Governor Pete Wilson

State Capitol
Salem, Oregon

Governor Neil Goldschmidt

State Capitol
Salem, Oregon

Governor Booth Gardner

State Capitol
Honorary Field Investigator
US Department of HUD 1986-1996
In 1986 I worked in conjuction with business, civic, and social groups in Seattle who helped reform Washington State's DSHS-GAU program and input ideas into the Office of Congressman Mike Lowry. Congressman Mike Lowry went on to co-sponsor the Stewart Mc Kinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987. The exchange of information between cities and states began in earnst in 1987.

In 1987 Mr. James Harris of Oregon's homeless program in the Department of Community Services proposed the construction of the I-5 Corridor interstate network between San Diego, CA and Seattle, WA. Governor Neil Goldschmidt of Oregon, Governor Dukemejian of California assigned Chrisine D. Reed and Washington State appointed DSHS Secretary Jules Sugarman and many others agreed to participate in the construction of the I-5 network. I was asked to do the field work for this networking program which continues as of July, 1994.

Not long after 1987 Governor Bamburger of Utah, the Govenor of Colorado, Governor of New Mexico, portions of Nevada, InterAgency Council on Homeless, Governor of Florida, and General Willie Scott of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and other joined the program and made CHAPS a national directory in 14 states.

The networking activity was origionally a small published list of homeless shelters and contacts. In 1988 we recieved a national news article in Seattle Post Intelligencer. CHAPS publications influenced national legislation in CSBG, Food Stamps, and other area. CHAPS became a computerized directory service about 1991 and expands at the request of those using the system.

Chris Walters Author,

107th US Congress
US Codes Passed By US Congress
Operational Audits a 15 year survey of social services and indigent health care authorized by the Western and Southern states was deferred to the 107th US Congress which assisted in creation of Title 42 USC 11301 Homeless Act; Title 7 USC 2011 Food Stamps; Community Service Block Grants; and Welfare Reform Act of 1996

Director Kay Knepprath

Califonrnia Housing and Homeless Coalition
1107 9th Street, Suite 560
Sacramento, CA 95814

Mr. James Harris

Oregon Department of Housing & Community Services
725 Summer Street NE, Suite B
Salem OR 97301-1266

Katherine Friedt

Community Services
Dept Community Development
Ninth & Columbia Bldg
Olympia, WA 98504
I-5 Corridor Ageeement
Proposal by Oregon State
(Expanded To Include 15 States)
Among those working with the homeless in the western States of California, Oregon, and Washington there is a growing awarenessness that many thousands of the homeless migrate along the I-5 Corridor on a regular basis as well as seasonally with weather changes. These major migrations have an impact on all the cities both on the corridor and near the highway.

Most of the cities,states, groups, and individuals on this list have expressed an interest in exchanging information and ideas on the homeless issue with others to gain an understanding of the homeless movements, expansion of networks and computer systems, consider new ideas, and approaches to problems and possible eventually to formulate regional policy.Of particular interest is the new Handsnet Computer Information sharing system operated by CAL-NEVA (California Homeless and Housing Coalition) . The California Homeless Coalition has expressed an interest in extending the system into other states for information sharing

(Kay Knepprath 1987)

Also included in the list are city by city information on emergency shelters serving male transient populations where possible showing shelter capability, bed capability, feeding information, and the ability to return homeless to work. Of the at least 150 emergency shelters in the region of 5 western states it is estimated that only 10% currently have the ability to assist the home less to return to work at this time. Most shelters have stay time too short to support work among the male homeless; typically 3 to 5 days per month. It is also important that information on shelters are primarily estimated and more specific information can be gotten from the shelters by writting or calling. It is hoped you will use this list to contact other taskforces, groups, and individuals and exhange information and ideas with them.

By Chris Walters

Suggested by: Mr. James Harris (retired)
Oregon Community Services

Associated Press Homepage
Transient Surveys Shelters
Sunday, November 20th, 1988
Seattle Post Intelligencer

Associated Press

MEDFORD, ORE- In his wandering from San Diego to Seattle Chris Walters has surveyed homeless shelters and developed ideas about how to make them better.
"I'm not doing just a survey" says Walters from a phone
booth in Stockton, California."I live there. I'm a homeless person too."
James Harris, Manager of Oregon's Homeless Program, says Walters has provided information about the needs and movements of the homeless and transients on the I-5 Corridor - information that officials wouldn't get otherwise
"I think he's doing a public service".
Walters said he worked in security for 10 years as a clerk in a bank in Florida before hitting the road. After a six month stint as a motel clerk in 1986, he was back on the road again. "If you were looking at me, you couldn't tell I was homeless." He said on the telephone."You would assume I worked in a bank or something. The only thing that would give me away would be my disintegrating tennis shoes."

