US Senator Mitch McConnell

Republican Majority Leader
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510

Speaker of US House

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
H-232 The Capitol
Washington D.C. 20515

Chairman Jerrold Nadler

House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman Carolyn Mahoney

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515

Chairman-The Honorable

Richard E. Neal
House Way and Means Committee
1139E Longworth House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515

US Senator Lindsey Graham

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Senator Ron Johnson

Chairman Senate Oversight
340 Dirksen SOB
Washington, DC, 20510

Senator Susan Collins

Special Committee on Aging
G31 Dirksen SOB
Washington, D.C. 20510
Exhibit C Submitted As Evidence And
Testimony To Congress-Exclusive Jurisdiction
You are looking at part of Exhibit C a United States source document submitted as Evidence and Testimony to the several committees of the United States Congress since 1986. The survey data is occassionally used for creation of federal statutes; considering possible improvements in operation of federal programs; and study of operational field impediments. Because of the Separation of Powers found in US Constitution and various Rules of Congress it not possible to serve summons, subponeas; or other court process on Capitol Hill and persons attempting to can be detained and arrested by Capitol Police or otherwise sanctioned. Obviously the only legal reviews which can occur would require permission of the Chairman of a Congressional Committee reviewing the matters at public hearings
Standing US Court ORDERS
And Black Letter Law
Beginning in 1997 the Social Security Administration issued an Executive ORDER or Fia before a USDC, WDT link restricting legal discussions to places and times authorized by statute and have successfully defended their statutory rights from a over 500 challenges A small host of poor bastards who appear to have challenged the Sovereign rights of the Social Security Administration or Congress appear to have been thrown down the political 5 ton wood chipper and the confirmed kill list appears to include at least 1 or 2 federal judges; maybe a couple of cabinet level officers; a bunch of US Attorneys and a many more lesser persons. Whispered in the background are the strange, sacred, and holy legal incantations muttered by federal officials including Title 18 USC 402 Contempt; Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction Court Order; tampering with federal agency, Contempt of Congress...

Chairman Jerrold Nadler

House Judiciary Committee
2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Chairman-The Honorable

Richard E. Neal
Way and Means Committee
1139E Longworth HOB
Washington D.C. 20515

Chairmanwoman Carolyn B. Maloney

House Oversight Committee
2157 Rayburn HOB
Washington,DC 20515

President George Bush

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

President Barack Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

President Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500

1. I Question of Human Rights Violations In The Social Security Process 1997-1999 SSA Application 1997-1999

2. II State and Federal Disability Determination Set Precedents Too Throw Away Medical Record & Hold Hearings in States Where Applicants Do Not Reside 2000-2006

3. III Acting Commissioner Linda McMahon Final Denial 2007 Grants Benefits and 4 Years Backpay in US District Court-Out of Court Settlement

4. IV US Circuit Court of Appeals District Of Columbia Quashes Attempts to Overturn Final Determination & Finding USDC, NM 2008-2010

5. V Questions of Attempts to Challenge US National Sovereignity? Grounds for Alien and Sedition Act Or Temporary UN Custody USDC,MT 2012?

6. Exhibit V(a) Obama Administration Takes On Conservative Seditionist Elements Offsets Apparent Attempt To Overthrow The US Government Filed USDC,MT 2012

7. V(b) Texas Terrorist Appears In USDC, Idaho Calls Government His Bought Bitch Government Declines to Investigate or Prosecute Massive Medicaid Fraud 2010-2012

8 VI Increase In Assassination Attempts & Abuse Of Law Enforcement & Intelligence Assets Increase In Medicare Frauds 2012-2017

9 VII 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals Begins Quash SSI Statute; More Frauds Against Medicare 2014-2017
10. VIII Interference With Medical Treatment As National Policy Arizona Takes Lead In Medicare Fraud 2016-2017

11 National Soverign Questions Returned to Trump Administration From UNHCHR Case 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals 17-35651-Issues Appear Reserved To US Congress

