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US Department of Justice
Authorized US Code Service
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-
US Attorney General States Local Prosecutors
Are Refusing To Enforce Entire Classes Of Laws
It is the job of local,state, and federal prosecutors to enforce and prosecute all laws with fairness and equity and not deny any person the equal protection of the law (14th and 5th Amendments. This Link Political Patronage Briefly reviews how the political patronage system entices local prosecutors and others to refuse to enforce the law. This Link former US Attorney General Eric Holder also addressed serioius abuses of prosecutorial authority
Trump Administration Ends CMS Oversight
2 Million & Long Term Care Residents Die
US Congressman Bill Pascell has efforts to have nursing homes regulated by CMS by US Department of HHS which was revolked by Trump Administration.2 Million dead (250,000 a year) since 2014 as a result of medical error. The online databases show that actually began paying in 2010 to deny patients treatment for pre-existing conditions and block prosecution:

President Barrack Obama

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500

USAG Eric Holder

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Peter Spencer

SSA Region 9
P.O. Box 4201
Richmond, CA 94804
Exhibit Page #23 Janurary-July 2008
Table of Contents
1. Exhibits Page 22 Exhibit Page #22 Social Security Administration's Secret Hearing & Request For Unauthorized Review Generates $35,000 Unpaid Legal Bills

2. Citation of Authority Administrative Law Judge Makes Partially Favorable Decision April, 2005 Commissioners Final Denial Can't Be Overturned

3. Citation of Authority US Attorney USDC, WDT Civil Case Number A:99CA0156SS Commissioners Final Ruling Cannot Be Overturned Outside USDC

4. Exhibits #A Social Security Secret October, 2007 Remanded USDC, New Mexico Janurary, 2008

5. Exhibits #B Social Security Request Administrative Law Hearing Remanded USDC, New Mexico Janurary, 2008

6. Exhibit C Complaint Filed In USDC, NDC Janurary, 2008

7. Exhibit D Various Pleadings In USDC,NDC

8. Exhibit E Court ORDERS Amended Complaint Denies Court ORDERED ADR

9. Exhibit F Court Quashes It's Own ADR ORDER & Other Irregularities

10. Exhibits G End of Litigation in NDC Judicial Misconduct by Administrative Law Staff

11. Exhibit H The Terminator Announced Massive Cuts In Medical Programs

12. Exhibit I Administrative Law Judges Challenge Commissioners Final Determination

13. Exhibits Page 25 Exhibit Page #25 Social Security Administration's Secret Hearing & Request For Unauthorized Review Generates $15,000 Capital Loss

Social Security Administration

Disability Adjuciation and Review
ALj Sandra K Rogers
3116 W. March Lane
Stockton, California 95219

McGregor W. Scott, USA*

501 I Street, Suite 10-100
Sacramento, CA 95814

The Social Security Administration

Office of Disability Adjuciation and Review
ALj Mark Dawson
555 Broadway, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Commissioner's Final Determiination
Out of Court Settlement/ Can't Be Overturned
Acting Commisssioner Linda McMahon issued a final denial which can only be overturned or modified in a USDC as cited in Title 42 USC 405(g) Judicial Review:

...No findings of fact or decision by the Commissioner shall be reviewed by any person, tribunal, or government agency except as herein provided. No action against the United States, the Commissioner or any officer or employee thereof shall be brought under Section of 1331 or 1346 of Title 28,United States Code, to recover on any claim arising under this subchapter

1. Case Law: Walters v Apfel & Asture CA: SA-97-CA-1313 USDC, WDT and being Affirmed by 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals (99-50174). the Social Security Administration lacks the jurisdictional authority to review the finding of a USDC Judge and is required to request hearings in Title 28 Sec 405 (g)(h) Final decisions of district courts Attempts by mere Administrative Law employees to over rule or Quash the ORDER of the Courts is nonsensical and could be addressed pursuant to:

2. Case Law: Walters v Astrue 09-05206 US Circuit Court DC at the request of the parties a 3rd party request to interplead was Quashed and no hearing can be held without the Commissioner filing for a Judicil Review

3. In 2007 Commissioner made an admission of fact and law at Bar that Chris Walters is disabled and changes; termination; or suspension of the SSI benefits package are denied by ORDER Of several US Courts at request of SSA Commissioner until such time as the question of law in heard in USDC Title 42 USC Sec 405(G)H) Judicial Review and challenges US Supreme Court requirement of fair hearing:

4. Title 18 USC 1509. Obsruction of Court ORDERS Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime

5th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Reavley, Politz, and Jolly, Circuit Judges
600 Maestri Place
New Orleans, LA 70130-3408
US 5th Circuit # 99-50174
CA: SA-97-CA-1313

Hon Richard Puslisi Civ 1:07-cv-00257-JCH
333 Lomas N.W.
Alb., NM 87102

Linda McMahon
SSA Commissioner
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Larry Gomez
555 South Telshor
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Supreme Court of the United States

1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
Ongoing Challenge To ORDER Closure
US Supreme Court and 3 US Circuit Courts of Appeals
The family of legal actions styled Walters V Social Security...have been closed for 20 years from futher adjudication. The Commissioners Final Determination of 2007 was an out of court settlement which cannot be appealed, modified. or amended The several US Circuit Courts of Appeals and US Supreme Court have declined to permit the matter to be brought up for additional review.

US Circuit Court of Appeals
for District of Columbia
Before Chief Judge Sentelle, Tatel, and Garland
Civil: 09-05206
333 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Hon Robert Bacharach

10th USCA
USDC 13cv247
Civil Case: No. 13-2087
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

Hon Stephen Anderson

10th USCA
USDC 13cv247
Civil Case: No. 13-2087
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

Hon Timothy Tymkovich

10th USCA
USDC 13cv247
Civil Case: No. 13-2087
1823 Stout Street,
Denver, CO 80257

Exhibits #A Social Security Request Administrative Law
Hearing Remanded USDC, New Mexico Janurary, 2008

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Stockton ALJ Prepared For
Administative Law Review?
Actual letter that the Administrative Law office intends to conduct a legal review of the case after the matter was closed by a USDC, Judge.

Exhibit G

Transfer Notice Before Social Security Office
Adjudications & Review
3116 W March Lane #Suite 100
Stockton, CA 95219

5th US Circuit Court of Appeals

Reavley, Politz, and Jolly, Circuit Judges
Case- 99-50174
USDC,WDT CA: SA-97-CA-1313
600 Maestri Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Main Number (504) 310-7700
Question Title 18 USC 1509
Obstruction of Court ORDER
1. Case Law: Walters v Apfel & Asture CA: SA-97-CA-1313 USDC, WDT and being Affirmed by 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals (99-50174). the Social Security Administration lacks the jurisdictional authority to review the finding of a USDC Judge and is required to request hearings in Title 28 Sec 405 (g)(h) Final decisions of district courts Attempts by mere Administrative Law employees to over rule or Quash the ORDER of the Courts is nonsensical and could be addressed pursuant to:

2. Case Law: Walters v Astrue 09-05206 US Circuit Court DC at the request of the parties a 3rd party request to interplead was Quashed and no hearing can be held without the Commissioner filing for a Judicil Review

3. In 2007 Commissioner made an admission of fact and law at Bar that Chris Walters is disabled and changes; termination; or suspension of the SSI benefits package are denied by ORDER Of several US Courts at request of SSA Commissioner until such time as the question of law in heard in USDC Title 42 USC Sec 405(G)H) Judicial Review and challenges US Supreme Court requirement of fair hearing:

4. Title 18 USC 1509. Obsruction of Court ORDERS Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime

Exhibit B Complaint Filed In USDC, NDC Janurary, 2008
Presiding Magistrte Judge Admits He Cannot Understand Case-Too Complex

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA
Complaint Filed In
USDC Northern District of California
1. Complaint and Memorandum of Law request sanctions on the Defendant's employees for violations of Title 18 CRIMES.