His office is a notebook he carried in a small duffle bag along with a change of clothes and a few personal items.
In His travels he distributes his reports on homeless shelters
to city managers, county supervisors, social-service
departments, Congressmen, Senators, Libraries, and Newspapers
He applauds a decision in California to open National Guard Armories as shelters on cold nights and would like to see other states do the same. "It keeps people from freezing to death, " he said. Walters ranks Oregon first in the West in helping homeless men to go back to work, followed by Nevada, Arizona, Washington, and California.
He said the short time a person can stay in a shelter makes it harder for him or her to settle down and get a job. "When a homeless person is in Medford and his five days are up, he's not going to starve to death or freeze to death at night,"
Walters said, "He's going to go north to Roseburg or south to Redding. Most homeless move around because the homeless system is set up to encourage them to move around. He would like to see shelters allow one 30 day stay a year, so people can get a job and start a life for themselves.
If at the end of 30 days you can't show me anything, then I'd say Redding is that way, Roseburg is that way"

Governor Pete Wilson

Contact Robert A. Horel
Welfare Department
State Capitol
Salem, Oregon

Governor Norman Bangeter

State Capitol
Salt Lake City,Utah

Senator Thad Cochran

Contact Nehima Flowers
Jackson, MS

Assignee Nehima Flowers

Former US Marshal
Jackson, MS

Contact Gordon Packard

Director Prima Vera Foundation
702 S. 6th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 623-5111
Fax: (520) 623-6434

Governor Ann Richards

Contact Larry Crumpton
Texas Dept of Community Affiars
The Capitol
Austin, Texas 78711-2068

Governor Cecil Andrus

State Capitol
Boise, Idaho

Governor Neil Goldschmidt

Contact James Harris Oregon Dept of Community Affairs
State Capitol
Salem, Oregon

Former Governor Bob Martinez

Contact Lewis O. Burnside, jr.
Florida Department of Community Affairs
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Mighty Casey Goes To Bat

Pioneer Square Association
Benjamin Markovchick~Nicholls
119 First Ave S. #100
Seattle WA 98104
(206) 667-0687
fax: (206) 667-9739

Governor Booth Gardner

Contact Jules Sugarman
Secretary DSHS
State Capitol

Governor Bill Richardson

State Capitol
Santa FE, NM

Governor of Arizona Fife Symington

Office of Governor
Contact Vic Huchenko
Arizona Dept of Economic Security

Governor of Arizona Rose Moffard

Office of Governor
Contact Linda Blessings
Arizona Dept of Economic Security

State of Nevada

Bob Miller Governor
Linda A Ryan, Nevada State
Welfare Division Administrator
2527 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89710

Los Angeles County

Board of Supervisors
Mr. Alan Wilkins,Homeless Coordinator
Supervisor of Fifth District

Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter Day Saints
Welfare Services
Seventh Floor DTB 758
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

The Las Vegas Rescue Mission

Director Ed Compton (Retired)
480 W Bonanza Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89106-3227
Phone: (702) 382-1766
Fax: (702) 474-7535

Brady Exber
Chairman of Homeless Coalition
Owner of Las Vegas Club
18 East Fremont Street,
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Mayor of City of Portland

J.E.Bud Clark, Mayor
Contact Dan Steffee
1220 S.W. 5th
Portland, Oregon 97204
Janurary 19th, 1988

City of San Diego

Mayor Maureen Oconnor
Address: 664 Fifth Ave,
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 238-1146

King County Executive Tim Hill

400 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104

Steve Miller
City of Las Vegas
495 S. Main Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101

City of Las Vegas

The City of Las Vegas
Virginia Hernandez,
Development Officer Urban Development
City Hall
400 East Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 90101

Governor of Mike Lowry

State of Washington
Office Of The Governor/Elect
Olympia 98504-1001

Lt. Governor Bob Bullock

Lieutenant Governor of Texas
Contact DeAnn Friedholm
The Capitol
Austin, Texas 78711-2068

Mayor of City of Medford

City of Medford
411 West 8th Street
Medford, Oregon 97501

US Department of HUD

Inspector General Paul Adams
Contact Thad Stanuil
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410

Peter F Fry
Urban Planner
Central East Industrial Council
2153 Sw Main St # 105
Portland, OR 97205
Phone: (503) 274-2744

US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chair Senate Appropriations
Wrote Case Mnagment Amendment CSBG
Staffer Eloise Brooker
Salem, Oregon 97301

