President Elect Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC

US Senator Jon Tester D MT

Office of Senator Jon Tester
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-2604
Officials Admit They Cannot
Govern Properly Due To Political Patronage System
President Donald Trump's Executive ORDER to "clean the swamp at K Street" and US Senator Jon Tester express concerns about the United States inability to exercise it's sovereign rights due to lobbyist,Special Interest, and political actions groups The Kearing 5 Scandal is a prime example where many banks had to be recapitalized for $1.4 Trillion Dollars after 5 US Senators obstructed Federal Bank Examiners

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US Attorney General William Barr
Cites Refusal of Local Prosecutors
To Enforce Entire Classes Of Law

US Senator Lindsey Graham

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

AG William Barr

US Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530

Chairman Jerrold Nadler

House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Table Of Contents
Prelude To 2nd US Civil War

1. Topic #1 US Officials Undermining The Rule Of Law & Long Term Damage By Political Patronage System

2 Topic #2 Previous Attempts to Create Civil War Decapitate The US Government or Including Nuclear Combat?

3. Topic #3 At What Point Weaponization of Low Income Groups Continue Before US Empowers Garden Plot Detainment Centers

4. Topic #4 Terrorist Attacks On Repubican Interest Before & After Death of Floyd George

5. Topic #5 Trump Administration Operation Legend Jurisdictional Authority & Response to Anarchy

6. Topic #6 If Trump Administration Can't Postpone Or Throw Election The President May Refuse to Leave Office

7. Topic #7 Trump Administration Promise 30 Day Retaliation

8. Topic #8 Trump Administration Moves To Block Electoral College

9. Topic #9 Concerns Over Martial Law; Misuse of Nuclear Capabilities & VP Mike Pence Declines to Involk 25th Amendment

10. Topic #10 Trump Plan For Involking Martial Law In Steps Using His Supporters As Canon Fodder

11. Topic #11 Trump Supporters Engage In Sedition At US Capitol To Challenge Vote On Electoral College

12. Topic #13 The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

13. 14 Archive Bootlickers Anonymous Abuse Of Law Enforcement & Intelligence Assets By Trump Administration

14. Congessional Audits and Surveys The Study of Operational Impediments & The Study Of Entrophy In Fluid Systems 1986-2022

Hon K Newman

Case Link
501 I Street
Sac., CA 95814

Hon.Judge Bybee

9th USCA
Case Link
P.O. Box 193939
SF, CA 94119

Hon Judge Owens

9th USCA
Case Link
P.O. Box 193939
SF, CA 94119

Hon Judge Ikuta

9th USCA
Case Link
P.O. Box 193939
SF, CA 94119
Chris Walters

USDC, EDC 2:2019:00238
9th USCA #19-16523
Supreme Court 19-7809

Commissioner Andrew Saul
Social Security Commissioner
Baltimore, MD 21235

President UN Security Council
Press On Image to Enlarge
3rd Party Joinder
UN Security Council
Will Refusal Of Local Officials To Enforce
Laws Lead To Anarchy/Civil War-Supreme Court Case 19-7809?
This link Supreme Court Precedent? Long term bizzare, eratic, and abuse issues this cased asked if government could steal SSI benefits? Should the United States should be place in temporary custody of the United Nations based on government officials operating on dimished capacity to avoid a civil war? In declining to review the ruling of 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals #19-16523 and USDC, Eastern District of California 2:2019:00238 the US Supreme Court appears to have let stand abuses of power.
US Attorney General States
Federal Prosecutors Are Not Doing Job Right
It is the job of local,state, and federal prosecutors to enforce and prosecute all laws with fairness and equity and not deny any person the equal protection of the law (14th and 5th Amendments

This Link The recent statement of US Attorney General William Bar is that local prosecutors are declining to prosecute entire classes of crimes. This Link former US Attorney General Eric Holder also addressed serioius abuses of prosecutorial authority

Topic #1 US Officials Undermining The Rule Of Law
& Long Term Damage By Political Patronage System

Former US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

US Supreme Court
Washington, DC
Justice Stevens Questions Citizens United Ruling
Political Patronage System and Government for Sale
This LinkMay 31, 2012 Associated Press: Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Wednesday night he expects that the court has already had second thoughts about parts of its controversial Citizens United ruling that eased restrictions on corporate spending in political campaigns. The sharply divided court ruled that independent spending by corporations does "not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption." Stevens, who dissented from that 2010 decision, said that at some point the court will have to issue an opinion "explicitly crafting an exception that will create a crack in the foundation" of that ruling.