2. USDC ORDER Dated 1-14-2008 filing action before Honorable US District Court Edward Chen authorizes "Discovey"

3. Motion For Service of Process by US Marshal with waiver of fees
Attached Exhibits USDC, NDC

Exhibit A

Judge Judith Hererra Presiding

Exhibit H

Notice From Betsy Huber
2141 Summit Court
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Attached Exhibits USDC, NDC

Exhibit B

Letter From Wells Fargo Bank
Dated November 29th, 2007

Exhibit C

Application Health Plan of San Joaquin
Dated 9-26-2007

Exhibit D

Assigning EHS Medical Group
Florin Road, Sacramento, CA
Blue Cross & Shield of California
Attached Exhibits USDC, NDC

Exhibit E

Notice of Divorce
From Superior Court Weed, CA

Exhibit G

Transfer Notice Before Social Security Office
Adjudications & Review
3116 W March Lane #Suite 100
Stockton, CA 95219

Exhibit C Various Pleadings In USDC,NDC

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Amicus Curiea Brief
Title 18 USC 4 Misprison The Felony #3
Amicus Curiea Brief on possible violations of Title 18 CRIMES. The Courtsey brief was shared with US Magistrate Judge Chen in US District Court, Northern District of California-Copy provided to US Attorney; and Regional Commissoner Peter Spencer.

US Magistrate Judge Edward M. Chen

Before the United States District Court
Northern District of California
450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Commissioner Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

US Attorney Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Amicus Curiea Brief
Title 18 USC 4 Misprison The Felony #4
Amicus Curiea Brief on possible violations of Title 18 CRIMES filed Federal Prosecutor concerning what Administrative Law Judge Sandra K Rogers Notice of Hearing describes as being based on a "Secret Hearing" on October 15th, 2007 at the Social Security Appeals Council.

Questions Deferred to Congress
Social Security Administrations Request
To Amend The Hallex Deferred US Congress
FYI Addressed To Commissioner on Request of AJG Sandra K Rogers for "Disability Determination as this link suggest.

Before Social Security Appeals Council

Office of Hearings and Appeals
5107 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041-3255
Motion to Quash Disability Determination
& Implement Commissioner Astrue
USDC Agreement SS 261-90-6357
Motion To Quash addressed to Social Security Appeals Council reviews lack of jurisdiction for "Disability Determination" and recommend we move on with implementation of US Court agreement.

Before the Office of Adjudication and Review

Social Security Administration
3116 W March Lane Ste 100
Stockton, CA 95219-2374
Notice of Appearance and Responsive
Pleading And Remand To The
United States District Court SSI Claim 261-90-6357
Notice of Hearing before Office of Adjudication and Review in Stockton, CA mailed 1-12-2008 citing US District Court jurisdiction

Before the Office of Adjudication and Review

Social Security Administration
3116 W March Lane Ste 100
Stockton, CA 95219-2374
Appended Motion To Address
2 Additional Questions Too
Office of Hearings & Appeals?
Additional Questions addressed to Administrative Law Judge on vocational training issues. The Judge received the reply and then states I "failed to appear" or denied having recieved it.

Exhibit #D Court ORDERS Amended Complaint
Denies Court ORDERED ADR/March, 2008

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Granting Motion TO Amend Complaint
The Judge explained the Complaint is too complex for him to understand and he granted an extension of time to amend the matters and refile them.

Press To Enlarge

Press To Enlarge

Press To Enlarge

Press To Enlarge

Press To Enlarge

Exhibit #E Court Quashes It's Own
ADR ORDER & Other Irregularities April, 20e08

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Judical Disability Question
Judge Can't Understand Litigation? Impediment #2
1. Question Judicial Misconduct Filed in 9th and 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals asks if Judge William Herbert and Judge Sandra Rogers have misappropriated the right of review of USDC and US Circuit Court of Appeals reserved by statute Title 18 USC 1291?

2. Notice of Failure To Appear by ALJ Sandra K Rogers explains he thinks I have failed to appear

3. Discovery-Temporary Injunction asks Court to Issue Temporary Injunction to prevent ALJ Rogers from closing SSI claim without jurisdictional right of review

4. Petition for Writ of Mandamus asks Court to release backpay scheduled for April, 2008 for medical and vocational training
Court Suggest ADR For
Settlement In Wrong Venue
1. ADR from ORDER OF US District Court Chen inquires on settlement which is what the ADR document is since the Commissioner has a legally valid contract. The Court apparently issued a Denial of Discovery even thought it has ORDERED the processs and service on every other party.