US Senator Bob Graham

United States Senate
Washington,D.C. 20510-0903

Congressman Tony Coelho

Majority House Whip
Contact Jane
Modesto CA

US Senator Brock Adams

Contact James Gonzoles
Federal Building
Seattle, WA

US Edward M Kennedy

Co Sponsored Proposes Amendment CSBG

US Senator Bob Packwood

United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
May 22nd, 1989

US Senator Lloyd Bentsen

Contact Tony Kuntsen
United States Senate
Washington,D.C. 20510

Samuel Pierce HUD Secretary

Robert C. Scalia, Region X's
451 Seventh Street., S.W., Suite 10158,
Washington, D.C. 20410

US John Glen

Co Sponsored Proposes Amendment CSBG

US Congressman Lamar Smith
House Judiciary Committee
Guaranty Bank Building
1100 NE Loop 410
Suite 640
San Antonio, TX 78209

US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman House Banking and Urban Affairs
327 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

US Senator Harry Reid

333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
Lloyd D. George Building
Las Vegas , NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

US Congressman Hubbard

U.S. House of Represenatives
Subcommittee On General Oversight
And Investigations Of The
Committee On Banking,
Finance, And Urban Affairs
ROOM B-304 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Governor Lawton Childes

The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001
June 20th, 1995

Governor Ann Richards

The Capitol
Austin, Texas 78711-2068
Governor Ann Richards Assigns
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Texas Governor Ann Richards assigned Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs as the liasion for all homeless shelters surveys and audits and contacts are Director Larry Crumpton retired 1995 Eddie Ferris

Lt. Governor Bob Bullock

Lieutenant Governor of Texas
The Capitol
Austin, Texas 78711-2068

August 14, 1991

Chris Walters c/o
Christian Center of Salem
Salem, Oregon


Thank you for the emergency resource list for homeless shelters and systems for the western United States.

I am giving this information to my special assistant DeAnn Friedholm, who handles this. If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to contact De Ann at 512/463-0010.

Again, I appreciate your interest and thank you for providing me with this information.

Sincerely,Biggest Signature You Ever Saw
Lieutenant Governor

BB: dft cc: DeAnn Friedholm

Governor of Washington State

State of Washington
Office Of The Governor/Elect
Olympia 98504-1001


Janurary 5, 1993

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o 325 - 13th St., Room 205
Salem, Oregon 97301

Dear Chris:

Thank you for your recent advice. I greatly appreciate information from all sources. In this time of growing polarization, I wante to bring people and ideas together from all sides, to find solutions that will work for everyone.

I've put together several transition teams to deal with a wide range of issues, including your area of concern. I've sent your information to that team. If they need further information, or have a question regarding your information, they will be contacting you.

Thanks again for your thoughts. I know that by working together, we can made Washington State a leader in economic growth, natural resource preservation, education, health care, and all other issues of concern to our citizens.

Mike Lowry

Mayor of City of Medford

411 West 8th Street
Medford, Oregon 97501

December 9, 1993

Mr. Chris Walters
PO Box 1475
Rockport, TX 78381

Dear Chris:

Thank you for the article on homeless shelters. The information was excellent and it's interesting to learn how some communities have found a way to provide a service so urgently needed in an economical way. I have taken the liberty of sending a copy of the article to the Major of the Medford Salvation Army for his review.

Again, thanks for the information. Best wishes for a happy holiday season.

Sincerely, Jerry Lausmann Mayor

Los Angeles County

County Of Los Angeles
Department of Social Services
3401 Rio Hondo Avenue,
Elmonte, California 91731
PO BOX 5493,
MAY 1, 1992

Mr. Chris Walters

Dear Mr. Walters:

This is in response to the material I received from Supervisor Antonovich on your Computerized Homeless Assistance Programs Systems (CHAPS).

I appreciate receiving the information you provided. However, we currently have voucher issuance and tracking system in operation in my department for the General Relief (GR) Program. This application is mainframe based and collects data from the 14 GR District Offices.

This system was developed and is maintained by my staff. Therefore, we do not purchase customized software for development of a system. If our need changes we will contact you. I have instructed my staff and the County Data Processing Department to add your name to our list of vendors that receive request for proposals and statements of work.

Once again, thank you for the information you provided. I am always looking for innovative ideas.

Very Truly Yours
Eddy S Tanaka, Director

City of Las Vegas

The City of Las Vegas
City Hall
400 East Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 90101
City Manager William J Noonan

December 10TH, 1991

Mr. Chris Walters
Salem, Oregon 97301

RE: Interstate Homeless Shelter Directory

Dear Mr. Walters:

I am returning the interstate homeless directory. Thank you for sending me same. Your help in this matter was greatly appreciates.

