Government Accountability Office
Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General
441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 512-3000

HHS Inspector General
Daniel Levinson
U.S. Depart of Health &Human Services
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Social Security Inspector General

Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17785
Baltimore, Maryland 21235

Required Disability Determinations By Statues
& Limited By Numerous Court ORDERS
Title 42 USC 423(d)(5)(b) Disability insurance benefit payments There are only 6 authorized protocols where claimiant for SSI benefits can engage in legal processes relating to application for Social Security benefits. . The Social Security has prevailed at law in 1997, 2007 and 2009 to prevent any additional legal processes and various interest attempting to move against the law have received substantial sanctions

1.. SSI Application and initial review and submission of medical evidence in 2002

2. SSI reconsideration

3. Administrative Judge Review

4. Appeals Council and Page 2

5. Commissioner's Final Determination Page 2 and later grant of benefits Benefits granted also Page 2

Title 42 USC Sec 405(G)H) Judicial Review provides for the Commissioner's final determination to be reviewed in a United States District Court by a federal judge as seen in Walters v Asture USDC, Idaho 1:11-cv-000359-LMB and being citex by SSA employees as a matter of occassional review

Congressional and Diplomatic Immunity to protect the constitutionality of Acts of Congress arising from misuse of federal statutes Title 18 CRIMES many references are made concerning possible violations of federal law however it is important to remember no person has been arrested or charged with violation of a federal crime and the references are being used for stastical purposes.

United States District Court

US Magistrate Judge Richard L Puslisi
333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Social Security Commissioner

Mike Asture
Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235

Former US Attorney Larry Gomez

555 South Telshor, Suite 300
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Plaintiff Pro Se
PO Box 160
Las Cruces, NM 88004
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Docket For Case #: 1:07-cv-00257-JCH-RLP
US Magistrate Judge Richard L Puslisi
Presiding Judge Judith Hererra

Commissioner Of Social Security
The Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235-6401
Social Security Commissioner Makes
Admission of Fact and Law For Disability
The incoming Commissioner of Social Security Michael Astrue has made a admission of fact and law I am disabled and this ends legal action in USDC, NM

Request for Emergency Communications

From Technical Expert Betsy Huber
Social Security Administration
2141 Summit Court
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Black Letter Law US Appellate Courts Decline to Permit Challenges
To SSA Rights Under Title 42 USC 432 & 405 Judicial Review...

Presiding Judge Fred Biery

US District Court Western District Texas
655 East Durango Blvd.,
San Antonio, Texas 78206

San Antonio Home Of Federal Grand Jury

Former US Attorney Johnny Sutton
Asst Gary L Anderson
601 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 600
San Antonio, TX 78216

David W Williams

Former Social Security Inspector General
Social Security Administrationl
6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235
Chris Walters,
Appellant Pro Se


SSI Inspector General
David C.Miller
Lori E. Crownover
Texas Department of Human Services

Presiding Judge Fred Biery
US 5th Circuit # 99-50174
CA: SA-97-CA-1313

5th US Circuit Court of Appeals

600 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Main Number (504) 310-7700

Before the United States District Court

The Honorable Judge Robert Scott
US District of New Mexico
333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Commissioner Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

Former US Attorney Gregg Fouratt

555 South Telshor, Suite 300
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA


Voluntary Dismissal Based On Agreement Parties

US Circuit Court of Appeals
10th Circuit
Byron White U.S. Courthouse
DC 08 2094 Walters V Astrue
1823 Stout Street
Denver, CO 80257

US Circuit Court of Appeals

for District of Columbia
Before Chief Judge Sentelle, Tatel, and Garland
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Mr. Chris Walters,

Michael Astrue, et all
Social Security Administration
Walters v Astrue 09-05206

ORDER Ending Litigation With Prejudice

United States Circuit Court of Appeals
District of Columbia
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Black Letter Law & Joinders to United Nations

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Robert Bacharach
10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
The Byron White U.S. Courthouse
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Stephen Anderson
The Byron White U.S. Courthouse
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

The Honorable US Circuit Court

Judge Timothy Tymkovich
10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
The Byron White U.S. Courthouse
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257
Chris Walters,
Appellanr Pro Se
Carol Colvin Acting Social Security Commissioner
Appellee Civil Case: No. 13-2087
Question of Impeachment Acting
Supreme Court Justice James R Parker
10th USCA Court Docket Civil Case: No. 13-2087
Link Addressed Congress Committees question of fitness of Judges who usurpsed power and authority of US Supreme Court to overrule other US Circuits; holding hearings after case withdrawn; holding case without presence of required 2 parties....

1. The USDC NM moved forward with case review after having been notified the case was being withdrawn because the issues were resolved in related case in USDC, NDT

2. Usurped power and authority of US Supreme Court by trying to overturn the Finding of the USDC, NDT below and other Courts

Clerk of US Supreme Court

Washington, DC
Petition For Writ of Certiorari
Unable to File With
US Supreme Court

Before the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals

The Honorable Catharine Haynes, William Davis, Priscilla Owen
600 S. Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130-3408
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Civil Case: 2-13CV-0156-JBBUSDC, NDT
Court of Appeals Docket #: 14-10915

Carol Colvin
Acting Social Security Commissioner

Before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

600 S. Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130-3408
(504) 310-7700
Voluntary Withdraw Complaint
Remove Question To UN Security Council

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein President
Human Rights Council
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Paquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland

His Excellency Andrew Gilmour
Asst Secretary-General for Human Rights
Office of UNHCHR
Room S-1310, 13th floor
Secretariat Building,
UN Headquarters
New York, USA 10017

Addressed Too International Criminal Court

Fatou Bensouda,Prosecutor
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

Office Of International Prosectutor

International Court of Criminal Justice
Hague, Netherlands