12. XII Donald Trump Administration America First Health Care To Protect Pre Existing Medical Conditions 2018-2020

13. XIII Trump Adminstration & USAG William Barr Move to Reinstate Rule of Law Will Leading to Anarchy & Civil War?

14. XIV Trump Administrations Operation Warp Speed & Fight Against Corona Virus
XV XV Long Term Care Facility Abuses Fuels 150,000+ Dead Corona Virus Pandemic Political Patronage System Makes Facilities Bullet Proof

16. XVI While Better Solutions Exist They Don't Fit the Political Patronage Systems Agenda

18. XVII President Donald J Trump Impeached for Sedition Biden Adminstration Takes Office 1/20/2021

19. Political Patronage
System and government for sale.

UN 1503 Treaty National Institutes of Human Rights and Diplomatic Process

21. Do Better Options Exist?

22. Certificate of Service On US Congress...

. President Franklin D Roosevelt

The White House
1600 Penn Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

. President John F Kennedy

The White House
1600 Penn Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

. US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Republic From Oregon
A Hand UP Not A Hand Out
A Great American Tradition
During the great depression President Franklin D Roosevelt instituted the Works Progress Administation Social Security; and other programs to help those in need. President John F Kennedy is quoted as saying "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" and apparently helped create AMERICORP Volunteers in Service for America. US Senator Mark O Hatfield of Oregon; US Senator Ted Kennedy; US Senator John Glenn created the...

Office of the United Nations

High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
UN 1503 Treaty & National Institutes of Human Rights
The International Amicus Curiae 1997-2020
UN 1503 Treaty & National Institutes of Human Rights National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) that comply with the principles relating to the status of national institutions, commonly known as the Paris Principles,... Many countries in the word have accredited Institutes of Human Rights however the United States does not although a number of human rights clinics exist. The Carr Center for Human Rights - Harvard Kennedy School the International Human Rights Center UCLA and Human Rights Center Berkley

I Possible Changes In Legislative Process To
Eliminate Political Patronage System & Bribes to Officials

House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510
Creation of Peoples Congress
The US House of Representatives and US Senate would meet each year in a different state house to take care of business instead of in Washington DC. The Congress can take care of most business electronically and reinforce the public confidence that their government represenatives are permanently on the take from every goof ball with a $5.00 bill or diner at Burger King

Gnomes of Switzerland
Swiss Form of Government
No Point Bribing Public Officials
The Swiss system of government empowers the Parliament to propose legislation which cannot pass into law without national referendum and voter approval. Political Lobbyist spend time and effort speaking to voters instead of bribing government officials

Scene From Movie Untouchables
Ellito Ness Discusses Swimming
Therapy With Councilman John OShea?
In this scene from popular movie "The Untouchables": Kevin Cosner playing Treasury Agent Elliott Ness is explaining the Roman theory of swimming therapy here persons attempting to bribe public officials were tied in a bag with a wild animal and thrown into the river.

II Possible Improvement In Rule of Law/Security?

Recommendation For National Pledge of Allegience Day
VS The Practice of Summary Executions
It is recommended that every federal, state,and local employee reaffirm their Oath of Allegience to the United States. If the United States Supreme Court issues a ruling the discussion is over.

If you can't obey the laws of the land; support and defend the Constitution you hold you might resign or apply for amnesty

. Project Exile

Richmond, VA
Project Exile Richmond, VA
Project Exile provided federal prosecution for crimes committed with a firearm and resulted in dramatic drop in such cases. Gun Control Act of 1968; 5 extra years in federal prison provided career criminals with a strong incentive to not pull the trigger

United States of Mexico

Official residence of Los Pinos,
Molino del Rey s / n,
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec,
Federal District. CP 11850

Her Majesties Government

Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London, United Kingdom

The Russian Federation

Government House
2 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya
Moscow 103274
Forget a Border Wall-Annex Mexico?
The United States of The Americas
A long, long,long time ago the United States lowered it's standards the admit Texas to the Union. If Mexico wants to join the Union we could base the United States of the Americans losesly on the European Union with Canada; the United Kingdom and Russia as members and exclusive trading partners. (We could make trillions rebuilding roads; schools; and infrastructure and benefit from Mexico's national resources)

III Reforms In Welfare & Social Services?