If you should have any further question, please call me at (702-229-7462)

Sincerely, Virginia Hernandez,
Development Officer Urban Development
VH: Interstate Enclosures

State of Nevada

Bob Miller Governor
State Of Nevada
Department of Human Resources
Welfare Division
2527 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89710

Director Jerry Gripentrog
Linda A Ryan Administrator

September 5, 1991

Chris Walters
c/o Christian Center of Salem
Salem, Oregon

Dear Mr. Walters:

We recieved your request for updated information for the emergency and social services western US directory. Linda A Ryan, Nevada State Welfare Division Administrator remains the homeless coordinator for the State of Arizona.

A copy of your letter was also forwarded to Mr. Bill Cottrell, Southern Nevada Homeless Task Force President and he reported no changes at this time.

If we can be of futher assistance or if you require additional information, please call Anthoula Sullivan, Nevada State Welfare Program Specialist, at (702-687-4715)

Sincerely, Signed Jackie Cheney, Chief
Eligibility & Payments

Washington State DSHS

Jules M. Sugarman

State of Washington
Department of Social and Health Services
Olympia, WA 98504-0095

November 18th, 1987

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o 722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Dear Mr. Walters:

Secretary Sugarman has asked me to respond to your recent letter regarding the homeless. The Department will be pleased to help in any way.

Services to the homeless are provided under some of the Departments Programs. However, in the State of Washington, federal funds for the homeless are administered by the Department of Community Development. The contact person at Community Development is Katherine Freidt. Ms. Freidt's Address is Department of Community Development, Mail Stop GH-51, Ninth and Columbia Building, Olympia, Washington 98504. If I can provide anything further, please let me know.

Sincerely, Gerald J. Reilly
Assistant Secretary
Economic and Medical Services

cc. Jules M Sugarman;Katherine Friedt

State of Washington

Department of Community Development
Divison For Community Services
Ninth & Columbia Building MS/GH-51
Olympia, Washington 98504-4151

December 7, 1987

Mr. Chris Walters
722 1/2 Thirteenth Street
Modesto, California 95354

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for the information which you send about groups and individuals who are working on homelessness issues in the western United States.

The Department of Community Development (DCD)is the State Agency which administers state and certain federal funds to local organizations which provide services to the homeless. DCD in cooperation with Washington Coalition for the Homeless has been instrumental in establishing a communications network of over 100 shelter providers throughout the state. A number of organizations which you listed participate in the network.
Once again thank you for sharing this information.

Sincerely, Katherine Friedt
Assistant Director For Community Services


Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter Day Saints
Welfare Services
Seventh Floor DTB 758
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

8 AUGUST 1991

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o Christian Center of Salem
Salem, Oregon

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for your letter and a copy of the emergency and social services guide for the western United States. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in sharing this document with us and were quite interested to read about your efforts to assess shelters along the I-5 Corridor. Please let us know when you plan to be in Utah.
I am enclosing a copy of the Weber County Community Service Agencies address list. This list covers the City of Ogden and surrounding areas. I am also enclosing a United Way Profile of Agencies in the greater Salt Lake City area. Ogden and Salt Lake City are the areas that have the most dealing with and facilites for homeless people in Utah.
Again, thank you for writing. I hope these materials will be helpful to you.

Sincerely, Dodie Truman Borup
Humanitarian Services


Governor Pete Wilson

California Health and Welfare
State of California-Health and Welfare Agency
Department of Social Services
744 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

September 9, 1991

Mr. Chris Walters
Project Technical
345 Commercial, North East
Salem, Oregon 97301

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for sending your emergency resource list to the Governor. He has forwarded your letter and emergency resources list to me for response because the Department of Social Services is responsible for administering public assistance programs in California. I am forwarding a copy of the resources list to Mr. Tom Monahan of the Office of Emergency Shelter, California Department of Housing and Community Development.

Thanks you again for sharing your effort with me.

Signed Robert A. Horel
Deputy Director
Welfare Program Division

City of Portland

City of Portland
Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury
1220 S.W. 5TH AVENUE
Portland, Oregon 97204

March 6, 1991

Chris Walters
345 Commercial NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you very much for your letter on "The easy way to get $20 million dollars from Oregon." Although you haven't convinced me that it is quite that easy, I am impressed with the scope of your vision, and I appareciate your grass-roots approach to a major problem.

After reading your letter, I circulated it to my staff and asked them to file in our "good ideas" section. They too liked your approach.

So keep up the good work, and please continute to circulate the names and addresses of our state legislators. It's critical that we continue to encourage public participation in government decison making process.

Thanks again for your letter.