2. Notice of Move to New Mexico this is an inquiry to move SSI claim back to Las Cruces, NM to complete medical work

Before the United States District Court

Northern District of California
450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Before the United States District Court

Northern District of California
450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Exhibits #F End of Litigation in NDC
Judicial Misconduct by Administrative Law Staff

Before the United States District Court

Northern District of California
450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA
Court Denies
Motion For Summary Judgement
1. Motion For Summary Judgement based on unlawful 3rd party Interpleader appearance of Social Security Administrative Law Judge William Herbert and Sandra Rogers prior to Commissioner being served Summons

2. Leave of Absence explains Chris Walters will be out of the area seeking a new location to get his medical work done.

Before the United States District Court

Northern District of California
450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA
Court Strikes Settlement Claims
1. Notice of Settlement release of partial back pay $4,000.00 begin move to Las Cruces, NM to begin medical work. Accounting of monies spent to move during the Easter weekend-needed extra layovers on travel because of crowded conditions on bus/train.

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Notice Of
Compliance With ORDER Of Court
The US District Court suggested the civil action be refiled as a new complaint in the proper venue of New Mexico.

1. Motion to Answer as Discovery asks if Chris Walters can seek settlement of issues with SSA based as a "Discovery Process".

2. Request for Reconsideration Order of Court based on Plaintiff being on "Leave of Absence"

3. Notice of Withdrawl Or Law Suit

4. Notice of Compliance With ORDER Of Court

5. Judicial Disability Question filed with 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals
Official Court Docket
Walters V Asture USDC, NDC

Press To Enlarge

Press To Enlarge

Exhibit H The Terminator Announced Massive Cuts In Medical Programs

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Governor Announced Massive
Cuts In Medical Programs Impediment #3
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger budget request massive cuts in state programs due to economic slowdown. Specificially the cuts in existing medical programs would make it impossible to move forward with medical programs.

Before Office of Circuit Executive

United States Courts for the Tenth Circuit
Byron White United States Courthouse
1823 Stout Street
Denver, Colorado 80257

Before Office of Circuit Executive

United States Courts for the 9th Circuit
95 Seventh Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Judicial Misconduct
Question In 9th and 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals
I asked both Courts to consider that both ALJ William Herbert and ALJ Sandra Rogers have usurped the rights reserved to the US Circuit Court of Appeals Title 28 Sec 1291 Final decisions of district courts No Social Security employee or mere Administrate Law Judge has any legal right to reconsider rulings of United States Judges.

Judicial Disability Question filed with 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals asked if US Magistrate Chen might have dimished capacity. He continues to generate legal briefs in a cause where settlement has been reached; where the Courts have ruled the cause closed....

Comptroller of the Currency

Customer Assistance Group
1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450
Houston, TX 77010

US Bank

Monica Mercado Branch Co-Manager
Lodi In-Store
449 West Kettleman Ln.
Lodi, CA 95242
Comptroller Puts Unlawful
Overcharges Into Restitution
The Comptoller of the currency has put Bank of America into restitution for $175.00 and Wells Fargo into restitution for about $45.00 in bogus overcharges. This link concerns similar fraud made by US Bank of Lodi, California where a Complaint was filed with Comptroller of Currency for attempt by US Bank to created 8 or 9 unauthorized overcharges at $35.00 each.

Legal Costs-Capitol Expenditures
$35,000 March-July 2008
Of $13,000 in back pay and regular monies received from March, 2008 until end of July, 2008 monies were spent:

1. $1000.00 Move to Las Cruces, NM

2. $3000.00 Rent Apartment at Plaza Suites

3. $2,000.00 Furnish Apartment at Plaza Suites

4. $4,000.00 Legal Briefs for 2 USDC actions and 1 Appeal to 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals

5. $3,000.00 Computer/Vocational program which is installed in Washington State.

6. $22,000.00 for 200 hours of counsels time preparing and serving legal briefs at

a costs of $110.00 per hours


Chairman Christopher Dodd

US Senate Committee on Banking,
Housing, and Urban Affairs
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Chairman Barney Franks

House Financial Services Committee
2129 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515

Question On Legality Of Banks Borrowing
Monies from Customer Accounts To Create
Short Term Interest Free Loans
Dear Chairman of Congressional Committee:

A question on Banking institutions writting short term interest free loans on customer accounts has arisen which the Comptroller of the Currency has recently explained lacks a clear cut jurisdiction to act:

1. Exhibit A: Letter Janurary 30th, 2008 to Comptroller of the Currency explaining Bank of America and Wells Fargo Bank have already restituted for this practice.

