMM Center
910 West Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207

The resident does/does not have a family at the shelter. The childrens names are:


If there any questions, please feel free to contact out shelter. Thank you for working with SAMMinistries in providing hope for our residents

Emergency Services Staff

Signed Elizabeth Rerdon Garza Counselor 9/13/1004
Centro Med
Health Care for The Homless
920 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
210-227-2801xt 15
Fax 210-227-2875

Exhibit #40-44 Medical Work Blocked In San Antonio,TX 2004-2005

Centro Med

El Centro De Barrio
Dr Leona Guerrero
920 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
Referral for GI Exam
Keflex for Infection-Exhibit #40
10-24-04 Physician Assistant Leona Guerrerro prescribed Keflex for stalph infection & boils. Prescribes Zyrtec 10 MP Tabs for allergies.

J Mills PAC/NB Parra M

Centro Med
Health Care for The Homless
920 W Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
210-227-2801xt 15
Fax 210-227-2875
Referral for GI Exam
Keflex for Infection-Exhibit #41
9-22-04 Physician Assistant Jane Mills makes written referral to GI clinic and prescribed Keflex for stalph infection on hand. Follow up exam for general physical 9-29-04 which was denied 10-12-2004

Care Link

University Health System
CareLink Denies
GI Evaluation & Referral-Exhibit #42
Carelink denied the request for medical insurance based in Centro Med residence statement and the referral below:

Haven of Mercy Ministries Inc

Director Bill Ingram
123 West Millard Street
Johnson City, TN 37603
Rescue Mission Nixes
Endoscopic Exam Exhibit #43

The Director of the Rescue Mission blocked the medical treatment by explaining he would not let me use his facility as would be scheduled on 6-15-2003 and reported to other 3rd parties he was acting on behalf of his Board of Directors.

Press On Image To Enlarge

Dr. Larry Schmidt
310 N State Of Franklin Rd,
Johnson City, TN 37604
(423) 929-7111
Rescue Mission Blocks
Colonoscopy-Exhibit #44
From: "Alan Hartman"
To: "Chris Walters"
Subject: Dr. phone call
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 09:39:57 -0500


Robin from Dr. Schmidt's office wants you to call so she can schedule your colonoscopy. Congratulations!


Exhibit #45-47 Washington State DSHS Makes
Disability Determination 2005

Hon Richard L Puslisi

333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Linda McMahon

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Larry Gomez

555 South Telshor
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Plaintiff Pro Se
PO Box 160
Las Cruces, NM 88004
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Docket For Case #: 1:07-cv-00257-JCH-RLP
US Magistrate Judge Richard L Puslisi
Presiding Judge Judith Hererra

Commissioner Of Social Security
The Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401
Social Security Appeals Council Impeachs
Washington State Doctors Exhibit 45
Into USDC, NM 2007
This link reviews The Social Security Administrations represenative Washington State DSHS Claim #3491348 completed a consultative exam by Dr. Eric Strandberg 10-25-2005 and recommended Echo Cardio Gram; Venous Studies of Legs; and Colonoscopy. A follow up consultative exam by Dr. Pinon suggested similar recommendations. By 12-2005 Social Security officials are reportedly aware of the disability claim and actively contacting medical authorities and asking them to discontinue medical work. US Senator Bob Smith the Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee instructed the Social Security Appeals Council to overturn the mistakes of the Office of Hearings and Appeals. The Social Security Appeals Council returned their ORDER 12-24-06 which apparently impeached the actions and findings of their represenative Washington State DSHS4.

Appeals Council

Office of Hearings and Appeals
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 24041-3255

US Health Works

Dr. Eric Strandberg
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884
Dr. Strandberg Defines Disabilities
Cardiac, Digestive, Veins In Legs
Exhibit #46
Medical examination 10-25-2005 by Dr. Eric Strandberg; US Health Works recommended Echo Cardio Gram; Venous Studies of Legs; and Colonoscopy. No restrictions on computer or job training. Letter from DSHS 10/26/2005 Oks GAU Case #3491348 through 1/31/2006; including Medical and Food Stamps.

Press On Image To Enlarge

Case Worker Sharon Langs
Washington State DSHS
Belltown CSO
2106 2nd Avenue, Fl 2
Seattle, WA 98124-9522
Disability Evaluation-Exhibit #46

DR Eric Strandbert Referrals Colon Exams 2005
Medical Findings For Washington State

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Health Works
1151 Denny Way
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 682-7418
Fax 206-623-0884