Gretchen Kafoury

Former Governor Bob Martinez

Florida Department of Community Affairs
State of Florida
Department of Community Affairs
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

April 9, 1990

Dear Mr. Walters:

The Citizens Assistance program in the Office of the Governor of Florida has sent me a copy of the information sheet that you prepared on adopting the new homeless shelter technology. As the Director of Florida's Division of Housing and Community Development, I know that the homeless problems is our state are growing.

My division works with local community action agenices through the Community Services Emergency Homeless Grant Program. I will be glad to send a copy of your information sheet to this network. I will also forward a copy to the Department of Health and Human Services program office responsible for the remainder of Florida's homeless shelter network.

There are some excellent ideas included in your work. I Commend you on making these efforts on behalf of the male homeless population.

SINCERELY, Lewis O. Burnside, JR.
Director, Division Of Housing And
Community Development

United Way of Florida

March 5, 1992
United Way of Florida
307 E 7TH Ave, Suite 204
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
(Fax 904-681-9137)

Mr. Chris Walters

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for providing my office with the Chaps software programs for homeless shelters.

It certainly looks as though it will be of interest to United Ways around the State. My next newsletter, which will be circulated to those United Ways sometime in the next month or so, will include information on software.

Thanks again for providing the information.

Sincerely Theodore G. Granger, President
CC. Bill Hanson

Los Angeles County

Board of Supervisors
County Supervisor Michael Antonovich
Michael Antonovich
Chairman of The Board
Supervisor of Fifth District
December 17th, 1990

Mr. Chris Walters

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for sharing your report on the Long Beach Rescue Mission. Your comments show that the Long Beach Rescue Mission is meeting the needs of the homeless population.

I am forwarding the report to Mr. Alan Wilkins, Homeless Coordinator for his information.

Thank you again for sharing this report with me.

Michael D. Antonvich, Chairman of The Board
Supervisor, Fifth District


City of San Diego

Address: 664 Fifth Ave,
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 238-1146
Maureen O Connor

April 25th, 1990

Mr. Chris Walters
Post Office Box 3485
Modesto, CA 95353-3485

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for your note of support and encouragement. I will share your letter with the San Diego Regional Task Force on the homeless.

Maureen O Connor Mayor


Mid Willamette Valley Community Action Agency

Mid-Willamette Valley
Community Action Agency, Inc
324 13TH ST N.E. SUITE 206
Salem, Oregon 97301

Janurary 30, 1988

Chris Walters
c/0 722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Dear Mr. Walters:

Our agency would like to be included in your list of interested parties and would like to exchange informaton about the homeless across state lines.

Should you need any further information please contact me at the above address. Our community Action Agency is particularily active in the surronding rural areas and is expically interested in the plight of the homeless families and children.

Thank you for your work and dedication.

Sincerely, Lynne Reinoso

Mayor of City of Portland

J.E.Bud Clark, Mayor
1220 S.W. 5th
Portland, Oregon 97204
Janurary 19th, 1988

Chris Walters
c/o 722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Dear Chris:

Enclosed you will find a report on activities in Portland concerning the homeless. It was broadly circulated in the interest of information sharing.

Our Mayor, J.E. Bud Clark, would appreciate being added to your list. The Address is listed above.

J. Daniel Steffey,
Assistant To Mayor Clark

King County Executive Tim Hill

400 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104
November 25TH, 1987
Mr. Chris Walters
722 1/2 13th Street
Modesto, CA 95354

RE: Homeless Programs List:

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for your November 16th, 1987 letter transmitting a list of persons and agencies currently working on problems with the homeless in Washington, California, and Nevada.

By a copy of this letter I will forward your information to King County Departments that are involved with this issue. Thank you again for sharing your information with King County.

Sincerely,TIM HILL


CC: Joe Nagel, Director Parks,
Planning And Resources
Department. Maureen McLaughlin
Director, Department of
Human Resources

US Congressman Mike Lowry
Congressman Mike Lowry Co Sponsors
Steward B McKinney Homeless Act
Steward B McKinney Homeless Assistance Act I worked with the Pioneer Square Assocation in 1986 and provided information too the staff of US Congressman Mike Lowry who cosponsored Title 42 USC 11031 Homeless Assistance Act

Reciept From US Senator Bill Bradley

Washington, D.C. 20510-3001

June 22,1990

Chris Walters
c/o Salem Union Gospel Mission
345 Commercial St NE
Salem,Oregon 97301

Dear Chris:

Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the Report on Political Terrorism In the Homeless Issue. I appreciate your taking the time to provide me with this information, and hope you will continue to keep me information of your opinions on issues of national interest.

Best Wishes Sincerely
Signed Bill Bradley
United States Senator


US Senator Lloyd Bentsen

Washington,D.C. 20510

AUGUST 14, 1990

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o General Delivery
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for the information on the homeless.