Speaking to hundreds of people at an event in Little Rock, the retired justice said President Barack Obama accurately criticized the ruling for reversing a century of law and allowing special interest groups to pump money into elections. He cited Justice Samuel Alito's reaction to Obama's criticism, along with one of the court's later rulings when the justices rejected a free-speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups to a law that bars support to terrorist organizations. He also pointed to televised debates when moderators try to allow candidates equal time to express their views. He said candidates and viewers wouldn't like it the highest bidder. "Yet that is essentially what happens during actual campaigns in which rules equalizing campaign expenditures are forbidden," he said. ...

Hon Jerimah C Lynch

USDC, Montana
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

Senator Patrick Leahy

P.O. Box 933
87 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602

Senator Carl Levin

477 Michigan Ave
Detroit, MI 48226

Michael Cotter USA

105 E. Pine
Missoula, MT 59802
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
The Honorable US Senator Patrick Leahy
The Honorable US Senator Carl Levin,
The Honorable US Congressman John Conyers
Respondents, Defendants

The Honorable Dana L Christensen
The Honorable US Magistrate Jeremiah C Lynch
Case: 9:12-cv-00184-DLC-JCL
I Amicus Curiae Brief On Challenges To
Rule of Law-& Insurrection & Sedition
1. This Link Question of Obama Administation involking Alien and Sedition Act to quell challenges to national sovernity by conservative elements.

2. This Link page2

3. This Link page 3

Peoples Republic Of China

Russian Federation

United Kingdom

Islamic Countries

Shira Law

Republic of Mexico

Holy See
US Supreme Court Sanctifies Government
By Proxy/For Sale Replacing Democracy?
In the landmark ruling Citizens United the US Supreme Court clear the way for anyone on the planet to donate monies to US political parties and interest including foreign governments and interest. A small donation to the one or both parties guarantees protection of their interest

While questions were asked about Russian involvement 2018 election little was said about Democratic party connection to Islamic extremist and Saudi Arabia and call to replace US Constitution with "Sharia Law" While John Bolton is questioning President Trumps attempts to get China to help his election nothing was said about Joe Bidens trip to China or his relations with Ukraine. I would be hard put to find anyone on the planet who was not interested in having a say on the national elections in the United States

Topic #2 Previous Attempts to Create Civil War
Decapitate The US Government or Including Nuclear Combat?

Press On Image To Enlarge

Pastor John Hagee
Profile Report Doctrines Nuclear Genocide
Exhibit #74 Deployment Criminal Near MT Missle Fields
Profile ReportHistory Terrorist In Pacific NW
UN Profile Report Historical Imperatives For Genocide
18755 Stone Oak Pkwy,
San Antonio, TX 78258
Pastor John Hagee's Nuclear Weapons Bid To Kill
2 Billion Ismlamic to Force The 2nd Coming of Jesus
The deployment of paramilitary groups from Texas to Idaho and throughout the Pacific Northwest appears to position former veterans with criminal background in close proximity to US missle fields was largely unchallenged or unknown. That the takeover occured during winter in an area controlled by the Catholic Church.

Press Link To Enlarge

Obama Admin Response Sedition
Obama Administration Purge Of Military Elite
Department of Homeland Security 2011 Report on Extremist Threats
Secret Service Agent Spying On President Obama..
TBN & Pat Robertson Predicts Massive Deaths 2007
TBN & Pat Robertson Calls For Assasination Leader Venezula
TBN & Pat Robertson Terrorist Actvities?
Evangelist Pat Robertson Hints At Nuclear Decapitation 2007?
Obama Operation Jaded Helm & "Purge of Elite Military"
The Obama Administation response to seditionist movements by Christian Conservatives was Operation Jaded Helm and purged a large number of military officers without much explanation

It is very interesting to note that Televangelist Pat Robertson claims to have recieved a Divine Message From God" about a mass terror attack which is going to occur in the United States this year and kill many persons. As with many other statements by Evangelist Pat Robertson such as a call to Assassinate the Leader of Venezuela don't we generally associate his comments as a political sounding board for ideas and policies from the extreme right wing.