. President Franklin D Roosevelt

The White House
1600 Penn Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

. President John F Kennedy

The White House
1600 Penn Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

. US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Republic From Oregon
A Hand UP Not A Hand Out
A Great American Tradition
During the great depression President Franklin D Roosevelt instituted the Works Progress Administation Social Security; and other programs to help those in need. President John F Kennedy is quoted as saying "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" and apparently helped create AMERICORP Volunteers in Service for America. US Senator Mark O Hatfield of Oregon; US Senator Ted Kennedy; US Senator John Glenn created the...

Governor Gavin Newsom

c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Federal Emergency Management Agency


President Elect Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC
Governor Gavin Newsom & FEMA
Partner for Project Roomkey 2020
Begins placing homeless persons from shelters and streets into hotel rooms; similar programs existed in 1980's during Governor Pete Wilson operated by counties and Governor Fife Symington AZ UMON converted hotel in Phoenix, AZ

Kern County Adult & Protective Service

5700 Truxton Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Operational Audits For Assisted Living
Board and Care Homes-Accountability & Transparency?
This Link shows potential for auditing formats to address various concerns in assisted living; room and care and similar institutions before problems become fatal to residents

Appendix A Acts Of State Sponsored Terroristm
Involving Law Enforcement & Intellingence Assets

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

Former President Barrack Obama

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Secretary Jeff Johnson

US Depart of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Freedom of Speech-So Let It Be Written And Let It Be Done
Leads To Passage of US Freedom Act of 2015
In 2015; US Senator Patrick Leahy the Dean of the US Senate and Congressman James Sensebrenner of House Committee on Judiciary cosponsored the USA Freedom Act of 2015. The US Congress passed the USA Freedom Act to curb abuses of US Patriot Act based on idea that most citizens didn't need the permission of government to speak; communicate or forfeit their rights to privacy without due process of law. The widespread abuses included the CIA breaking into computers of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; gathering of metadata from all sources which is only useful for blackmail and extortion; and sustained electronic warfare attacks against United Kingdom a sovereign country where the internet service provider is located.

The United Kingdom is not subject to the laws of the United States and persons, groups, and organizations facilitating terrorist or electronic warfare attacks are legitimate military targets. The materials on this website are submitted as "Evidence and Testimony" before the US Congressional Committees and no members of the Courts or Executive Branch of Government can server legal process on Capitol HIll . Provisons of US Patriot Act for warrantless searches was declared unconstitutional in USDC,DC by Judge Richard Leon in Klayman v Obama As the Obama Administration continues to challenge the Separation of Powers clause of the Constitution it will be interesting to see how many officials get removed or have to resign from public office for abuse of power. The Watergate Hearings rebuked the doctrine that government officials are above the law and blessed 40 government employees with 200 years in prison for violation of

Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

Appendix B Blackletter Law & Roman Model
& Presence Of Entrophy In Federal Agencies

Press On Image To Enlarge

ORDER From US Supreme Court
Do Not Contact ORDERS
Blocks All Legal & Technical Reviews
Generally known in all federal programs as clients rights and responsibities defined by law as Title 42 USC 423 (d)(5)(b) Disability Determinations and only subject to review pursuant to provisions of Title 42 USC 405 Judicial Review Since 1997 the Social Security Administration has appeared at BAR in numerous civil actions to prevent and block any legal or technical reviews which have not been filed in a USDC

Advanced Medical Directive

Requires Contract to Provide Medical Services
Why Is The United States Going Broke?
Medical Failure Equal Profit for Hospitals and Doctors
Strange I thought medical professionals were supposed to be healers who resolved medical problems instead of dragging them out for years and years to increase profits 10 Doctors 5 years to do minor surgery for cancer in office. 45 Doctors took 15 years to do colon exam. 160 Doctors treated chronic blood clots and 4-5 hospitalizations a year at $400,000 until 1 doctor prescribed Xarelto-a pill a day..131 Doctors Treat Chronic Infection 1 doctor solves problem with hospital visit. Primary Care Physicians prescribe assisted living as needed for hip replacement...., how many years will pass before this occurs