I share your concern for the plight of the homeless and the difficulities presented to all levels of the government in addressing their problems. I realize that the Texas cities are faced with an increasing demand for services to the homeless during this difficult economic time.

I appreciate having your views on the strenghts and weaknesses of the various shelters you have visited. You are to be commended on your continued efforts and concern for the homeless.

Please be assured that I will review your comments and information during pertinent deliberations.

Sincerely, LLoyd Bentsen
tc (Tony Knudsen)

US Senator Bob Graham

United States Senate
Washington,D.C. 20510-0903
Feburary 12, 1992

Mr. Chris Walters
510 West Tennessee Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Dear Chris:

Thank you for sending me your report about model homeless shelter systems. I appreciate your taking the time to share this information with me. As your Senator, it is important to hear from Floridians like yourself.

With Kind Regards, Sincerely,

Congressman Frank Tejeda

24th District Texas
Congress Of The United States
House of Represenatives
Washington, D.C. 20515-4328

March 1, 1993

Mr. Chris Walters
PO Box 1475
Rockport, TX 78381

Dear Mr Walters:

I wanted to thank you for your recent correspondence to my office concerning emergency and social service providers. I appreciate your interest in resolving the terrible problems facing the homeless by providing a list of assistance programs in different areas of the nation. At this time we are in direct communication with the agencies in our area.

If in the future I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely House of Represenatives
District 28

US Congressman Hubbard

U.S. House of Represenatives
One Hundred First Congress
Subcommittee On General Oversight
And Investigations Of The
Committee On Banking, Finance, And Urban Affairs
ROOM B-304 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
November 17, 1989

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o CERVS Fir Street
Medford, Oregon 97501

Dear Chris:

This is to acknowledge and thank you for your November 15th,letter with enclosures which I received in my office the same day.

Please know that I understand and share your concern over the fraud and abuse uncovered in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

As a first step toward making sure these abuses do not reoccur, the House passed H.R. 1, The HUD reform act of 1989, on November 14. I am enclosing a fact sheet which explains the contents of H.R. 1.

I hope you will find this information useful. Again, many thanks for writing.

With best wishes for you, I AM Sincerely Yours
Signed Carroll Hubbard
Chairman Subcommittee on General Oversight and
Investigations CH/VW

US Senator Bob Packwood

United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
May 22nd, 1989

Mr. Chris Walters
345 Commercial Street
Salem, OR 97301

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for sending me a copy of your letter to Governor Goldschmidt regarding your concern over the budget for the Oregon Shelter Network. I appreciate your bringing your concerns and comments to my attention.

There is no question that the issue of homeless is a huge problem and we must all work together to address the cause of the problem and not just warehouse these individuals"

I find it reassuring that people like you are concerned about the problems facing our country, and are interested in actively searching for solutions. Again, thank you for getting in touch with me. I have made a note of your position and will be sure to keep your comments in mind.


US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Proposes Amendment CSBG
The Honorable Mark Hatfield
Washington, D.C. 20510-10AM
Western Union Mailgram
1-128754U070004 03/10/88 ICS WA16612 SOTA
02873 MLTN VA 03/10/88 JN15212

Chris Walters
722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Thank you for your most recent correspondence regarding the homeless. I greatly appreciate your list of shelters on the West Coast Corridor which currently offer work placement services. When the Senate considered the urgent relief for the Homeless Act I added an amendment which would provide for case management to track and assist the homeless in obtaining comprehensive services, including job training. It is likely that this matter will come up during debate on welfare reform. Your interest and compassion are to commended.

Kind Regards
09134 18:02 EST

US Senator Orrin Hatch

Orrin G. Hatch, Utah
Kevin G. McGuiness
Administrative Assistant
135 Russell Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
October 5TH, 1989

Mr. Chris Walters
Post Office Box 3485
Modesto, CA 95353

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you for taking the time and effort to write me about the fiscal year 1990 homeless budget. I appreciate your thoughts on the merit system.

With all of the issues that I must consider here in Washington, I rely on the ideas and opinions of concerned citizens like you to keep me informed.

Again, may I express my sincere appreciation for your thoughts and ideas. I invite you to contact me whenever you are concerned about legislation before Congress of whenever I can be of assistance to you.


Congress of the United States

House of Represenatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
June 6, 1999

Chris Walters
345 NE Commercial Street
Salem, OR 97301

Dear Chris:

I appreciate the time you have taken to share your concerns with me. Issues of this kind are important to all Oregonians, not just my constituents in the second congressional district.

I have noted your views in my files and will include them in my analysis of all relevant legislation as it comes before the full house for consideration.