World Trade Program

911 Attack
Democratic Party Teams Up With
Muslim Extremist To Take Out GOP Assets?
This Link Did the Democratic Party splinter groups and allies in NC team up with resident Islamic extremist to take out Republic Party asset and decapitate US Govt during 911

US President Ronald Reagan

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC

Robin Cook

Former British Foreign Secretary
London, England

Us Senator Bob Graham

Chairman Senate Select Subcommittee
On Intelligence
Washington, DC
911 Attack On World Trade Center-Financial Crime
Attempted Decapitation of United States Govt-Muslim Extremist
This Link Following the Afghan War and defeat of the Russian Army the AlQaeda and allies were treated like conquering heroes throughout the West and welcomed into the US. That Bin Laden and the associates were trained allies of the CIA Operation Cyclone (1979-1989). Robin Cook British Foreign Secretary wrote that Bin Laden and allies were a monumental miscalculation by western security and assert their combat operations such as 911 are a "blowback" where operative use training and back channels against their former allies.

The exhibits cited in the following sections show a consistant pattern of public disrespect for government and process of law. A terrorist organization such as thrives in such an enviroment however could not exist in Western Texas or Idaho for example as local conditions would not support such organizations. A cusory examination of AT&T Computer Science School the traditional home of the 911 terrorist is staff by a bunch of foreign nationals. Why aren't Americans holding these jobs in hard economic times?

Bank of America

100 North Tryon Street, Ste 220
Charlotte NC
Who Profited From Attack On World
Trade Center-Motive Financial Gain
Who in North Carolina profited from the 911 attack? Bank of American and other Charlotte Banks replaced Wall Street as the national banking center

Topic #3 At What Point Weaponization of Low Income Groups Continue
Before US Empowers Garden Plot Detainment Centers?

Alien & Sedition Acts
Review of Hospitality Programs
Alien & Sedition Act
The United States has a long, long history of indefinite imprisonment of peoples, groups and organizations which challenge the Rule of Law or threaten public safety. The Native Americans were sent to reservations; in WWII Japanese Americans languished in camps; the Mariel Boat Lift people were confined without trial for 20 years or more; and the Taliban ... were held in Cuban based prisons; and God only knows who is held in Super Max in Colorado. When the public and government get tired of the nonsense the military shows up and pick up the problem for some term government hospitality

Michael Reinoehl


Murder Victim

Aaron Danielson
US Marshal Kill Terrorist
Suspect In Shoot Out 9-2020

Antifa Anti Facist
Cited From
Antifa Anti Facist Coalition
Citation from Wilkpedia

Mason Lira Terrorist

Terrorist Attack On Sheriff Office

Press On Image To Enlarge

Deputy Nicholas Dryefus
Terrorist Killed After Attack
Sheriff Station SLO 6-2020

Trump Administration

Anarchrist Cities
Anarchist Chris Straub Dies
In ShootOut With Deputies
Public Records indicate alleged anarchist Chris Straub was enagaged in a gun battle with Deputies in San Louis County, CA and died during the engagement with a large casche of weapons found later

Boogaloo Movement

Advocates Civil War
Assassination of Govt Officials
Boogaloo Movement Advocates
Civil War & Assassination of Govt Officials

US Attorney General William Barr

Cites Refusal of Local Prosecutors
To Enforce Entire Classes Of Law
US Attorney General States Local Prosecutors
Are Refusing to Enforce Entire Classes of Crimes 2/17/2020
This Link The recent statement of US Attorney General William Bar is that local prosecutors are declining to prosecute entire classes of crimes to the obvious detriment of victims.