2. Exhibit B: Draft lawsuit on US Bank Corp on usury or money laundering in Acct #153493793183
Descripton of the Problem Possible And Banking Frauds
The various banking interest apparently decline to pay debits from ATM customer accounts and instead hold the money for 5-10 days to sit on the interest of EBT/Debit purchases. This practice means that customer accounts are often out of balance where the bank statement printed at the ATM are incorrect and causes unintentional overdrafts. If customers overdraft their account they are likely to discover they are being charged $35.00 for each additional item the bank has been refusing to pay in order to garner unlawful interest. When I worked at the proof and operations department of the National Bank of Commerce 30 years ago we often had a 10-14 day float time dealing with the movement of paper items. In the modern world of ATM and EBT transactions the purchases move at the speed of light and while an occassional item might be delayed it appears the Banking industry has found this an easy means to defraud the public through this mechanism of fraud. In almost every transaction taking place daily in the United States the customer in making a purchase provides money, is given their change, and a correct reciept. The Committees are asked to consider the question of law or lack thereof of this modern day version of usury and fraud.

Respectfully Submitted By Chris Walters
PO Box 232
Las Cruces, NM 88004-0232

Exhibit I Administrative Law Judges Challenge Commissioners Final Determination

Hon Judge Bruce Black

Hon Lourdes A. Martínez
333 Lomas, NW.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Special Agent In Charge

Carol K.O. Lee
4200 Luecking Park Ave. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

CEO Ken Lewis

Bank of America
100 North Tryon St
Charlotte, NC 28202
Mr. Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

Kenneth D. Lewis CEO
Bank of America
Attorney James E Shively
Vs. Civil #Civil # 09-811

Mr. Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

Kenneth D. Lewis CEO
Bank of America
Attorney James E Shively
(602-840-1400) Vs. Civil #Civil # 09-811
Question of Impeachment Of USDC
Judge Bruce Black/Impediment #18
This Link The Honorable Judge Bruck Black ruling in Mr. Chris Walters,v. Kenneth D. Lewis CEO Bank of America Attorney Civil #Civil # 09-811in USDC New Mexico expressed no objection to seizure of counsel's papers in violation of Title 18 USC 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law ( US v Haldeman, Erlichman, Dean) as cited: The Court also recommends denying Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend Complaint (Doc. 10). In that motion, Plaintiff claims that Defendant violated his equal protection and due process rights by seizing his social security money from his safe deposit box in violation of an order entered in another case in the United States District Court. Document 10 at 1 (referring to Walters v. Social Security Administration, CV-07-0257 JCH/RLP). Plaintiff’s claim that his constitutional rights were violated because of an order entered in another case is without merit because Plaintiff fails to state which order entered in his previous case was violated....

2. The purpose of the criminal activity with the tatic approval of the USDC was to destroy legal documents which showed service of process as made on the Social Security Commissioner and other documents related to Court process.

Hon Judge Robert Scott

333 Lomas N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Gregg Fouratt

555 South Telshor
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

#CIV 080380 USDC New Mexico
SSA Administrative Law Judges
Lacks Standing For Review
Walters v Asture USDC, NM 2008 this link Walters v Asture USDC, NM 2008 Judicial Review on SSA employees challenge to Commissioners Final Determinations Commisioners claim to soverginity over state employees sustained Waltes V Asture 10th Circuit withdrawn by Appellant for lack of cause of action where Commissioner resolved problem Request for Judicial Review 2007 Commissioner waives right to trial and makes admission of disability while case at Bar. Case Withdrawn. The Social Security Administration apparently held a hearing in a state I no longer reside in after having been given notice I moved. The Social Security Administration has already issued a final denial by the Commissioner and lacks jurisdictional standing to adjudicate further.

Hon Edward M. Chen

450 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA

Michael J. Astrue

Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235

USA Melinda Haag

Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Chris Walters
Michael Astrue
Commissioner SSA

Administrative Law Judges Try To Quash
Commissioners Final Determination
Walters v SSA USDC,NDC Question on Judical Review-US Magistrate Judge Chen recommends rehearing of matters in proper jurisdiction USDC,NMThis link concerns an apparent request by ALJ William Herbert of San Antonio, Texas to ask for a "Secret hearing On October 15th, 2008 and subsequent demand by ALJ Sandra Rogers of Stockton, CA for a review of the SSI claim. The SSA reviw if prohibited under Title 28 Sec 405 (g)(h) Final decisions of district courts of review of the disability determination made by USDC NM Walters V Astrue 07-cv-257 the Honorable Judith Hererra Presiding. The failure of the Social Security Administration to appear and answer the summons in the origional case (USDC NM cv-07-0257 means the SSA can't appeal Commissioner's own final determination. US Magistrate explained in his ORDERS he is having problems understanding the complex case and finally decides the proper venue is USDC New Mexico.

