100th US Congress Research Archive

Press On Image

Library of Congress
101 Independence SE,
Washington, DC 20540
Citations 1983-2020

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548


Palais Wilson
52 rue des P�quis
CH-1201 Geneva, Swz
Exhibit C Evidence & Testimony Before Congress
Statutory Congressional and Diplomatic Immunity
Exhibit C contains "reports;audits; and surverys authorized by the 107th Congress and 15 state governments submitted as "Evidence and Testimony to Congress and "UNHCHR Legal reviews on the contents of this website are reserved to Congressional Committees: US Supreme; & UN...

State & Congressional Study Authorizations 1982-2024
1. Return Of The King Bible Study

2. National Survey On Social Services

3. Model social service programs

4. Community Service Block Grants

5. Welfare Reform Act of 1996

6. Amendment Food Stamp Act
7. Audit of SSA (1):(2): (3) (4):

8. Homeland Security Researrch

9. Anarchy-2nd US Civil War?

10. USA Freedom Act

11. Terrorist Activies @ HUD

12. Criminal Activities HUD
13. History Political Patronage System

14. Biden Admin reform in HHS

15. Political Reform For Idiots

16. Emergency Managment Network

17. Sub Atomic Physics UFO's..

18. Legal & Access Protocols
1,000 Years In Service To God
and 2 Countries 1066-2066
4 Walters brothers aided the conquest of UK 1066; received Titles of Nobility and survived the black death. John Walters Waters (1420-1520) became the York Herald. Col William Waters (1622-1689) colonized Virginia and Major Thomas W Walters (1736-1806) granted bounty land Anderson County SC. Herring Henry Walters 1786-1860 grant of bounty Land settled Jones County MS; Joel Walters (1840-1912) grant of bounty land in Liberty, TX ...Walters in government WWII-2020 The Walters family await the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in service to God going back a thousand years.

Chris Walters Retired
Retired Field Auditor
2040 N Wilmot Road
Tucson, AZ 85712