Press On Image To Enlarge

Unknown Shooter
Terrorist Shoots 2 Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies 9-2020
Seditions Appear At Hospital Shouting Victims Should Die
Protest over recent shooting of an African Male suspect reaching for a gun lead to a remakable statement by the Los Angeles County Sheriff
Seditionist Are From Out Of Town
As the Sheriff pointed out at a news conference most of the protesters arrested were not from California. One was from Tallahassee, Florida

Los Angeles Police Department

Harborview Substation
Larynzo Johnson Shoots 2 Police Officers
During Louisville KY Protest
Public records show a Larynzo Johnson shoot 2 police officers who are expected to recover during a protest riot in Louisville, KY and apparently survived being arrested

Los Angeles Police Department

Harborview Substation
Man Pistol Whips Officer
In Police Department
Public records show a man pistol whipped a police officer in the Harborview Substation in Long Angeles and after a brief chase was arrested and apparently survivied.

Trump Administration

Anarchrist Cities
Trump Administration Identified
Anarchristcities NY, Seattle, Portland

US Attorney General William Barr

Cites Refusal of Local Prosecutors
To Enforce Entire Classes Of Law
US Marshalls Injured
Defending US Court House Portland
This Link The recent statement of US Attorney General William Bar is that local prosecutors are declining to prosecute entire classes of crimes to the obvious detriment of victims.

Press On Image To Enlarge

Partial Death Toll
Chicago Murder Tool 677
Chicago In 9 Months In 2020

Florida Governor Bob Graham

Involked Sedition Act In 1980's
Deployied 500 National Guard
Governor Bob Graham Involkes
Sedition Act Deploys National Guard Miami 1980's
The alleged murder of a black man Mcduffy at the hands of 3 members of Metro Dade Police Department and the subsequent adquittal lead to massive riots in Miami parts of which were burned down several times. Governor Bob Graham has to deply 500 National Guardmen and place tanks in middle of intersections to quell violence

Topic #4 Terrorist Attacks On Repubican Interest Before & After Death of Floyd George

Senator Lindsey Graham

Chairman of Senate Committee on Judiciary

Former FBI Official

Andrew McCabe

Asst Attorney General Rodstein

US Department of Justice
Senator Lindsay Graham To Investigage
FBI Attempt to Overthrow President
Former FBI Asst Director Mccabe openly admitted on tv that he conspired with Assistant US Attorney Rod Rodstein to remove the President by secretly seeking to have the President staff agree to involke the 25th Amendment.

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66 Secret Service Injured In Protest
Factors Supporting Civil War
Deployied 500 Troops Link
During Miami Riots-101st Airborne
Challenges To Rule Of Law-Anarchy
Operation Legend Federal Agents To US Cities

US Attorney General William Barr

Cites Refusal of Local Prosecutors
To Enforce Entire Classes Of Law
Anarchist Attack White House Injures
60 Secret Service Personnnel

Democratic National Committee

Washington DC
Calculated Slander of Chief Executive
Fictious Claims Of Convictions
This Link While national politics is aggressive by nature the long term assaults on the Presidents Charcter are extraordinary to say the least.

Trump Administration

Anarchrist Cities
Trump Administration Identified
Anarchristcities NY, Seattle, Portland

US Attorney General William Barr

Cites Refusal of Local Prosecutors
To Enforce Entire Classes Of Law
US Marshalls Injured
Defending US Court House Portland

Topic #5 Trump Administration Operation Legend Jurisdictional Authority & Response to Anarchy

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan

Target For Criminal Investigation
US Attorney General Wants To Prosecute
Seattle Mayor Durkan For Seditions
This Link Did Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and others engage in Sedition to undermind the Rule of Law and surrender Capitol Hill to anarchist

US Attorney General William Barr

US Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530
Jurisdictional Authority For
Alien and Sedition Act-Historical

Press On Image To Enlarge

66 Secret Service Injured In Protest
Factors Supporting Civil War
Deployied 500 Troops Link
During Miami Riots-101st Airborne
Challenges To Rule Of Law-Anarchy
Operation Legend Federal Agents To US Cities

Topic #6 If Trump Administration Can't Postpone Or
Throw Election The President May Refuse to Leave Office

John Bolton

The Room Where It Happened
Former National Security Advisor
Trump Administration
John Bolton Say If Trump Loses 2020
Election He Mady Refuse To Leave Office
Federal Judge refused to block publication of book by former National Security Advisor John Bolton "The Room Where It Happened". Allegations reported include attempts by President Trump to get China to help his election in 2020; a shady deal with Turkey; and apparently suggested Forest Grump did not know that Great Britian is a nuclear power. Obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a legal proceeding