Very Truly Yours
Robert F. Smith
Member of Congress


Congressman Tony Coelho
Creation of Food Stamps
For Homeless Act


February 1, 1998

Mr. Chris Walters
722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Dear Mr. Walters:

I found your most recent letter to be encouraging. I am pleased that we are making headway in establishing national standard for the receipt of food stamps for the homeless. I am also encouraged by your comments that the USDA Inspector General will be giving your Complaints with regard to segregated meals more attention in the future. It looks as if your hard work and persistence is resulting in reform and increased attention to the plight of the homeless. I appreciate your keeping my office abreast of your developments.

If I can be of further assistance to you on these matters in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tony Coelho
Member of Congress

USDA Replies to Congressman Coelho

inquiries on Commodities

Washington, D.C. 20250

Stamped Recieved:
Honorable Tony Coelho 10-8-1987
House of Represenatives 10-13-1987
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congressman Coelho:

Thank you for your letter of September 21, 1987 on behalf of Mr. Chris Walters. Mr. Walters is concerned about the adminstration of the Food Stamp Program and the distribution of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) commodities in California, Nevada, and Oregon.

Mr. Walters wrote directly to us expressing these same concerns, and we responded to him in September, Copies of our response are enclosed.

As we pointed out to Mr. Walters, residents of public or private nonprofit shelters for homeless people can be eligible for food stamps if they meet the other eligibility requirements such as resource and income limits and apply for work. Mr. Walters noted in his letter to you that homeless people are using fictious addresses in order to recieve food stamps. A fixed mailing address is not a requirement for participation in the Food Stamp Program. It is, however, required that a person live in the project area in which he/ she files an application for participaton in the program, and that no individual may participate in more than one project area in any month.

We have checked with our Western Regional office and, at this time, we are not aware of any lawsuit filed by Mr. Walters concerning USDA food assistance programs.

Concerning the USDA donated commodities, the information provided by Mr. Walters was not specific enought to take any action. However, we advised him that we would be pleased to look into the matter upon receiving additional information. We also suggested that Mr. Walters should discuss his concerns at the State level by contacting Ms. Maria Balkshin, Division of Child Nutrition and Food Distribution, Department of Education, P.O. Box 944272 Sacramento, California 94244-2770, telephone (916-445-0850)

If we can be of any further assistance in this matter, please let me know.

Sincerely, John W. Bode
Assistant Secretary for
Food and Consumer Services

US Department of HUD

U.S. Department of Housing And Urban Development
Office of the Secretary
Washington, D.C. 20410-0001

August 17, 1993

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o P.O. Box 973
Rockport, Texas 78381

Dear Mr. Walters:

Thank you very much for your letter of July 16 with regard to a National Database for Homeless.

We greatly appreciate your comments and recommendations. I have passed them along to the management Excellence Team and the Policy Redesign Project for their evaluation.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.With your participation, we can make HUD a more responsive and helpful partner for community improvement.
M. Elizabeth Arky
Special Assistant

Samuel Pierce
HUD Secretary
InterAgency Council on The Homeless

Executive Director
451 Seventh Street., S.W., Suite 10158,
Washington, D.C. 20410

December 19th, 1988

Mr. Chris Walters
c/o 722 I Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Dear Mr. Walters:

On behalf of Samuel R. Pierce, Jr., Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, I would like to thank you for your I-5 Homeless Corridor survey and directory shelter list for California, Oregon, and Washington. The shelter providers listed will be added to our mailing list for newsletters and other informative materials.

The I-5 legislative recommendations were also most interesting. I am sorry that you had such difficult in locating our office. The Council was established by the McKinney Act in July,1987, and among its other activities, has initiated a news letter and established a field network.

For further action, Robert C. Scalia, Region X's Coordinator for homeless programs, is being sent copies of the materials you sent us. Mr. Scalis can be reached in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Seattle Office at (206-442-4610).

He would like to meet with you when you are in the Seattle area. I am sure that you will find him not only informed, but deeply concerned with the problem.

Sincerely Cassandra C. Moore PH.D.
Executive Director
451 Seventh Street., S.W., Suite 10158,
Washington, D.C. 20410

Signed into law by President Bill Clinton

on August 22, 1996
Welfare Reform Act 1996
This is the proposal for the Welfare From Act of 1996 which was emailed from the University of Arizona School of Medicine July 4th, 1996:
Proposal For John F. Kennedy
Mmemorial Homeless Assistance Program
"A Hand up not a hand out"
"Ask Not what your Country can do for you ask what
you can do for your country."