Roman Model

Press On Image To Enlarge
The Roman Model-Enforced Migration
For Homeless Programs
Link As in Roman Times the migration of low income groups to major cities created many problems. The modern day policy of enforced migration broadly violates United States Supreme Court Williams v Fears and US V Guest

Operational Audits 1997-2016

Press On Image to Enlarge
Finishing Reports
Audits Review Failure in Programs
& Presence of Entrophy
Entrophy the 2nd Thermodymanic Law of the Universe concerns the decay of all organized systems over a period of time. The more complex the system the more entrophy generally present. Government and business often use auditing programs to identify entrophy to increase performance in operations:

Congessional Audits and Surveys The Study of Operational Impediments
& The Study Of Entrophy In Fluid Systems 1986-2020

US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chairman Senate Appropriations

Former US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman Banking & Urban Affairs Committee
San Antonio,Texas 78205

US Congressman Tony Coelho

House Majority Whip
Modesto, CA 95354
Evidence and Testimony
Submitted to Congress
It seems that many Chairman of Congress believe in the concept of work ethic and if they find you on Capitol Hill or too close to something they are working on will actually have someone volunteered or simply drafted. I-5 Cooridor Agreement origionally on covered portions of California, Oregon, and Washington but was rapidly expanded by the national leadership to include a third of the United States. Congressman Henry B Gonzalez caught me on Capitol Hill about 1988 circulating one of my publications and had me introduced to the HUD Inspector General.. This assignment lasted until about 1993 when the Clinton Administration came into power and replaced me with 2 convicted persons who according to press reports were paid $80,000 a year plus expenses..
1. 1-5 Corridor Agreement study authorizations for surveys in 15 states 1986

2. Directory Model Social Service Agencies

3. Organized Crime Ties to US Dept HUD Confirmed Kills

4. Federal Law CSBG US Senator Mark O Hatfield

5. Welfare Reform Act 1986

6. Food Stamps For Homless Act US Congressman Tony Coelho
7. Audits USDA Programs confirmed kills

8. Audits US Postal Programs confirmed kills

9. Terrorist in Social Services confirmed kills

8. Spyware Act of 2005 2nd Federal Law 2015

9. Emergency Management Authorizations1993-2013

10. Emergency Management Structure 15 States1993-2013

11. Operational Audit Social SecurityExecutive ORDER 1997-2015

US Government Depository

This Link To Citations
By Library Of Congress
& Statutes Passed Into Law

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548

Former VP Brady Exber

Vegas Club Hotel & Casino
Chairman Homeless Coalition
Las Vegas, NV 89101
"Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark" Circa 1993
Who could forget the immortal words of my alleged organized crime who explained that "Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark"

Acting US Attorney General

William Barr
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Chrsisti Grimm
Acting Inspector General
HHS Inspector General
PO Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026

Gale Ennis

SSA Inspector General
SAIG Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17785
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
Prosecutable Federal Offenses
1. Title 18 USC 402 Contempt might include practicing, vending, or dispensing federal law without license or actual contempt of Court

2. Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction of Court ORDER; Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime

3. Title 18 USC 913 Impersonator Making Arrest Whoever falsely represents himself to be an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, and in such assumed character arrests or detains any person or in any manner searches the person, buildings, or other property of any person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

4. Title 18 USC 371 Conspiracy to Committ an Offense To defraud the United States If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

5. Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of Mail Generally Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

7. Title 18 USC 1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant (b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to— (1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding; (2) cause or induce any person to— (A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding; (B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; (C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or (D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

7. Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Government Accountability Office

Government Accountability Office
441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
(202) 512-3000
By email:
Service Of Process On Congress
Exhibit Page NACertificate of Service On Congress extensive recommendations for Congressional Supercedes

Press On Image To Link

National Security Death Warrants
Or Amnesty Application
Title 18 USC 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees concerns acts such as Contempt of Congress while Chapter 115-Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities what appears to be a large number of 3rd party casualties appear to have gone to meet Jesus while trying to explain to those who run they country they merited no respect.