Honorable Judges Paul Friedman; Judge Rosemary Collyer;& Judge Richard Leon

United States District Court
District of Columbia
333 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 354-3000
Mr. Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se

Michael Astrue, et all
Social Security Administration
USDC DC Blocks Request NC
Title 42 USC 405(g)(H)Judicial Review
Walters v Asture USDC, DC 2011 Judge Rosemary Collier denies hearing on North Carolina proposal to cancel SSI or medical benefits. Commissioner Legal Counsel express lack of interest in going to bar. US Circuit Court sustains Judge Colliers ruling for lack of interest of parties to litigate. As far as is possible to know the Social Security Administration is requesting a hearing pursuant to Title 42 Sec 405 (g)(h) Judicial Review The questions origionally appeared to be violations of Title 18 USC 402 Contempt however the later communications appear meritorious. The Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer will not permit the case to be filed or heard so a Petition For Writ of Certiorari has been filed in US Circuit Court of Appeals:

Hon Larry Boyles Presiding

USDC Idaho
550 W Fort St
Boise, ID 83724

USAG Eric Holder

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Stanley Friendship

SSA Region 10
701 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104-7075
Chris Walters,
Plaintiff Pro Se
Michael Asture
Commissioner SSA
Stanley Friendship
Case 1:11-cv-000359-LMB
Filed 8-04-2011
Social Security Request Judicial Review in USDC
Withdrawn Because Residence Skilled Nursing Facility
Walters v Asture USDC Idaho Presiding Magistrate authorizes Judicial Review based on HHS termination of medicaid-however case dropped when SSA Commissioner realizes I am in a Skilled Nursing Facility. This page reviews Commissioner Asture first request for Judicial Review as filed in USDC, Idaho which the USDC Idaho granted to move forward. As I was in Kindred Skilled Nursing Facility at this time creating $7,000 in medical bills monthly the Commissioner simply turned the benefits back on ending the need for a Judicial Review at this time. A Self Professed Texas Terrorist appeared and demanded to have Chris Walters thrown out of nursing home; kidknapped to Texas; held without trial or legal representation:

Procedural ORDER

United States District Court Idaho
The Honorable US Magistrate Larry Boyles Presiding
550 W Fort St. Room 400
Boise, ID 83724

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

Former President Barrack Obama

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Secretary Jeff Johnson

US Depart of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Freedom of Speech-So Let It Be Written And Let It Be Done
Leads To Passage of US Freedom Act of 2015
In 2015; US Senator Patrick Leahy the Dean of the US Senate and Congressman James Sensebrenner of House Committee on Judiciary cosponsored the USA Freedom Act of 2015. The US Congress passed the USA Freedom Act to curb abuses of US Patriot Act based on idea that most citizens didn't need the permission of government to speak; communicate or forfeit their rights to privacy without due process of law. The widespread abuses included the CIA breaking into computers of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; gathering of metadata from all sources which is only useful for blackmail and extortion; and sustained electronic warfare attacks against United Kingdom a sovereign country where the internet service provider is located.

The United Kingdom is not subject to the laws of the United States and persons, groups, and organizations facilitating terrorist or electronic warfare attacks are legitimate military targets. The materials on this website are submitted as "Evidence and Testimony" before the US Congressional Committees and no members of the Courts or Executive Branch of Government can server legal process on Capitol HIll . Provisons of US Patriot Act for warrantless searches was declared unconstitutional in USDC,DC by Judge Richard Leon in Klayman v Obama As the Obama Administration continues to challenge the Separation of Powers clause of the Constitution it will be interesting to see how many officials get removed or have to resign from public office for abuse of power. The Watergate Hearings rebuked the doctrine that government officials are above the law and blessed 40 government employees with 200 years in prison for violation of

Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

United Nations Security Council

UN Secretariat Building
New York, New York 10017
Acts of War Directed Against the United Nations & United Kingdom
By 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals
History of Electronic Warfare attacks apparently by the United States against domestic and foreign interest led to creation of USA Freedom Act of 2015