Chairman Jerrold Nadler

House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Donald Trump Fires 5 Inspector Generals
Retaliates Against Whistleblowers/Challenges Voter Registration
In news today from the Palace in Margo Lar Florida His Magesty King Donald Trump reaffirms the firing of 5 Inspector Generals in retaliation for investigating alleged criminal activities occuring throughout the realm His Magesty has also signed a Royal Decree (Executive Order) to punish Twitter for questioning his alleged lies on line and opening the door to lawsuits against unpopular website; comments; and other expressions of free speech; free throught; and free choice. Suspension of voting rights has begun by Royal Decree with a ban on write in ballots.Obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a legal proceeding

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
USDC Judge Nevada Quashes
Challenge To Mail In Ballots

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Attorney General William Barr
Declines Appoint Special Counsel
US Attorney General States Special Counsel
Not Needed/ Resigns Under Pressure
Amid mounting pressure by Trump Adminstration the US Attorney General William Barr states he finds no basis for appointment of investigation into recent election or Biden Hunter

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
US Senator Mitch McConnell
Slaps Idea Of Postponing Election

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
VP Mike Pence States Chief Justice Roberts
of Supreme Court Enemy of Conservatives

President Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC
Trump Administration Planning to Involk
Alien & Sedition Act & Impose Martial Law?
Mounting evidence suggest the possibility that President Donald Trump will involk Alien and Sedition Act and throw the election by declaring Martial Law here in the United States as a bid to keep from being removed from office
White House Discussions On Martial Law

3 DSHS Officials Sacked

& Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Defense Espers & Officials In
Critial Positions Sacked to Replace Loyalist?

Topic #7 Trump Administration Promise 30 Day Retaliation

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
President Trump Promises 30 Days Of Revenge

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
DOD Denies Biden Team
Access Intelligence Briefings

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Trump Plans Massive Rally

Topic #8 Trump Administration Moves To Block Electoral College

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
President Donald Trump
Conspiracy Theories About Election

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Congressional Allies Move To Block
Electoral College/Opposed By Senator Mitch McConnell

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Trump Congress Allies
To Block Electoral College

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Senator Ben Sasse Warns Against
Challenging Electoral College

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
President Elect Joe Biden
Complains About Secret Service Protection

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
DC Mayor Deploys National Guard
For Pro Trump Rally 1/6/2021

Topic #9 Concerns Over Martial Law; Misuse of Nuclear Capabilities
& VP Mike Pence Declines to Involk 25th Amendment

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
National Leaders Concern Over Trump
Declaration Of Martial Law 1/6/2021

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Asks Military To Secure Nucear Launch Codes...
And of course block Presidential declaration of Martial Law and other abuses of power

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Vice President Mike Pence
Declines to Involk 25th Amendment
In response to acts of Sedition supported by President Donald J Trump the VP states he and his cabinet would not declared the President mental incompetent

Topic #10 Trump Plan For Involking Martial Law
In Steps Using His Supporters As Canon Fodder

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Militia Plots To Kidknap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer/
Plotters Arrested On ORDER President Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
FBI Issues Warning Of Armed Protest
Acts of War 1-17-2021

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
President Declares State of Emergency
In Washington DC Through Jan 21 2021

Topic #11 Trump Supporters Engage In Sedition At US Capitol
To Challenge Vote On Electoral College

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Senator Mitt Romney Stalked
By Trump Supporters 1/5/2021

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
President Donald Trump
Supporters Trash US Capitol
1/6/2021 thousands of Trump supporters trashed the US Capitol; invaded capitol hill offices and looted; 5 people died includng a Captiol Hill Police Officer; and engaged in apparent sedition to prevent vote on electroal college on next President The person sitting in picture is sitting in Speaker Nancy Pelos Chair

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20501
Senator Lindsey Graham
Harassed By Trump Supporters At Airport

Topic #13 The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

The Select Committee to Investigate
the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

Chairsman Bennie Thompson, Re. Zoe Lofgren,Rep. Adam Schiff
Rep. Pete Aguilar Rep. Stephanie Murphy,Rep Jamie Raskin
Rep. Elaine Luria,Rep Liz Cheney,Rep. Adam Kinzinger
Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-7800
Hearings On January 6th Attack On US Capitol
Congressmen Asks For
Presidential Pardon For Role
Republican Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

Executable Offenses
If Convicted On All Charges
Might Include The Death Penalty
If Donald Trump were convicted of all the charges including causing deaths of 6 persons he could face the Death Penalty Title 18 USC 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees concerns acts such as Contempt of Congress while Chapter 115-Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities and multiple homocides..

