San Antonio Fire Department
HAM Radio Station
115 Auditorium Cir,
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone:(210) 207-8400
Private Nuclear Weapon
Spotted 1996 San Antonio, Texas
We are in a bank vault like safe 3 floors down in the San Antonio Fire Department which is used for emergency communications. The
person in charge of the Ham Operations comes into the room and demands to know who gave a visitor permission to use his word processor?
Screaming at the top of his voice he explains this is an atomic bomb and I am going to blow this place up if anything is damaged on
my computer as he bangs a very heavy sinister frying shaped objection off the counter to emphasis his point. He plugs the object into
a cubby hold in the counter but does not mess with the dial or wires on the end of the device. Satisified no damage has occured to his
computer he calms down and San Antonio lives to see another day. None of the other fire department personnel in the building who could
hear his screaming all the way upstairs came down to tell the man he was delusional or to calm down.
Texans Offers to Seceed From Union
Objection Challenge to Operation Jaded Helm
When Texans aren't busy trying to seceed from the Union. They spend a lot of time challenging
federal authority as cited in this article "Following discussions aimed at ensuring
Texans are fully informed on Operation Jade Helm 15, Governor Greg Abbott today met with Major General Gerald “Jake” Betty, Commander of the Texas State Guard, and directed him to monitor the Operation.
Governor Abbott directed General Betty to provide regular updates to the Governor’s Office to ensure that Texans’ “safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed” during the eight-week training period from July 2015 – September 2015.
Medina AFB
San Antonio, TX 78215
Medina AFB Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility
Possible Pilferage of Nuclar Materials
Medina AFB or Lackland Annex was origionally a strategic weapons storage facility
just outside of San Antonio, TX. If a private group acquiring nuclear weapons capabilities
pilfered material it would likely have come from this facility.