US Senator Larry Craig

225 North 9th Street, Suite 530
Boise, Idaho 83702

US Senator Larry Craig Said No
You Will Be Punished!
When US Senator Larry Craig isn't busy molesting policement in the bathroom of the Minnesota Airport he seems to spend a lot of time engaged in computer hacking and terrorist activities in his home state of Idaho and Unniversity of Texas At Austin, TX

Hon Thomas O Rice

920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201

Michael E. Horowitz

Washington, D.C. 20530

Michael C. Ormsby, USA

P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210
Chris Walters

vs 2:13-cv-00001-TOR

Hon. Michael Horowitz
US Department of Justice
Inspector General
Question of Constituionality of US Patriot Act
& FBI Charter For Abuse of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Assets
Exhibit Page Question of Constitutionality of US Patriot Act based on serial stalking; computer hacking...creation of fictious convictions...

US Senator Sam Erwin

Democrat From North Carolina
WaterGate Hearing
Photo From Allen Green Blog
Washington, D.C. 20510
US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldeman
Erlichman; Dean Blessed With 200 Years in Federal Prison
Violation of Counsels papers was used to prosecute US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldemann, Erlichman, and Dean and 40 some off other federal employees who were blessed with collective 200 years in federal prison by USDC Judge Maxmimum John Sirrica under Deprivation of rights under color of law The breakin at the Watergate Hotel was the beginning of the end for renagade law enforcement activities whose neutering was supervised by US Senator Frank Church Chairman of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, (D)Idaho

Appendix B Blackletter Law & Roman Model
For Enforced Migration of Low Income Populations

Blackletter Law Requirements
Blackletter Law
Executive Fiat or ORDER 1997
The Social Security Administration appeared at Bar in USDC, WDT Walters v Miller, Crownover and exercised their sovereign authority to limit all activities related directly or indirectly to Social Security to a few authorized protocols listed above. Challenges to the Social Security Administrations soverign authority is prosecuted Title 18 USC 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Advanced Medical Directive

Requires Contract to Provide Medical Services
Why Is The United States Going Broke?
Medical Failure Equal Profit for Hospitals and Doctors
Strange I thought medical professionals were supposed to be healers who resolved medical problems instead of dragging them out for years and years to increase profits 10 Doctors 5 years to do minor surgery for cancer in office. 45 Doctors took 15 years to do colon exam. 160 Doctors treated chronic blood clots and 4-5 hospitalizations a year at $400,000 until 1 doctor prescribed Xarelto-a pill a day..131 Doctors Treat Chronic Infection 1 doctor solves problem with hospital visit. Primary Care Physicians prescribe assisted living as needed for hip replacement...., how many years will pass before this occurs

Roman Model

Press On Image To Enlarge
The Roman Model-Enforced Migration
For Homeless Programs
Link As in Roman Times the migration of low income groups to major cities created many problems. The modern day policy of enforced migration broadly violates United States Supreme Court Williams v Fears and US V Guest

Appendix C Citation of Federal Authority

US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chairman Senate Appropriations

Former US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman Banking & Urban Affairs Committee
San Antonio,Texas 78205

US Congressman Tony Coelho

House Majority Whip
Modesto, CA 95354
Exhibit C Submitted As Evidence And
Testimony To Congress-Exclusive Jurisdiction
You are looking at part of Exhibit C a United States source document submitted as Evidence and Testimony to the several committees of the United States Congress since 1986. The survey data is occassionally used for creation of federal statutes; considering possible improvements in operation of federal programs; and study of operational field impediments. Because of the Separation of Powers found in US Constitution and various Rules of Congress it not possible to serve summons, subponeas; or other court process on Capitol Hill and persons attempting to can be detained and arrested by Capitol Police or otherwise sanctioned. Obviously the only legal reviews which can occur would require permission of the Chairman of a Congressional Committee reviewing the matters at public hearings
Standing US Court ORDERS
And Black Letter Law
Beginning in 1997 the Social Security Administration issued an Executive ORDER or Fia before a USDC, WDT link restricting legal discussions to places and times authorized by statute and have successfully defended their statutory rights from a over 500 challenges A small host of poor bastards who appear to have challenged the Sovereign rights of the Social Security Administration or Congress appear to have been thrown down the political 5 ton wood chipper and the confirmed kill list appears to include at least 1 or 2 federal judges; maybe a couple of cabinet level officers; a bunch of US Attorneys and a many more lesser persons. Whispered in the background are the strange, sacred, and holy legal incantations muttered by federal officials including Title 18 USC 402 Contempt; Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction Court Order; tampering with federal agency, Contempt of Congress...