14 Archive Bootlickers Anonymous Abuse Of
Law Enforcement & Intelligence Assets By Trump Administration

Welcome To Bootlicker Anonymous

Getting Off Your Knees 101

Your Career Been Sacked by The Boss?

Chairman Jerrold Nadler

House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Donald Trump Fires 5 Inspector Generals
Retaliates Against Whistleblowers/Challenges Voter Registration
In news today from the Palace in Margo Lar Florida His Magesty King Donald Trump reaffirms the firing of 5 Inspector Generals in retaliation for investigating alleged criminal activities occuring throughout the realm His Magesty has also signed a Royal Decree (Executive Order) to punish Twitter for questioning his alleged lies on line and opening the door to lawsuits against unpopular website; comments; and other expressions of free speech; free throught; and free choice. Suspension of voting rights has begun by Royal Decree with a ban on write in ballots.Obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a legal proceeding

3 DSHS Officials Sacked

Boss Was In A Snit?

Senator Lindsey Graham

Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510/h6>

Chairmanwoman Carolyn B. Maloney

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515

Welcome to Bootlickers Anonymous

Are you tired to having your free speech and opinon besmerched by every idiot, fool, moron, and political nutsucker in both the public and private sectors? Your email and web services being censorsed by every goof ball with some network administrative tools? This online seminar will attempt to give you some ideas about getting the bootlickers off your case.

Central California Intelligence Center

Sacramento Regional Threat Assessment Center
Telephone: 916-808-8383
Toll Free: 888-884-8383

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center

Los Angeles, CA (Recognized)

Oregon Titan Fusion Center

United Nations Security Council

Counter Terrorism Committee

Wahington State Fusion Center
FLO Program:

Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC)
Utah Dept of Public Safety
410 W 9800 S #370
Sandy, UT 84070
(801) 256-2360

US Senator Ted Cruz

Taking Out The Trash
US Senator Ted Cruz: "Who The Hell Are You"
US Senator Ted Weicker "No More Free Pass"

Archive II Fusion Center As Known Terrorist Organizations
Appear To Be Acts of State Sponsored Terrorism

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Various Locations Lodi, CA
Electronic Warfare Attacks
1-14-2020 Lodi CA

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Various Locations Lodi CA
March 8-2019
Electronic Warfare Attacks
March 8-2020 Lodi CA

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Attacks
San Joaquin Skilled Nursing Home
c/o 3601 San Dimas St Bakersfield, CA 93301
May 14-2019
Electronic Warfare Attacks
5-14-2020 Bakersfield CA

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Advanced Care System
San Joaquin Skilled Nursing Home
c/o 3601 San Dimas St Bakersfield, CA 93301
Electronic Warfare Attacks
6-2-2020 Bakersfield CA

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Oregon Titan Fusion Center
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Roadway Inn Medford Oregon
Electronic Warfare Attacks
6--2020 Medord CA

Press On Image To See Details

Microsoft PNG
Microsoft Spyware
Microsoft Recommded Temporary Nuclear Target
Based On Terrorist Activities
Violation Of US Neutrality Act

Google Sanctions 5 Billion

EU Sanctions Google
5 Billion For Anti Trust Activities

Press On Images To View Report

Wahington State Fusion Center
FLO Program:
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Various Locations Spokane WA
July-October 2019
Washington State Fusion Center Categorized As
Known Terrorist Organization For UN Seccurity Council

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Various Locations Lodi, CA
Malware March 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
May 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
6-1 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
5/15/ 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Computer Disc Audit
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
5/17/ 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Microsoft Attempts Update
Over Ride Security Program
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
5/23/ 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
6/17/ 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
6/30/ 2020

Press On Image To Enlarge Report

Central California Intelligence Center
Electronic Warfare Events
Jensis Rest & Care Home
7018 Euclyptus Drive #B
Bakersfield, CA 93306
7/4// 2020

Press On Image For Details

Jensis House
Survillence Equipment
Survillence Equipment Monitoring
Residents of Jensis House?