If you want to Sponsor This Bill For Congress insert your name below: Author Chris Walters
Since the creation of the Stewart McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1986 the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government have received immense public demand to modify programs to assist the homeless to become selfsufficient. Having taken the matters under advisement the Government has created the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Homeless Assistance Act of 1997 which is based on an idea literally years ahead of it's time:
"A hand up not a hand out"
This legislation requires personal responsibility from the Federal Government, States, nonprofit agencies, and to be sure the homeless themselves. The funding and awards of grants to various institutions which serve the general homeless population results from scores generated on the attached form.

Needless to say our program is not even remotely interested in what type of political party, what religion or philosophy, or other such considerations are involved. We believe that if your institution is superior as you suggest; you will naturally receive a superior score. Generally, it has been noted that large dormitory style shelters have failed over the years to demonstrate their program fundability while smaller family style shelters have larger bases of support.

Government has also noted an enormous number of persons, groups, and organizations who actively support the idea the homeless should work. We were also impressed at how few shelters have programs which support long term gainful employment and can't help to wonder why government should support a program your community won't?

President George Bush Sr

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington,D.C. 20500

Presidential Commendations
Thousand Points of Light Program

The President George Bush Sr created the "Thousands Points of Light Program" which encouraged volunteer networks to address serious social problems of the 1990's. These are examples of model facilities located during the The National Survey of Social Services from (1986-1996)

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Sir Richard Walter of Pembrokeshire
Family Crest HaverfordWest
Walters of Wales

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John Walter(s) (Waters)
Crest York Herald
London, England, UK
Waters of Hertfordshire UK

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Col. William Waters
House of Burgess
b. Abt 1622, Blount Point, Virginia,
d. 29 Jul 1689, Accomac,
Accomack county, Virginia,
Margaret Robins
b. Abt 1625, Virginia,
Col William Walters
House of Burgess VA

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Major Thomas Willoughby Walter
Jun 1736 Prince William, Virginia
Died 1806 Newberry Newberry County SC
Married Ellen Schobert
DAR #A120187
Major Thomas W Walters
Revolutionary War

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Herring Henry Walters
Born 1785 Anderson County SC
Died 11-1853
Married Ann Blackledge
•Birth: 1789 in Anderson Co. Sc
•Death: BEF 1860 in Jones Co. Ms
Henry Herring Walters War 1812

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Henry B Walters
1st Lt. 25th La Inf. Co. E
Official Rolls Paroled Officers
Blackledge Cemetery
Laurel, Mississippi
Henry B Walters War Civil War

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Joel and Lucinda Walters
12th Mississippi Infantry
Lucinda Martha Welborn Wife
Birth: Apr. 25, 1851 Death: Jul. 25, 1930
Burial: Liberty Cemetery
Bradford Anderson County
Texas, USA
Joel & Lucinda Walters
Farmer in Laurel Mississippi

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Grandfather Hilton Robert Walters
Texas State Legislature
Home page
(1877 - 1924)

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Ella Lou Denson Walters
School Teacher
Mar. 11, 1890-Jul. 31, 1982
Generation 13-14 Robert Hilton Walters
Married Ella Denson-Texas Legislature

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Sgt Clifton Frank Walters
Crew Chief Eickman's Arsonist
505 Bomb Group/Wing WWII
Tinian In Pacific Ocean
1947 Monthan Davis AFB, Tucson
Generation 14 Clinton Walters
Marries Doris Johnson-Through WWII

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Candon Park Beach
Key Biscayne, Florida

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The Alamo City
San Antonio, TX
Chris Walters 1964-1983

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Chris Walters
Volunteer Work
Modesto, California

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Chris Walters
Library Computer Volunteer
Waiting For Disability
Winston Salem, NC
Chris Walters 1983-2020
Volunteer & Public Service

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Chris Walters
National Audits & Surveys

Patricia Ann Bergman
Retired Teacher

Celtic Royal Genealogy

Historian to H.R.H. Sophie Helen Mountbatten-Windsor,
Countess of Wessex
Arthur E Turner-Thomas
Bibliography Citation of Authorities
Walters Family History
1. Patty Bergman Bergman Patty Ann Bergman, age 77, of Westerville, OH, passed away Friday, June 24, 2016 at St. Ann's Hospital. Retired elementary school teacher. Member of St. Paul Catholic Church and the St. Paul choir, Polish American Club and Germania Club. Meals on Wheels volunteer.

2. Find A Grave and Ancestory Com and Roots

3. •Goff & Hobbs Family Connections Henry B Bingham Decendants

4. Katy Walters By Kay Haden

5. Pitt/Pitt Family Page Daniel and Margarette Walters moved to Jones County,MS

6. Blackledge Family History and Book

Claire Hodges

Out Reach Executive
Research Your Family History
AT DNA Weekly

Congressional Investigator

17 USC § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Historical and Geneaology Research Current through Pub. L. 113-52. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

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The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

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