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Congressman Bob Goodlatte

ChairJudiciary Commmittee
2240 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

US Senator Lloyd Bentsen

Contact Tony Kuntsen
United States Senate
Washington,D.C. 20510

Press On Image

Library of Congress
101 Independence SE,
Washington, DC 20540
Citations 1983-2020

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548

Acting US Attorney General

William Barr
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Chrsisti Grimm
Acting Inspector General
HHS Inspector General
PO Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026

Gale Ennis

SSA Inspector General
SAIG Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17785
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
Prosecutable Federal Offenses
1. Title 18 USC 402 Contempt might include practicing, vending, or dispensing federal law without license or actual contempt of Court

2. Title 18 USC 1509 Obstruction of Court ORDER; Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime

3. Title 18 USC 913 Impersonator Making Arrest Whoever falsely represents himself to be an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, and in such assumed character arrests or detains any person or in any manner searches the person, buildings, or other property of any person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

4. Title 18 USC 371 Conspiracy to Committ an Offense To defraud the United States If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

5. Title 18 USC 1701 Obstruction of Mail Generally Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

7. Title 18 USC 1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant (b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to— (1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding; (2) cause or induce any person to— (A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding; (B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; (C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or (D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

7. Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

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National Security Death Warrants
Or Amnesty Application
Execution of Public & Private Interest
Engaged In Sedition; Insurrection & Other Challenges
The Political Patronage Systems controls the government and prevents normal protections to entire classes of citizens aiding acts of genocide, criminal activities; terrorist activities... A large number of 3rd party casualties appear to have gone to meet Jesus or lesser sections while trying to explain to those who run they country they merited no respect. Title 18 USC 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees concerns acts such as Contempt of Congress while Chapter 115-Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities

1. Circia 1986 California housing programs heavily involved in organized criminal activities which are apparently causing the deaths of a several thousands of clients a year

2. US Congressman Tony Coelho 1989 resigns after attempting to create artificial famine in largest food producing area of the planet. US Senator Alan Cranston gets sanctioned for $1.4 Trillion Savings and Loan Scandal

3. Walters V Blessings Diversion Food Stamps 1993-1996 apparently organized by the Clinton Administration involved refusing to close food stamp cases and permitting states to steal from USDA overpayments.

4. US Congressman Tony Coelho 1989 resigns after attempting to create artificial famine in largest food producing area of the planet

5. Chronic Theft US Mail routine theft of welfare benefits; obstruction of legal documents including federal court ORDERS

6. Fictious Conviction 1993-1996 challenged in USDC Modesto Rescue Mission intercepts Court ORDER to maintain conviction without trial. Mission Director Vern Deatheridge reportedly fired years later for stealing millions from the Mission

7. Theft of Bank Accounts 2008 Question of diversion of unauthorized of bank accounts and bogus conservatorships designed to steal from the elderly and disabled.

8. Challenges to Social Security Commissioner 2008 ALJ Dawson and Rogers fail in attempt to Quash Comissioners final determination USDC,NM Walters V Asture 2008 quashes California's challenges to Commissioners final determination and begins retaliation

10. Corruption in Casa Esperanza 2014 Manager sacked from alleged thefts from shelter and clients Secretary of HUD Shawn Donovan resigns-reassigned White House Chief of Staff

11. Denial of Reasonable Accomodation To Disabled Person 2014 HUD policy issue

12. Santa Barbara County Defrauds Medicare 2014 combat operations against organized criminal interest in HUD programs in California and Oregon

13. Santa Barbara County Retaliates 2016 County employee admits retaliation is in progress as various organization screw my primary care physician Dr.Diana Garcia MD

14. Path Shelter Trying to Kill Clients Included in package of items sent from United Nations back to Trump Administration

15. Lodi California Combat Operations sustained attacks of web providers and denial of medical treatment

16. Walters V Saul US Supreme Court 2019-2020 San Joaquin Skilled Nursing home Bakersfield, CA

17. Rest and Care Home Bakersfield, CA 2020