Press On Image To View Report

Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC)
Utah Dept of Public Safety
410 W 9800 S #370
Sandy, UT 84070
(801) 256-2360
Electronic Warfare Attacks
Cedar City Utah
Finished 7-24-2020
Utah Fusion Center Categorized As
Known Terrorist Organziation UN Security Council

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Home At Last Care Home
1237 East 49th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Finished 7-2-2020

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Multi State
Finished 7-29-2020
Electronic Warfare Events 7/29/2020
Unknown Network Connections Found

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Ocean Point Health Care
1330 17th Street
Santa Monica,CA 90404
Finished 8/27-2020
Electronic Warfare Events 8/2020

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Ocean Point Health Care
1330 17th Street
Santa Monica,CA 90404
Finished 8/27-2020
Electronic Warfare Events 9/2020

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
York Wellness Center
Highland Park CA
Finished 10-22-2020
Attacked By Skynet Global Defense Network?

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Country Villa Pavillion
5916 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Finished 11-3-2020

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Miracle Mile Nursing Home
1020 W Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90019
Finished 11-27-2020
Electronic Warefare Events 11-27-2020

Press On Image To View Report

Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center
Computer Hacking Issues Noted At
Miracle Mile Nursing Home
1020 W Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90019
Finished 12--2020
Electronic Warfare Events 12-27-2020

Congessional Audits and Surveys The Study of Operational Impediments
& The Study Of Entrophy In Fluid Systems 1986-2020

US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chairman Senate Appropriations

Former US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman Banking & Urban Affairs Committee
San Antonio,Texas 78205

US Congressman Tony Coelho

House Majority Whip
Modesto, CA 95354
Evidence and Testimony
Submitted to Congress
It seems that many Chairman of Congress believe in the concept of work ethic and if they find you on Capitol Hill or too close to something they are working on will actually have someone volunteered or simply drafted. I-5 Cooridor Agreement origionally on covered portions of California, Oregon, and Washington but was rapidly expanded by the national leadership to include a third of the United States. Congressman Henry B Gonzalez caught me on Capitol Hill about 1988 circulating one of my publications and had me introduced to the HUD Inspector General.. This assignment lasted until about 1993 when the Clinton Administration came into power and replaced me with 2 convicted persons who according to press reports were paid $80,000 a year plus expenses..
1. 1-5 Corridor Agreement study authorizations for surveys in 15 states 1986

2. Directory Model Social Service Agencies

3. Organized Crime Ties to US Dept HUD Confirmed Kills

4. Federal Law CSBG US Senator Mark O Hatfield

5. Welfare Reform Act 1986

6. Food Stamps For Homless Act US Congressman Tony Coelho
7. Audits USDA Programs confirmed kills

8. Audits US Postal Programs confirmed kills

9. Terrorist in Social Services confirmed kills

8. Spyware Act of 2005 2nd Federal Law 2015

9. Emergency Management Authorizations1993-2013

10. Emergency Management Structure 15 States1993-2013

11. Operational Audit Social SecurityExecutive ORDER 1997-2015

US Government Depository

This Link To Citations
By Library Of Congress
& Statutes Passed Into Law

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
Service Of Process On Congress
Exhibit Page NACertificate of Service On Congress extensive recommendations for Congressional Supercedes

Operational Audits 1997-2016

Press On Image to Enlarge
Finishing Reports
Audits Review Failure in Programs
& Presence of Entrophy
Entrophy the 2nd Thermodymanic Law of the Universe concerns the decay of all organized systems over a period of time. The more complex the system the more entrophy generally present. Government and business often use auditing programs to identify entrophy to increase performance in operations:

Former VP Brady Exber

Vegas Club Hotel & Casino
Chairman Homeless Coalition
Las Vegas, NV 89101
"Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark" Circa 1993
Who could forget the immortal words of my alleged organized crime who explained that "Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark"